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Sayings, Quotes, and other odd stuff

These are some other qoutes from some friends.

"What is the day before Ash Wendsday known as?"..."Tuesday?"

"Stay away from the sexy monkeys!"

"Steve from spanish"

"Steve not from spanish"

"I had a three way ...I think"(its from a duo)

"Don't do that to me...and I'm not that little boy anymore!"

"I.D.G.A.S., I.D.G.A.F, I.D.A.G.A.F.S."

"Guacamole cookies!"

"I feel like being a peice of toast!"

"Dripping with sweetness"

"I like girls" (This said by our female Spanish Teacher)

"Welcome Back" "Got o hell!"


"After wall-walking became a dengerous pastime, we decided to try a less threatening game: wall-sitting." (there is a picture that goes with it is!

"SHMAAAAAAN!" (sung in a barber shop quartet!)

"Death Star! DIE-BITCH-DIE!"

"Why is this site a devil worship?! Are you guys all devil worshipers?!?" (some one asked about the tile of my page!)

"Suicide is my middle soup!"

"Hi Pat!...I am sexy!...I love myself!...Bye Pat!

"I don't really care about the economy!"

"For go and spread the good...BURGER!?!?!"

"Thats all I need 15 minutes! I'm quick!"

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