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undefined My Lake Ariel, PA Vacation

My Lake Ariel Vacation Home Page

This is Lake Ariel on the North shore.

Hello and welcome to my Lake Ariel vacation web page. My name is Jarrett and I would like to share with you some events of a recent vacation I took with three of my friends in the beautiful state of Pennsylvania. If you look at the group photo I’ll introduce you to them. In the front seat on the left is Chris, a.k.a., Rexx; next to him is Melissa, a.k.a., Mel; in the back seat on the left is Craig, a.k.a., Craiger; and next to him is Jarrett (me), a.k.a., JJ. This web page and adjoining pages will contain funny stories; funny looking pictures; funny captions to go along with those pictures; and some nice scenic photos.

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Back row: Craig and Jarrett. Front row: Chris and Melissa. Photo taken at Hershey, PA on that factory ride.

Week 1

Week 2


Week 3

Candids Page

Scenic Page

This is the cottage we stayed at for 3 weeks.

Hello. Welcome. If you've gone through the whole vacation please let us know what you think. Such as, do you know of any other places we could of gone to, was what we did to Craig mean, have you similar experiences. Feel totally free to email us with the subject: Lake Ariel and/or sign my guest book. I'd like to see how many of you like my web page. Thanks. Jarrett





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