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Elk County Christian
High School

Indoor Guard

2001 marked Elk County Christian High School's Indoor Colorguard's 6th year in competition. The 2001 show was entitled "Elan" by a Celtic group named Secret Garden. The gurad was under the direction of Mrs. Lori Schreiber. She is the best, and we could never ask for any better!!! Sometimes we don't show her how much we respect and love her. Our choreography and drill design is written by Mr. Jim Schaefer (it is definitely a privilege to have him work with us also), and our own Mrs. Lori Schreiber. This years guard consists of 9 members. They are: (in alphabetical order)
Daniele Auman
Krista Beimel
Mandi Gibson
Lisann Kronenwetter
Danielle Smith
Katie Thorne
Mandi Wehler
Jamie Wortman
Michael Wurm
Click on the guard members name to learn more about us.

This show included flag work, rifle work, and dance. Our weapon line consisted of 8 people.
Our competition scores are as follows:

  • March 10: Purchase Line- 3rd out of 8 Score: 64.8

  • March 17: Johnstown- 2nd out of 5 Score: 65.3!

  • March 24: Windber- 1st out of 7 (Making ECCHS Indoor Guard history!! Score: 72.1!! YAY!!!

  • March 31: Penn State University- 5th out of 10 Score: 74.8

  • April 7: Tyrone- 4th out of 7 Score: 78.27

  • April 21: Westmont- 5th out of 10 Socre: 80.6

  • April 28: Chapter 11 Championships - DuBois- 3rd out of 8 Score: 85.7

  • May 3-5: All Chapter Championships - Wildwood, NJ
    Prelims- 13th out of 36. Score: 86.0 (this is a record score for the ECCHS Indoor Guard)
    Finals-15th out of 36. Score: 81.1

ClickHERE If you wanna see some AWESOME pics of this years show.

There are a few people that we would like to thank: Thank You!!

ClickHERE to learn about the guard's history.

Here are some links to other guards' pages, some of our members pages, and also some other related guard stuff:

St. Marys Indoor Guard
DuBois Guard
Matawan Guard
Westmont Guard
ECCHS page
Windber Guard
Winter Guard International
TOB International
PSU Eclipse
Katie's page
Michael's page
Krista's page
Mandi G's page

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