As a musician, I began playing the 6-string guitar back in Junior High School. Back then, my 'hero' was John Denver. I felt he brought a fresh view on life, love and the environment. I began learning his songs; playing them all the time. I grew up Roman Catholic and belonged to a Youth Choir at church. Our director allowed guitars in the group and we created a great sound...and brought life to our services.
I played through High School but wrote very seldom. Once I hit college, and my close friends began getting married, I started writing, but only when the feelings for the songs were strong enough to allow the lyrics to simply pour out of my mind. The music came naturally...I play by ear and it has allowed me to create my own sound.
I was married to Wendy in 1982...converted to the Lutheran faith and since then have been spitting out many Christian spiritual ballads. Most of my songs tell a story. Sometimes they're about life...most times they're about His life. I write in the first-person of our Lord. I try to put myself in His shoes during the 33 years He had with us.
Some of the songs are dynamic...if it doesn't paint a picture in your mind, then I feel I've failed. Some are introspective...writing how it feels to be a sinner, but being saved by Grace through Faith. Sometimes the words hit home so much that it's hard to sing the songs. I know all of my failures...but I try to celebrate my redemption knowing His death brings me to His Gates.