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Name: Will
The thing that usually nobody knows about, or nobody cares about:
I have a lung disease known as Cystic Fibrosis. It overproduces mucus in the lungs causing a chronic bronchitis. I obviously cough a lot when there's too much mucus in my lungs. It also affects my digestives system by not allowing the proper nutrients to be distributed throughout my body. if i don't take care of my lungs, i pretty much suffocate and die. if i don't eat right, i don't have any energy to fight cold's or infections, thus, i die. because of CF i easily get sick because my body is constantly tired from trying to get oxygen to my blood (because i can't breathe). therefore, i miss an enormous amount of school. i still get the work done at home though.... yes... all of it... CF also severely dehydrates my body. i generally carry around a water bottle to stay hydrated so i don't faint from dehydration and then die. aside from my health being the most important thing in my life, i still have a lot of friends who help out a lot. and i have friends who don't know but are still genuinely nice to me. i still have a life and i still go out and do things. it's not like CF makes me a hermit in my home. i was supposed to die when i was born, (and almost did) then i was supposed to die when i was 14 or 15. now currently i'm supposed to die in my mid 30's. i don't know when i'll die, but it won't be of the CF. hah, i'm not really afraid of this lung disease. at all.(by the way, the average life span of someone with CF today is 32ish. )it doesn't rule my life, so i do what shit i have to do and i don't complain.


Why did I create this site? I've had this site since I was about 13 and I didn't really care about it 'til I was 15. I was mainly bored with the internet so I tried something new. Stuff written back then sucked.

Now what I write is generally about things on my mind. Sometimes I'll go into a crazy ramble and possibly lose a few people. Honestly, I don't care. I just vent about things when I feel like it. I'm completely open to other's opinions and I try not to be a biased person. Sure, I can be, but who isn't? If someone brings up a good point and proves me wrong, hey, no problem, I was wrong. A lot of the time I'll try to play both sides of whatever the issue is I'm speaking of, but generally I somehow end up taking a side anyway. I'll sometimes come off as very aggressive and rude in my posts, I'm not like that in person. Feel free to talk to me any time.

I'm using angelfire 'cause I'm too lazy to get a real domain. Obviously my site isn't very well-known but somehow people are finding it. I don't care about what my site looks like at all. The theme of my site is text, not fancy imagery. I don't care about getting my word out there 'cause there are plenty of people who either
A) Don't care
B) Disagree
So I don't bother arguing or debating with people if they disagree. It's a huge waste of time. And I'm not an agenda-pushing idiot. I'd rather have a good conversation with someone about issues, or just in general, rather than a debate.
Well, there you have it. That's it.