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  • 1913 - Secretly, schoolgirls in England would meet to play matches
  • 1929 - Photographs of a women's game in Paris surface
  • 1930 - In Australia, a women's league becomes active
  • 1940 - Maori women play rugby in New Zealand
  • 1965 - First student sides from in France
  • 1970 - The AFRF (L'Association Francaise de Rugby Feminine) is founded
  • 1972 - First ever National Championships in France with 26 competing teams, Student sides form in Colorado, Missouri, and Illinois
  • 1975 - USARFU established with men's and women's teams
  • 1977 - American women's teams play exhibition matches in the UK
  • 1978 - First Canadian and Neatherland teams form
  • 1979 - First Spanish and Italian teams form
  • 1980 - First Ladies Cup is pplayed between Malmo, RC and Karlstad in Sweden, In the US the first club championship is played
  • 1981 - First teams formed in Japan and Wales
  • 1982 - First International match between Sweden and the Netherlands at the Swedish National Championships
  • 1983 - First Interprovincial tournament betwwen The WRFU in the UK and Italy
  • 1984 - The LNRF (Lega Nazionale Rugby Feminile) was formed in Italy
  • 1985 - First match between Italy and France
  • 1986 - First UK National League and Cup competitions established
  • 1987 - Canadian Rugby Board incorporates officers, First test matches between Canada and America, and Wales and England
  • 1988 - Japan's RFU formed
  • 1989 - First Soviet women's rugby organized in the USSR
  • 1990 - New Zealand hosts the first international women's Rugbyfest between Japan, Russia, Holland and the USA
  • 1991 - Inagural Women's World Cup in Cardiff, Wales between Canada, England, France, Netherlands, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, Spain, Sweden, the USA, the USSR, and Wales
  • 1992 - Scottish women's rugby breaks from the WRFU to form it's own SWRU, Irish RFU is established
  • 1993 - Scotland and Ireland compete for the first time, Toronto hosts the first Canada Cup: Canada, USA, England, and Wales
  • 1994 - Second Women's World Cup in Scotland
  • 1997 - Inagural Women's International Hong Kong Sevens
  • 1998 - Third Women's World Cup in Amsterdam, Holland
  • 1999 - First full Five Nations competition between England, Scotland, Irlenad, Wales, and France
  • 2000 - The East Stroudsburg University Women's Rugby Team has a chance to become the National Division II Champions