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[Jess' Niche]


Greetings, traveler.

As it was stated on the main site, these pages are intended for no purpose whatsoever except to take up 'net space. That's it. I suppose that if you really would like to learn about me, you could scroll further down. But, hey, if not, I certainly won't know, and you won't waste your time. Sounds like a fair deal to me.






And I've moved the little bitty bio I had in this spot to here. Go forth, all ye brave souls... :^)

"Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read." ~~ Groucho Marx

What's New: December 9th, 2000: Just removed some dead links from the links page. Don't forget to check out my web log which contains my most recent writings and is generously hosted by

November 11th, 2000:While I may never be trendy or fashionable in the physical world, I can't help but find myself sucked into the styles of cyberspace. In so doing, I've stumbled upon those self-serving wonders known as web logs (or blogs, as they are sometimes called). Thus, I've started my own blog which can be found at This will most likely (although not definitely) take the place of my usual Soapbox entries. Later~!

***Site Links***

Here are the site links, as you can see. If you would like to read about whatever I have felt like writing for all the world to see (and only you would know why that would be :^D), then by all means, please go to the Soapbox.

Onward to the Soapbox! The Soapbox.Updated September 26th, 2000!!

*Skip to the Soapbox Index In case you've missed anything from the past and are curious. Hey, you never know... ^_^

*Jess' Adoption Page Yeah, I just couldn't help it. I see something cute that's adoptable and whamo! I'm in love. This page has no purpose (isn't that familiar?) except to display the little critters and such that I adopt. (Besides, I can't have pets in the dorm, so these guys will have to do :^D These guys, my plant Phil O'Dendron, and my brand new fetal-rat-in-a-jar, that is >.< I just loved zoology lab!)Updated June 8th, 2000!!

*Obligatory Links Page Click here to see a list of links that I've cobbled together. I have way too much time on my hands..... :^) [Be forewarned that this page is a bit on the heavy graphics side with the banner links--if you have a slow connection or an older browser, you may want to choose not to load the images. Just a thought ^_^] Updated September 26th, 2000!!

Weirded out? Then please, go back to Bonnie 'n' Jess' Page

If you'd like, you can mail me by clicking here. But no pressure, okay? ^_^

This page was last updated on November 11th, 2000.

The turtle picture on this page was created by me. Please ask for permission to use it as it is an original work of art which required a lot of time and effort to produce. Thanks!

Established October, 1999.