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  Welcome to the F.L.U.S.H. Homepage

Indiana University of Pennsylvania's very own Improvisational
Acting Troupe
"No Day But Today"

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        Indiana University of Pennsylvania's Student Improvisational Theater founded as "Friends Living Under Serious Hardships" on September 8, 1996.  Since our establishment, we have touched the lives of approximately 2,000 people by presenting and performing eye-opening scenes of social issues, especially those that affect college students.  We strive to provide a unique experience for the audience with each developing episode, by incorporating music and issues that hit close to home.

OUR PURPOSE:  To sensitize audiences to specific issues or social concerns, raise their awareness of issues presented, and facilitate problem solving as it relates to the needs of each specific audience.

OUR CAUSE: Over the past four years we have asked our audience members for donations, and as we are a non-profit organization, the money we receive goes to charity.


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F.L.U.S.H.  1999

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