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Meghan's Ilia Kulik Page

Ilia Kulik is absolutely my favorite figure skater. I liked him the moment he stepped on the ice for the short program in Nagano. I had no idea who he was, but I really loved his style of skating and I wanted him to win the Gold Medal. And he did!!!! : ) I was so happy for the little guy...

Ilia is an amazingly talented figure-skater. His programs blend beautifully artistic, intricate moves with powerful jumps to form a very exciting and wonderful thing to watch. His costumes, though criticized by many, in my opinion are great. They show his fearlessness in being unique and different from those around him. In addition to his pure talent on the ice, Ilia seems like a really nice person off the ice. He has a great sense of humor, and a boyish charm as well. (Hopefully I'll get the chance to meet him someday!!)

I hope you like my Ilia collage!!

Oh, and if you're a big Ilia Kulik fan, you should really join Kulik's Krew (if you haven't already). It's such an awesome fan club!!!! :) :) :)

This page is under construction...Please check back soon!!! I promise it'll be good!!!!!!

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Site Last Updated: 3/12/02

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