
Welcome to the Lucky Riders homepage! The Lucky Riders are a 4-H club based in Venango County, Franklin, Pennsylvania. Our club specializes in horses. Our club members learn proper horsemanship and care in a fun learning environment.
However in 4-H there is no time to waste. The year 2004 is about over but not with some very memorable experiences. Three members of the Lucky Riders participted in the 4-H State Horse Show in October at Harrisburg. Those showing at states were Lane Bowser with his Stock Type yearling filly placing 6th, Phillip Smrekar III showing in Theraputic Obstacle Trail & Walk/Trot Equitation placing 3rd in both classes, and Jackie Schmader showing in Cloverleaf Barrels Pony and Pole Bending Pony placing 3rd in barrels and getting a "CHAMPIONSHIP" in Pole Bending. CONGRADULATIONS TO ALL!!!
The year 2005 will kick-off with a 4-H Family Horse Dinner in March and 4-H in the Mall in April.
Other HORSE events coming up will be the 1st Qualifier Show on June 17th & 18th and the 2nd Qualifier Show on July 15th & 16th. The Qualifying shows are held at the Venango County Fairgrounds. The 4-H Venango County Fair is scheduled for August 12th through August 17th. The game show will be held on Saturday, August 13th at 9am and the halter/pleasure show will be held on Tuesday, August 15th. Exhibitors aculmulate points at all these shows to see who advances on to the District Horse Show held on September 9th - 11th. GOOD LUCK TO ALL NEXT YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you are interested in joining the Lucky Riders, or if you simply want to learn more about 4-H, contact our leaders, Brenda Jordan or Janet Mangel. Either will be more than happy to help you.
The 4-H Pledge
I pledge
My head to clearer thinking
My heart to greater loyalty
My hands to larger service
And my health to better living
For my club
My community
My country
And my world
4-H Colors
Green and White
"To make the best better"

Angelfire - Free Home Pages
National 4-H Council
National 4-H Headquarters
Venango County Cooperative Extension Office
Pennsylvania Cooperative Extension
Diligent Doers 4-H Club
Mud Bog Buckaroos
Oakland County 4-H Youth Programs, Michigan
Equine Placement Network
The Hay Net