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Table of Contents

Table of Contents

  1. How do I Change the color of my player?
  2. How do I Host a game?
  3. How do I connect to a game?
  4. How do I Find My IP Address? 
  5. Why cant I launch a solo game?
  6. Why can't I play a multiplayer game?


How do I change the color of my player ?

 This is quite simple.  At the top there's a tab that says Extra parameters and CVARs.  Click that.  Then where is says player's colo, click the change button across from it.  And there you go!

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How do I Host a game?

First make sure you can play a solo game.(Do that by clicking the launch button at the bottom of the menu.)  To play online, first you need to set up a Multiplayer game.  this means under the tab: Game parameter, you click multiplayer, then confiure if you wants monsters, ect.  After doing all that,  Click the multiplayer Tab at the top.  To  host, you would click the Start game button. Keep the port the same.  NOW MOST IMPORTAMT!:   Tell  your player(s) what your IP address is.  Once you do you giv them time to get it, then you click launch game.  As soon as it finds the players, the game begins.

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How do I connect to a game

To connect to a game, first you would click the Multiplayer button in the Game parameters Tab.  Then once a Multiplayer tab shows up, click it.  Once done that you would click the join button.  When you do, a new menu below pops up.  Where it asks for Server ip, this is when you need the host's EXACT IP address.  You copy that in the block.  when you do, your friends game should show up below.  When it does, click on it and  click Launch game.

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How do I find My IP address.

Well it's very easy if you have Windows 95/98.  So I'll explain that first.  Go to Start: Run: then type in winipcfg.  When you do a menu pops up.  If you are on aol, click the drop dow menu, and select AOL Adapter.  And there is your IP address.  If your using some other ISP, then select PPP adapter.  For windows 3.x, Hold down the Alt key and press Tab until the CrossPaths Internet Services window appears (the same window that you click to disconnect).  Your IP address is listed in this window, among other things.

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Why can't I launch a solo game?

Well this varies.  First thing, make sure Zdoom, and Zdoom launcher are both in your doom 1 and/or Doom 2 folder.  If no it will not work.  Second, make sure you told Zdoom launcher where Zdoom is, even if you did put it in your doom folder you have to tell it where it is.  Second make sure the Game parameters are set to single player game.  Third, if you still can't figure it out, email me

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Why can't I connect to a multiplayer game!?


Well once again, there could be a few things.  First, make sure you have your partners IP address.  It has to be right.  Second, make sure one of you are hosting.  If  you can't figure it out, give me a Big

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Created by Jared Hoffa(
Copyright © Jared H. 2000  [DOOMFRAG]. All rights reserved.
Revised: .

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