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Welcome My teacher of 2000-01


Mr. Colapinto:
I call him JC and he is pretty cool. He explains what the heck Geometry is and help[s you if you need it! (I don't) He is also the President of PHSSL (Pennsylvania High School Speech League) which is cool! That is all!

Ms. Green:
MWAHAHAHA Ms. Green is a new teacher so we're still breaking her in! just kidding! She is really tough teacher! She is nice but MAN! She teaches Bible (yes Bible) and she goes WAY DEEP into meanign of it! ok so it's not the best class...actually it's my least favorite but Ms. Green is nice!

Mr. Loschiavo:
yes that is his name I call him Los it's easier! He's my Chem teacher and he liek's to blow shit up! We do at least one experiment once a week. He is cool! He has a weird air about him though. AS though he is teaching nuclear binding from hands-on-experiance. AHHHH! jk later days los!

Mr Chapman:
I'm scared of him! He is the dean of discipline and my world history II teacher! He is hard though! He makes us read articles alot and do odd little projects on Africa's prehistory! Before I continue...who's Mansa Musa!?!? Mr. Chapman is a step down from Mr. Degeisi (if anyone read about him last year) That is all!

Mrs. Osborne:
She is my spanish teacher and likes to make us listen to the latin teacher speak spanish! (HAHA MR. BUETTLER SPEAKING SPAN.) anyway my good friend and co-web master Steve Jackson is in my class and shgares his daily doodles with me....I think I will make asite of them one day! Mrs. Osborne is cool! Short, black hair. her favorite quote is "I'm really young, but this job made me look like this!"

Beth is the chorus director and she's great! I knew her from the musical (before I was in chorus) and she has helped me along the way. I can't wait til I sing in public (other then a mass) for the first time!

Mr Figilola:
AH! Figs is my coach for forensics. ANybody that knows me knows I am a gay alcoholic and a crazy killer in my 2 peices. He likes giving me challenges but I get through them. He is tough on us preformers but it works out because we now have the state title for a the sixth year in a row and the city title for the past 20 years. Its great!

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