Brian "O"
Birthdate: 9/8/75
Hometown: Dunbar, PA
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 265 1/4lbs
Debute: 4/24/98
Trained By:
Shane Douglas, Dominic Denucci, Sean "The Shocker" Evans, Matt Borne
Seminar Run by:
Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat
Far North Wrestling,- Allied Powers Wrestling Federation 2000,- Underground Pro wrestling,- United States Championship Wrestling,- ProWrestling Express/NWA-East,- Cleveland Allpro, Universal Championship Wrestling,- Main Event Championship Wrestling,- United Wrestling Council,- Mid-Ohio Championship Wrestling,- Revolution X Pro Wrestling,-
The Outlaws of Championship Wrestling,- NWA West Virginia,- Millennium Championship Wrestling,- Asylum Championship Wrestling
Revolution-X Heavyweight Champion
3 Times North American Tag Team Titles
Finishing Move:
"O" Bomb Running Power Slam, The "O" Splash
I started in the summer of 1997 to learn how to wrestle. Sean "The Shocker" Evans agreed to teach me, we then worked out anywhere from three to four times a week.
Then on 24 April 1998 I made my debut in the Pro Wrestling Xpress (PWX). During this year I had over 23 shows with some shows wrestling more than one match. But during this year I got the chance that only a few ever get, I got to wrestle the man that taught me what I know Sean "The Shocker" Evans. Who I beat on 26 June 1998 at Devito Park located in Connellsville, PA this was also the biggest match of the year for me. Shortly after that Sean "The Shocker" Evans won the NWA-EAST Heavy Weight Title before leaving in October 1998 for WCW Power Plant to try and better himself. He never lost that title. I then started working out with a number of people so I could constantly try to better myself in this sport. Which brings up this next mans name Kurt Angle who I worked out with from November 1998 to February 1999 while he was also attending the WWF Dojo. To which then the World Wrestling Federation sent him down to Memphis, TN. Then finally to close out the 1998 year I made my debut in Cleveland AllPro Wrestling on 19 December 1998. While still wrestling for Pro Wrestling Xpress.
While trying to start 1999 off where I left off in 1998. I continued to practice long and hard and go to the gym everyday. I tried to get as many matches as I could between PWX, which was by now known as the NWA-EAST and Cleveland AllPro Wrestling. But during this time I got to do a match between Kurt Angel and myself, which aired on KDKA news in Pittsburgh, PA on 25 February 1999.
Still not where I felt I should be I started to work on getting hold of the person that I felt could get me where I wanted to be and then some, A professional who has held titles in every Promotion he has ever been in Shane Douglas who at the time just recently opened up his own school "The House of Hard-core". I then meet with Shane Douglas and signed up on 17 March 1999. After meeting with Shane Douglas I found out that Dominic Denucci was also teaching at the school a man who needs no introduction in this sport and has also not only trained many wrestlers but has had many go on to the bigger federation including Shane Douglas and ManKind.
I then started tag teaming during the summer of 1999 with Guido Corleone. It was only a short time later before we won the North American Tag Team Titles on 17 July 1999.
Then on 20 August 1999 I made my debut in the NWA-West Virginia while still working for the NWA-EAST and Cleveland AllPro Wrestling.
When the year 2000 came Along. I was starting to feel like my career was starting to take a turn for the worse. Things just wasn't working for me at PWX and Guido & myself just didn't seem like we had the same goals in mind any more. So I informed the promoter that I was going to leave. Which I did since that time I manage to start working for alot more federations as you can see at the top of this page. I also went and found a new tag team partner in Skull Ganz. The two of us together went on to capture the North American Tag Titles plus destroy all the compition in Cleveland. We then brought in a manager by the name of Jade Jager who also helped us.
Now I know I am talking alot about tag teaming but I also up my level in the singles rankings as well. With me in Far North Wrestling & Revolution X Pro Wrestling I went on to fight some of my hardest fought battles in the ring with the likes of "The Sandman, Balls Mahoney, Matt Borne, Logan Cane, T-Rantula" just to name a few not to say that I claimed the Revolution X Heavyweight Title from Logan Cane.
Now also during all this I happen to come across a seminar with Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat up in maryland. This was a two day camp held at [Maryland Championship Wrestling]. This was a very intense two day camp and the knowledge that I got not to mention the work out with Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat.
Now I even get a workout with Matt Borne every once in awhile he comes down to the train place that I train at a couple times a week. He has also tought me so much as well not to mention toughen me up a little bit to.
There is still so much going on in my career that I couldn't possible tell you everything right here. All I can say is that keep your eyes and ears open because Brian "O" is for real and he's here to stay!