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Welcome to Jessica's
Jean Sebastien Aubin
Fan Page!

About this page:

This page is dedicated to one of the newest and hottest goalie for the Pens, Jean Sebastien Aubin.With his amazing catching ability and quick precision, Aubin is gaining the respect he deserves. Below I have some information, stats and pictures of the man clad in the number 30.


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Note from the webmaster

I am very sad to report that I won't be updating this page as much as I would like to. As all of you know, Aubin is out for the season because of a hurt ankle. Snow is now taking the spotlight as goalie. Yes, I am upset by this move, but there is not much we can do. But I know that Aubin would be doing his best in the net, just as Snow is trying to do as well. Anyways, if I find any more info on Number 30, I will relay it ASAP! GO PENS!

Here I will post the lastest news and snipits of info on the Pens, and especially Aubin.


  • Well, duh, if you are any bit of a pens fan, (and if you are here, then you ARE) You will allready know that Super Mario has donned his skates once again to thrill the fans and dominate the ice! EVERYONE is happy that he has returned, and the igloo has been SOLD OUT. Jagr is especially estactic to have his scoring partner return to the ice to relieve some pressure off of his back. Talk about a comeback!
  • I have added a link below with some great pens stories! I'll tell you about the a hockey puck I aquired that Jagr actually practiced with, and how I got Mario Lemieux's autograph IN PERSON!!! Check it out!!

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    I've been having problems with my poll questions, but I will try to get them up and running soon!

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