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These are corner tubes made with and for PSP 7.
Left click on the tube(s) of your choice to download the zip file to your own server.
Unzip the file and place the tubes in your tubes folder.
The tubes were made out of dingbat fonts filled with a gold preset.
All corners shown at 90% unless otherwise stated.

Click the banner below to visit the rest of my site:

Karin´s Creations

Corner Ornament

Corners Zip 10

7 corners, 100%, shadow not included.

Corners Zip 9

4 corners, shadow not included.

Corners Zip 8

6 corners, shadow not included.

Corners Zip 7

6 corners, shadow not included.

Corners Zip 6

6 corners, shadow not included.

Corners Zip 5

6 corners, shadow not included.

Corners Zip 4

6 corners, shadow not included.

Corners Zip 3

6 corners, shadow not included.

Corners Zip 2

6 corners, shadow not included.

Corners Zip 1

6 corners, shadow not included.

Corner Ornament

Click the banner below to visit the rest of my site:

Karin´s Creations