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  Hopper's Home-A nice mix of Christ centered values, HTML helps, Graphic Givaways, Educational Sources and much much more.

Molly's Homepage,A family oriented site with several pages devoted to my family and to Christ.

Domestic Violence, Being a survivor of Domestic Violence, I am now an advocate trying to bring more awareness to the problem. Static's prove a woman is abused every 9 seconds. Only by the love and mercy of my God, am I alive. God has impressed upon me to carry out this ministry. It is time that the silence is broken and women speak out. I deal with several women every day that have been abused and battered. It's time the truth comes out of the closet about these horrific tortures some women are put through.
  The Kidz Connection Just for kids! Safe chatting, resources, games, penpal and more!

Fly Like an Eagle For teens- a christian home page under construction.

Strawberry Heaven My "home on the web" is a home where everyone can feel welcome, comfortable visiting; also it encourages those who don't know Jesus as their Savior to seek Him in a loving, christian relationship. It also shows that even christians aren't perfect nor immune to problems, but with God on their side, can have a hope that is stronger than anything the world has to offer!

A Great Light A collection of Spirit filled Life and Light from the 40 some odd years I've been walking with my Lord Jesus, our Father and the Holy Spirit. Visions, Prophecies and Revelations for the Body of Christ in this end time.

God's Amazing Love,It's just my personal webpage.. I've been wanting to do one for sometime and since my accident a friend of mine suggested I do My testimony about it.. So I did and I've done some other pages since ... I love talking about God.. I try to convey things that people will understand that will make them curious..

Christian Poet and Storyteller A site to stop and read the poetry and essays written on the heart of a woman. I take NO credit for these works, I am but the instrument that my LORD uses to write with. These poems and essays were first written upon my heart, and now they are written here for all to get encouragement from.

The Northern Kentucky Brotherhood Singers Come on in and get to know this group of melodious gospel singers!


These are sites brought over from our original friends page.

This site deals with a fragile issue,that we all need to take a look at. This sweet lady was brave to bring this out to share with others,and to be a help for those who have struggled with similar things. This is a story of victory.

Shirley's Place
Shirley is a good friend and has a wonderful testimony to those who know her.Hope you all will give her your support with her new site.

This is a web site created by a lovely, spirited, young lady.Come on in toJulia's Page
You also might want to check out these sites as well. and Not Your Typical Religious Site

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