The Harrisburg Youth Symphony Orchestra
Dr. Ronald E. Schafer Conductor
The Harrisburg Youth Symphony Orchestra , sponsored by the Harrisburg Symphony Association, provides serious orchestral training for high school students. The 2000/2001 season marks the 48th anniversary of the orchestra, which makes it one of the oldest youth symphonies in the United States. In its history, the orchestra has given premieres of new orchestral works, toured in several states and Canada, presented student and professional soloists, hosted concerts with other youth symphonies and performed for Harrisburg area schools in its "Concerts for Schools" program.
From its formative years of one concert per season to the seven plus concerts given this year, the orchestra continues to provide a challenge to its talented members in developing their musicianship and sensitivity in playing standard symphonic orchestral literature.
The Youth Symphony has had only two conductors during its 48 years. Noah Klaus, noted music educator and string teacher at Elizabethtown High School, organized the orchestra in 1953, and conducted its first concert in May of 1954. He remained as conductor of the orchestra for 15 seasons until the Fall of 1968, when he retired and recommended to the Harrisburg Symphony Association Board of Directors that his successor be Ronald E. Schafer . Dr. Schafer, who recently retired as the String Specialist and Orchestra Director for the Derry Township School District, in Hershey, has been at the helm of the orchestra since that time and is celebrating 33 seasons with the orchestra this year.
Thank you, for your interest in the Youth Symphony, and have a wonderful day!