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USS Tarawa (LHA-1) class

The primary war-fighting mission of the LHA-1 Tarawa class is to land and sustain United States Marines on any shore during hostilities. The ships serve as the centerpiece of a multi-ship Amphibious Readiness Group (ARG). Nearly three football fields in length and 20 stories high, the ship's two-acre flight deck, 18,519 square-foot hangar deck, and 250-foot well deck enable an embarked landing force to accomplish its mission around the globe.

The ships are designed to maintain what the Marine Corps calls "tactical integrity" - getting a balanced force to the same place at the same time. One LHA can carry a complete Marine battalion, along with the supplies and equipment needed in an assault, and land them ashore by either helicopter or amphibious craft. This two pronged capability, with emphasis on airborne landing of troops and equipment, enables the Navy and Marine Corps to fulfill their present-day mission. Whether the landing force is involved in an armed conflict, acting as a deterrent force in an unfavorable political situation or serving in a humanitarian mission, the class offers tactical versatility.

The Tarawa class is designed to operate independently or as a unit of a force, as a flagship or individual ship unit in both air and/or surface assaults, these ships are key elements of the amphibious assault forces for the Navy. They incorporate the best design features and capabilities of several amphibious assault ships currently in service: the Amphibious Assault Ship (LPH), Amphibious Transport Dock (LPD), Amphibious Cargo Ship (LKA), and Dock Landing Ship (LSD).

These ships have the general profile of an aircraft carrier, with superstructure to starboard, flight deck with nine landing spots, helicopter elevators to port (20-ton, folding) and aft (40-ton). They carry approximately 1,200 tons JP-5 fuel for helicopters. They can support a 35-aircraft complement including AV-8B fighter/attack V/STOL Harrier jets, AH-1 helicopter gunships, CH-53E Super Sea Stallion "heavy lift" and CH-46D/E Sea Knight helicopters. The LHA's full length flight deck can handle ten helicopters simultaneously, as well as the AV-8 Harrier jump-jet aircraft and OV-10 Bronco fixed-wing turboprop reconnaissance aircraft [which is no longer in service]. LHA-1 carried 20 AV-8B Harrier V/STOL attack fighters during Operation Desert Storm in 1991.

The ships have an extensive mechanical system for vertical and horizontal movement of containerized and palletized supplies from deep cargo holds to assault craft or helicopters. A system of five centerline elevators, conveyor lines and a monorail system move cargo and supplies. Two large elevators, one aft and one portside, move aircraft and equipment from the hangar deck to the flight deck. Wheeled vehicles, trucks, jeeps and tanks can be driven or pulled from any deck level storage position via inclined ramps to either awaiting craft in the well deck or helicopters on the flight deck. They function as an assault provisions carrier able to sustain embarked forces with fuel, ammunition and other supplies.

A capital ship, the Tarawa class can simultaneously fulfill a variety of war-fighting requirements: including flagship for embarked amphibious squadron and flag or general officer staff. The ships have an extensive command, communication and control suite, and their command and control (C4I) systems include the Navy's most sophisticated SHF and EHF satellite communications capability. These electronic systems give the amphibious task force commander nearly unlimited versatility in directing the assault mission. The heart of the LHA's electronic system is a tactical amphibious warfare computer which not only keeps track of the landing force's positions after leaving the ship, but tracks enemy targets ashore. With current information on troop positions in relation to enemy targets, the tactical data system can also direct the targeting of the guns and missiles from the ship as well as the support ships. Additionally, the system maintains air and surface traffic control during the landing not only for her own helicopters and assault craft, but for the combat air control and task force support ships as well. Communications systems include SRR-1, WSC-3 UHF, WSC-6 SHF, and USC-38 SHF SATCOM receivers, and SMQ-11 weather satellite receiver.

All troops have bunks, and the ships are completely air-conditioned. Very complete hospital and mortuary facilities are fitted, equivalent to the nation's finest local hospitals with 17 ICU beds, 4 operating rooms, 300 beds, a 1,000-unit blood bank, full dental facilities, and orthopedics, trauma, general surgery, and x-ray capabilities.

Two-marine boilers provide steam to the turbines which drive the twin screw ship, providing 70,000 total shaft horsepower. The boilers are the largest ever installed in U.S. Navy ships; the propulsion plant is highly automated. The ships have a range of 10,000 miles at a speed of 20 knots.

The five ships of the Tarawa class carry over 2900 people - 1900 of them, Marines. As on most other large ships, crewmembers are assigned to various departments.

Aircraft Intermediate Maintenance Department - AIMD

AIMD is responsible for providing Intermediate Level maintenance and support for embarked squadrons and aircraft. AIMD provides support equipment for aircraft weapons handling and servicing, and material handling. AIMD provides calibration, oil analysis, and non destructive inspection services for aviation and surface activities. Additionally, AIMD maintains 72 work and living spaces aboard the ship, including squadron maintenance and troop berthing spaces. Aircraft supported by AIMD include the CH-46, UH-1, AH-1, AV-8, and CH-53.

Air Department

The Air Department consists of three divisions (V-1, V-3, V-4). Their mission is to support the Air Combat Element with flight operations, employing helicopters and AV-8B Harriers.

V-1 Division: Consists of Aircraft Handling and Crash and Salvage. Their primary mission is to launch, recover, and move aircraft in support of flight operations, and maintenance requirements. Crash and Salvage is responsible for the rapid response to rescue personnel, combat flight deck fires and other emergencies, and salvage aircraft as necessary to prepare the flight deck for sustaining air operations after a mishap.

V-3 Division: The Hangar Deck is responsible for the movement of aircraft and firefighting on the Hangar Bay in support of flight operations, and maintenance requirements. They coordinate all maintenance and functions that occur in the hangar.

V-4 Division: The Aviation Fuels Division is responsible for the contamination free, expeditious fueling of all aircraft, ground support equipment, and well deck landing craft or assault craft. V-4 Division primarily works top-side maintaining all flight deck fueling stations and associated equipment, and also is responsible for maintaining the pump rooms and associated equipment, repairing and pumping JP-5 to fueling system/stations located on the flight deck, hangar deck, and well deck.

Combat Cargo

The Combat Cargo Office provides liaison to the Commanding Officer and to the landing force in matters pertaining to embarkation aboard ship. Specific areas of expertise include embarkation planning and preparation, unit onload, ship-to-shore movement via helicopters and landing craft, loading and stowage of cargo and equipment, troop and officer berthing and messing, shipboard augmentation, landing force office management, Landing Force Operational Reserve Material (LFORM) management, and logistics support afloat. Lesser duties include supporting Vertical Replenishments at Sea (RAS) coordinating opportune lift from port to port, shipboard security board member, Flight Deck Hazardous Duty Incentive Pay (FDHDIP) review board member, and assistant for planning Noncombatant Evacuation Operations (NEO).


The Communications Department provides the paths for rapid, reliable and secure command, control, communications and information (C4I). The department is composed of three divisions. Signals Division (CS), Radio Division (CR) and the Marine Communications Detachment (MARCOMMDET). There are 37 enlisted sailors led by three Officers, two Chief Petty Officers and two Marine Staff Non-Commissioned Officers. The Communications Officer (COMMO), heads the department and is responsible to the Commanding Officer and Executive Officer for the organization, supervision and coordination of all the command's exterior, as well as certain interior communications.

The Signalman rating (SM) is one of the oldest in the Navy, and visual communication - the first form of nautical communications- continues undiminished in importance today. The Signalmen aboard the ship are experts in maintaining the visual communication link with semaphore flags, flashing light (Morse Code) and flaghoist. In addition to visual communications, the Signalmen are proficient in navigation; able to help pilot the ship in restricted waters and being familiar with the Rules of the Road, navigational aids and using navigational equipment. Signalmen are also skilled in voice radio operations and procedures; they are able to properly render honors and ceremonies, and they are experienced in the principles of recognition and quick to recognize personal flags and pennants of U.S. and foreign officers. In keeping with naval tradition, the Signalmen are generally considered the very smartest in military appearance and they maintain the cleanest and most orderly spaces aboard ship. Signalmen are famous for their innovative training which includes their version of the popular gameshow JEOPARDY!

The Marine Corps maintains a permanent detachment of communicators aboard LHA and LHD ships to provide resident expertise in shipboard C4I systems to the Commander of the Landing Force (CLF) during amphibious operations. The detachment is manned by a Captain, a Communications Chief who is normally a Gunnery Sergeant or Master Sergeant, and a Radio Technician who is normally a Staff Sergeant. Providing a liaison for Marine communication personnel, the MARCOMMDET assists, indoctrinates and instructs embarked Landing Force staffs in the operation of the LHA peculiar Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence (C4I) systems. Specifically, the radio technician maintains the AN/VCC-2 radio set. Although antiquated by today's standards, it is still a reliable means of ship-to-ship VHF multichannel communications used extensively by the Amphibious Ready Group (ARG) embarked Marines. That is, until it is eventually replaced by the new digital multichannel radio AN/GRC-226.

Radiomen (RM) provide and maintain critical radio circuits and message processing capabilities to the ship and embarked staffs. Indeed, there are times when lives depend on the speed and reliability of the RM. Radio is divided into two main sections-Facility Control (FACCON) and Message Center.

The FACCON watch is responsible for maintaining radio circuits in support of ship's company, embarked Marines, embarked staffs and forces ashore and in the air. The circuits cover the frequency spectrum (Low, Medium and High Frequency (HF), Very High Frequency (VHF) Line of Sight (LOS), Ultra High Frequency (UHF) LOS and Satellite Communications (SATCOM), Super High Frequency (SHF) SATCOM, and Extremely High Frequency (EHF). SHF SATCOM especially has launched shipboard communications into the 21st century, utilizing sufficient bandwidth to provide for secure Stanford Telephones (STEL), Plain Old Telephones (POTS), FAX capability, Non-classified Internet Protocol Network (NIPRNET) which allows shipboard access to the World Wide WEB (WWW), Secret Internet Protocol Network (SIPRNET), Joint Deployable Intelligence Support System (JDISS) and the Contingency Tactical Automated Planning System (CTAPS).

The Message Center watch is responsible for providing a naval message processing service to customers on the ship. The primary facilitator of their duties is the Naval Modular Automated Communications System-II (NAVMACS-II). NAVMACS-II is a military communications processor that provides message services to end users as well as C4I systems. It receives, stores, distributes and transmits internal and external messages automatically using interfaces to multiple external systems of the Defense Message System (DMS), land lines and radio circuits. It also interfaces to local area networks (LAN) within the ship, such as the unclassified "Devil Dog LAN" and the classified Tactical Information Management System (TIMS) LAN. NAVMACS-II allows end users to perform a variety of tasks, based on their security clearance levels, authorizations and needs. Tasks include reading and sending messages to other user sites, configuring system databases and performing system administration. On a daily basis, the RM's process upwards of 1000 messages.

Deck Department

Deck Department is made up of two divisions plus a team of well deck cleaners and side cleaners headed by the ship's Boatswain.

First Division is responsible for boats, the B&A crane, the focastle, two refueling stations (one send and one receive), the starboard troop walkway, the forward section of the port troop walkway and various other spaces.

Second Division is responsible for upper and lower vehicle stowage areas, well deck center island, well deck wing walls, the canvas shop and various other spaces including a marine berthing area.

The Sides/Well Deck Team is headed by the Boatswain and a First Class Boatswain's Mate. Their sole responsibility is the preservation and upkeep of their assigned area. Manlift availability and a "steady strain" are the keys to success for these teams.

Dental Department

The mission of the Dental Department is to provide care for active duty Navy and Marine Corps personnel to prevent or remedy diseases, disabilities, and injuries of the teeth, jaws, and related structures, which may directly or indirectly interfere with operational readiness and the performance of military duties.

Engineering Department

The Engineering Department consists of six divisions with a diverse assortment of responsibilities. The department is made up of twelve officers, thirteen CPO's and 180 enlisted (E-6 and below) Sailors. Work in engineering is usually in hot spaces with machinery and a multitude of moving parts. Specific divisional responsibilities are as follows:

AUXILIARIES DIVISION (A-GANG): Known as "fresh air snipes", they have equipment from one end of the ship to the other. They are responsible for and maintain the following: steering gear, anchor windlass, laundry and galley equipment, hot water heaters, all diesel engines and associated equipment, ballast/deballast air compressors, low pressure and high pressure air compressor systems, air conditioning and refrigeration equipment, the ship's winches and ramps, cargo/weapons elevators, both the deck edge and aft aircraft elevators to name a few. Many A-gangers have attended specialty courses and are bonafide experts in their field.

ELECTRICAL DIVISION (E-DIV): The electricians also maintain a wide variety of equipment throughout the ship. Examples are: all motors and associated controllers, all switchboards and associated distribution panels, degaussing, all lighting circuitry, navigation and aviation lighting, essentially most everything that runs off electricity is owned by the EM's. They operate the tool issue room and are responsible for electrical safety throughout the ship. We have the capability onboard to rewind/repair our own electric motors.

REPAIR DIVISION (R-DIV): The ship's fire fighters, welders and plumbers. Equipment under their cognizance include: ballast/deballast console/tank systems, repair locker inventory and maintenance on the same, machine shop and the weld shop. The division is made up of Damage Controlmen (DC), Hull Maintenance Technicians (HT) and Machinery Repairmen (MR's). They conduct all piping repairs and manufacture parts if not readily available in the supply system. Jack of all trades, these individuals can fix about anything.

MAIN PROPULSION: Propulsion divisions maintain the ship's 720 PSI propulsion boilers and associated equipment. The boilers provide steam to the main turbines and reduction gears which propel the ship through the water, The steam is used throughout the ship for a variety of items such as cooking and doing laundry. The propulsion spaces are hot and loud and a special kind of Sailor works there. The Boiler Technicians (BT) and Machinist Mates (MM) work hand in hand performing maintenance and repairs to main space machinery. A common phrase you may hear down below is "IT ALL RUNS ON STEAM!"

Executive Department

The Executive Department is composed of two divisions. Administrative Division (AD) and Law Enforcement Division (LE) with over 40 Sailors in eight different enlisted ratings providing administrative support, service record maintenance, physical security, administers and manages personnel programs, manpower and good order and discipline programs for over 1,200 officers and enlisted personnel.

The Administrative Division with several work centers and executive special assistants that include the following.

The Administrative Office: Prepares and processes all command correspondence, maintains command directives and case files, processes all outgoing official mail; maintains command action tickler.

The Captain's Office: Processes and tracks all personal awards; maintains over 70 officer service records; manages and prepares all E-7 and above fitness reports; prepares and manages the Commanding Officer's schedule.

The Personnel Office: Maintains over 1,100 enlisted service record including 40 records from ACU-1 Detachment embarked on board, tracks and maintains accountability of personnel and manpower issues; processes and prepare over 400 transfers and receipts (annually), separations, leave papers and pay documents. Prepares, processes and manage the command orders, travel claims and reports. Maintains the command SNAP 3 personnel database.

The Education Services Office: Prepares and process documents, service record entries and advancement worksheets. Coordinates and conduct navywide exam (over 800 exams annually), processed advancement documents and good conduct awards.

The Chaplain's Office: Conducts and coordinates command religious programs, including daily and weekly religious worship and study opportunities. Provides counseling and referral services. Facilitates Burials at Sea, Casualty Assistance Calls Officer and Critical Incident Stress Debrief training. Processes American Red Cross messages. Liaisons with other military and civilian religious programs. Organizes command's community relations projects and tiger cruises. Maintains and manages the ship's 4,000 volume library.

The Command Career Counselor: Overall responsible for the command retention programs.

The Sponsor Program: Tracks and manages the command Sponsor Program and Indoctrination Division Course.

The Law Enforcement Division is composed of Master-at-Arms Force and the Legal Office.

The Master-at-Arms Force is overall responsible for the command physical security programs and posture. Manage several good order and discipline program.

The Legal Office process and prepares all legal documentation associated with Nonjudicial Punishment; Court-Martials, Administrative Discharge Boards; Power of Attorney and other legal assistant services.

Medical Department

The Medical Department is one of the largest of any ship currently afloat with two primary and two secondary Operating Rooms, a seventeen bed Intensive Care Unit and a forty eight bed Primary Ward. There is also a 250 bed overflow ward in the troop berthing area immediately forward of Medical. There are two X-Ray suites adjacent to the Main Medical Triage area, a Pharmacy which currently stocks over 500 line items, a physical therapy room with whirlpools and sitz bath, and a Biomedical Repair Shop. Our laboratory is equipped with a chemistry analyzer, coulter counter, automated blood gas analyzer and microbiology capability. With the two blood bank freezers, we can store 1,000 units of frozen blood at -85 degrees Celsius for up to 10 years, and can process six units every 30 minutes for emergency usage.

Ship's company medical staff consists of one General Medical Officer (Department Head), one Medical Administrative Officer (Division Officer), a Chief Hospital Corpsman Independent Duty Corpsman, a Chief Hospital Corpsman Medical/Dental Administrative Technician, one Advanced Laboratory Technician, one Advanced Biomedical Repair Technician, two Preventive Medicine Technicians, two Operating Room Technicians, one Pharmacy Technician, one Aviation Medicine Technician, one Basic X-ray Technician, and six General Duty Corpsman.

Navigation Department

The Navigation Department is responsible for ensuring the safe navigation of the ship on both the high seas and in restricted waters. The Department is comprised of the Navigator, a Senior Chief Quartermaster, and seven additional Quartermasters ranging in rank from First Class Petty Officer to Seaman Recruit. Each member of the department has been schooled in the art of navigation and stands watch advising the Captain and other bridge watch officers on the safe navigation of the ship. To accomplish this they utilize navigation techniques that range from the days of sail to the current space age. In addition to practicing the art of navigation, the department also plans transit between ports and prepares the charts for amphibious operations. Besides being accomplished navigators, they also provide the skilled helmsmen required for battle conditions.

To determine ship's position at sea they use Global Positioning System (GPS) satellites as well as the ancient art of celestial navigation. While GPS is a highly accurate system, and provides the ship's position instantaneously, they practice celestial navigation because it is also accurate, and is not susceptible to the possibility of a loss of electrical power. Besides, celestial navigation is an ancient, elegant method which has been used since the days of Columbus and is an integral part of the Quartermaster rate.

When entering and leaving port they use visual sights on navigation aids such as lighthouses, towers, and rocks to fix the ship's position. In the event of fog or other instances of reduced visibility they use radar to fix our position. Once their position has been determined, they can determine the effects of wind and current and recommend course corrections to keep the ship on a safe track and off the rocks and shoals.

While the Navigation Department may be small compared to the rest of the ship, they have a huge responsibility to the safety of the ship. The Quartermasters take great pride in their work.

Operations Department

The Operations Department is composed of five divisions which provide operational coordination, intelligence analysis, tactical and combat information, air traffic control, meteorologic support, official photography, and training support. Operations Department is the nerve center for all operational and shipboard evolutions.

The Weather Office (OA Division) is the center of environmental support for the amphibious ships and Marine Expeditionary Group. The #1 responsibility for an Aerographer's Mate is reporting, and more importantly, accurately forecasting the local weather scene. Knowing weather conditions at sea is vital for the safe operation of any sea going vessel but double important for a ship which may launch aircraft or send troops ashore at any time. OA Division products are oftentimes directly responsible for operational "go" or "no go" decisions.

The Helicopter Direction Center (HDC), OC Division, one the ship's smallest divisions, is responsible for providing safe, orderly, and expeditious flow of air traffic within the ship's control area (50 nautical miles). The HDC is the information and nerve center of air traffic control within the ships operational area. Air Traffic Controller's post and update status boards which contain information on all aircraft; as well as man radar scopes where all departing and arriving aircraft are controlled.

The Combat Information Center (CIC) is "the eye's and ear's" of the ship. OI Division provides the organized collection, display, competent evaluation, and rapid dissemination of pertinent tactical information to command and control stations. To accomplish this, the Operations Specialists (OS) is trained in the use of radars, radar repeaters, voice radio, radio detection finders, and IFF, as well as the interpretation of Operation Orders and message traffic. The Tactical Actions Officer (TAO) uses this information to make decisions and recommendations to the Commanding Officer and the Bridge Watch Team concerning ship's weapons deployment, combat maneuvering, and special navigation.

The Training Office (OT) is another division of the Operations Department. OT Division is responsible for managing all aspects of ship's training from obtaining Navy course curriculum and quotas, personnel professional advancement requirements, and off-duty college courses to scheduling transportation, lodging and finances for ship's personnel while under temporary duty for training.

Joint Intelligence Center (JIC). IS's analyze, and disseminate derived intelligence information which Commanders use to make decision concerning the mission and mission security.

Ship's Signals Exploitation Space (SSES). CT's collect, analyze, report to fleet and national level consumers, and disseminate information derived from all source intelligence.

The Photo Lab provides a wide variety of photographic support to JIC, embarked staff's and squadrons, as well as the Public Affairs Officer (PAO). Pictures are provided for intelligence exploitation, accidents, roster boards, award packages, reenlistments, public news releases, foreign port visits, and general documentation of shipboard life for use throughout the Navy and inclusion in the Navy Photographic Archives in Washington, D.C.

Safety Department

The purpose of the Safety Department is to fulfill command safety goals by identifying hazards and their causes, determining hazard trends and submitting appropriate recommendations for corrective action. This includes regular shipboard safety training in the prevention of injuries and mishaps, mishap investigation, mishap reporting, and the distribution of safety information including "lessons learned" from official and non-official sources.

The safety program involves all levels of the chain of command to consistently reduce the number of mishaps. The reduction is accomplished by promoting a ship-wide environment in which the free and rapid exchange of information related to safety hazards is enhanced and encouraged. Belleau Wood maintains a consistently high level of safety awareness through quality safety training and positive, aggressive, and proactive involvement. By ensuring the prompt identification, elimination, control, and correction of workplace hazards a safe and healthful working environment is ensured for all hands.

Supply Department


Stock Control's mission is to ensure ship's financial resources are managed to achieve maximum readiness and to ensure all load-list and demand-based material is onboard in the right quantity. Duties include maintaining financial control of the ship's Operating Targets (OPTARs) Supply/Equipage, Aviation Financial Management (AFM)), and Navy Working Capital Fund (NWCF) accounts. Strict management of inventory levels is maintained on various types of materiel including Coordinated Shipboard Allowance List (COSAL), Aviation Consolidated Allowance List (AVCAL), Authorized Medical and Dental Allowance List (AMAL/ADAL), and Hazardous Material (HAZMAT). Demand Based (DBI), and Type Commander (TYCOM) authorized line items. The division also manages the ship's services account including transportation, utilities, telephone services, packaging & crating, repairs, and port services.


The mission of the Food Service Division is to provide the crew with and embarked troops with nutritious, eye appealing, and well balanced served under the most sanitary conditions possible and in an atmosphere conducive to good dining and high morale. Services provided include: over 7,000 meals a day including Midnight Rations; monthly special dinners and holiday celebration meals; divisional picnics; steel beach picnics; coffee messes; box lunches (prepared for personnel who work during regular meal hours, including boat crews, flight deck crews, and shore patrol when anchored); pizza and ice cream socials (at sea); decorative cakes for re-enlistments; Change of Command and ship receptions; and support of four private messes (Flag Mess, Commanding Officer Mess, Wardroom and Chief Petty Officer Mess).


Sales & Services Division provides the crew with the best possible selection of quality merchandise at the lowest price in ship's store and vending machine operations and quality service necessary in daily shipboard living through the Laundry and Barber Shops. Profit generated are provided to the Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR) fund to promote morale programs for the crew and embarked personnel. Annual sales at the ship's store, eight soda, two snack, two coffee, and one soap vending and twelve game machines exceeded $1 Million with profits contributed to MWR exceeding $100,000. The division also provides the crew and embarked Marines a 24 hour Self Service Laundry for their personal clothing greatly enhancing crew morale.


Disbursing Division is responsible for the pay accounts of approximately 1,130 officers, enlisted and embarked staff. Payroll is over $2.5 Million annually. Responsibilities also include special pay, allotments, Split Pay Option, Direct Deposit System (DDS) processing, check cashing, travel claims, and safekeeping deposits. Three Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) at sea are available for the crew's direct access to their pay accounts.


The mission of the wardroom mess is to promote and maintain the well-being, morale, and efficiency of officers by providing dining, lodging, social, laundry and recreational facilities aboard ship. There are hotel accommodations available for 266 officer personnel. The diversity of the division makes it one of a kind in flexibility and service.


Aviation Material Support involves a direct relationship between two highly complex organizations: aviation maintenance and supply. The complexity of this relationship requires a single point of contact: S-6 Division. S-6 Division coordinates the Supply Department, Aircraft Immediate Maintenance Department (AIMD), and Marine Air Combat Element (ACE) efforts to achieve maximum operational readiness for 24 Helicopters and 6 Harrier Jet aircraft. The division has two sections, Supply Response Section (SRS) and Component Control Section (CCS). SRS is concerned with those functions involving direct liaison with the squadron; requisition processing and control. CCS is involved with coordinating intermediate level repair, storage and control of over 2,700 aviation and surface repairable components worth $44 Million. Maintaining an extremely close liaison with supply and maintenance, S-6 Division plays a major role in maximum ship and aircraft readiness.


Stores Division is responsible for: receiving, storing, maintaining, issuing, and accounting for all items in support the ship's mission. Spaces include 28 storerooms with more than 28,000 line items. Stores Division also maintains SEAMART, an afloat fast moving consumable items "shopping store". Regularly scheduled inventories and location audits are conducted to maintain necessary records and files for effective inventory management and to provide the finest customer service to shipboard workcenters. Stores Division also prepares documentation to obtain material from the Navy Supply System and the Defense Logistics Agency. Moreover, the division has developed a strong direct liaison with inventory managers to assist in expediting shipment and receipt of urgent material requirements. Above all, Stores Division ensures the ship and the Amphibious Ready Group (ARG) are combat-ready by providing critical repair parts to successfully support the mission.


The mission of the HAZMAT Division is to minimize and control the amount of hazardous material being used onboard the ship. The HAZMAT Division is responsible for requisitioning, controlling, receiving and storing hazardous materials and disposal of used hazardous material. This effort is accomplished by consolidating all HAZMAT into a cental issue point which is accessible 24 hours a day. The division manages the shelf-life of all hazardous material, ensuring re-utilization of material where possible to minimize cost and quantity of hazardous material on board. The division is comprised of sailors from all major departments on board. This unique way of manning the division ensures at least one technician has knowledge of the diverse equipment, material identification, and departmental needs throughout the ship. Combined with the knowledge of these personnel, strong customer support, and stringent issue procedures, a very strong re-utilization program was developed. Since the initial establishment of the HAZMAT Division, the issue of hazardous material was reduced by 50%, saving the Navy approximately $25,000 quarterly. This program also minimizes the amount of hazardous and flammable material stored in ready services lockers throughout the ship. HAZMAT Division also provides all workcenters and personnel working with hazardous materials information and references on proper use, handling, disposal and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) required for their job.


The mission of the Post Office is to provide complete postal support to the crew, staff, embarked marines for the entire Amphibious Ready Group (ARG). Duties include the development and support of postal logistics on shore and at sea; including receipt, consolidation and dispatch of all incoming/outgoing mail for the ARG (over 320,000 pounds of mail annually). Postal finance and window services include daily stamp and money order sales (over $450,000 annually); certified, insured and registered mail services, directory and mail orderly procedures; philatelic, claims and inquiry functions. How postal operations directly impact morale and official postal requirements is evident when the passenger, mail, cargo (PMC) flights arrive daily.


The Print Shop is the only full service printing facility in the area and provides a complete range of printing services to the ship, staff and embarked units. The Print Shop is also regularly called upon to produce printing projects for other commands as well, including ships and shore commands. The printing and drafting sections provide services including reproduction of printed material in single or multi-color, bindery services, layout and design of graphics or printing projects. These services include forms, booklets, instructions, cards, self-adhesive labels, and printing on carbonless, parchment, or other special papers. Bindery services include stitching, folding, cutting, collating, padding and hole drilling. The drafting section produces training charts and posters, camera-ready artwork for printing jobs, computer graphics design, technical drawings and general official artwork. In general, the print shop can provide the same high quality services as a Defense Printing Service on a smaller scale.

Although the total output of the shop varies with the ship's printing requirements, the number of impressions per month average 60,000. The print shop receives an average of 75 to 90 individual print requests per month. The largest single job within the last year was for 64,000 impressions. The Supply Quality Assurance Division is non-traditional in it's recent inception; strong and very pro-active. Although the core mission is to provide an impartial review and assessment of the department's performance vis-à-vis Type Commanders and ship's standards, the Division also exercises a very active first-hand role in taking corrective actions to improve the services provided to the crew and embarked units throughout the many divisions of Supply Department.


Power Plant Two boilers, two geared steam turbines, two shafts, 70,000 total shaft horsepower
Length778 feet (237.1 m) waterline
820 feet (249.9 m) overall
Beam Extreme Beam: 106 ft
Waterline Beam: 106 ft
Draft Maximum Navigational Draft: 26 ft
Draft Limit: 27 ft
DisplacementLight Displacement: 26255 tons
Full Displacement: 39925 tons
Dead Weight: 13670 tons
Speed 24 knots (27.6 miles per hour)
(22 knots sustained)
Range 10,000 nm @ 20 knots
Fuel 5,900 tons
Aircraft (Actual mix depends upon mission)

6 - AV-8B Harrier attack planes
4 - AH-1W Super Cobra attack helicopter
12 - CH-46 Sea Knight helicopters
4 - CH-53 Sea Stallion helicopters
2 - UH-1N Huey helicopters

6 - AV-8B Harrier attack planes
4 - AH-1W Super Cobra attack helicopter
12 - CH-46 Sea Knight helicopters
9 - CH-53 Sea Stallion helicopters
4 - UH-1N Huey helicopters

6 - AV-8B Harrier attack planes
12 - CH-46 Sea Knight helicopters
9 - CH-53 Sea Stallion helicopters
Boats 2 - LCU (Landing Craft Utility)
1 - LCAC (Landing Craft, Air Cushion
4 - LCPL
Elevators 1 deck edge (40,000-pound capacity)
1 stern (80,000-pound capacity)
Armament 2 - 21 Cell Rolling Airframe Missile (RAM)
4 - 25mm MK38 Gun Mounts
2 - 20-mm Close In Weapons System (CIWS) Block 1
5 - .50 Cal Mounts
2 - SLQ-25 NIXIE (acoustic countermeasures)
6 - MK-36 Super Rapid-Blooming Off Board Chaff System (decoys, electronic warfare)
Sensors Mk-23 Target Acquisition System (TAS) Mod 5
SPS-64(V)9 (navigation radar)
SPS-67 surface search radar
SPS-40E air search radar
SPS-48E 3-D air search radar
SPS-64 navigation radar
SPN-35A aircraft control/approach radar
SPN-43C aircraft control/approach radar
SLQ-32(V)3 electronic warfare suite
SPG-60 (anti aircraft gun fire control)
SPQ-9A (surface gun fire control)
Furuno navigation radar
Crew Ships Company: 82 officers, 882 enlisted
Marine Detachment 1,900 plus
ShipsUSS Tarawa (LHA-1)
USS Saipan (LHA-2)
USS Belleau Wood (LHA-3)
USS Nassau (LHA-4)
USS Peleliu (LHA-5)
