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Hi I'm Les and this page is a tribute to my 2 "angels", Camden and TaylorRae. Cam is 11 and Tay is 5. Be sure to check out their picture galleries. Oh yea...can't forget my favorite cat, Mister Mistoffolees..yes..his picture is there too.BIG KISSES to all three of you!

The regular baseball season ended today with the Mariners (Cam's team)defeating the Indians 33-8! NO, we were not playing football! WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS! Way to go boys!! Tournament of Champions begins in a few weeks. Tay's season ended last night...all teams in a tie. She wanted to know why. I told her because everyone is a great player. (I don't think she bought it!)

Recently I received a letter from the Anthology of Poetry by Young Americans. Cam's teacher had submitted one of his poems and it will be published in the 1999 edition. He is also received a national handwriting certificate on May 20th! Handwriting samples were submitted by fifth grade students from around the nation and the best ones received the certificates.He said that when the teacher called him up to her desk he thought that he was in trouble.

Dan the guitar man said that Cam is doing well in his lessons, too....future rock star? He won't let me sing in his band though...told me I'm too old...can you believe that?? *UPDATE*..we finally learned a song...well part of one. I have heard the beginning of "Pretty Fly for a White Guy" about 10,000 times...and he is working on "Stairway to Heaven"...just for me! What a Sweetie!

Tay is just as sweet as ever...a little "Rae" of sunshine. She has a brilliant smile that will brighten the dullest room. Her last day of school is May 21st, and she is very excited to start kindergarten. She has a mighty swing....whacks baseballs right over the fence...the boys on that team better watch out!

Give someone a hug today and tell them that they are special...they will appreciate it!

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