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this place secures my corner of hell.


Everything in this section is mainly made to make you think "this guy's an asshole."
Cute quotes suck. I hate reading cutesy quotes that give the image that they have philosophical meaning. Whether they're song quotes or not, they're lame and have no significance to anything in the world. Most of the time they don't even apply to ANYTHING. I'll give an example :

* Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always perseveres. *

Wow. Do I really have to criticize this? This is so dumb. Be realistic. Love isn't some fairy tale from a book. What is "love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth" supposed to mean? Seriously, grow up.

The only good kind of music is the kind with consistent structured songs. NOT something like Aaron Carter singing a song about that ogre Shaquille O'Neal. NOT rap, ever. NOT anything that calls themselves a punk band then airs on Mtv. Name a few? Why should I? This is my fucking website.

If you watch MTV ever and enjoy it, you deserve to watch your family burn at the stake.

people don't know the difference between the words There, Their, and They're. a hint for you unintelligable bastards.
There is a place. like.. your brain is over there!
Their is possesive. for example.. Their brains are hiding in their asses.
They're literally means They Are. such as... They're really stupid and should go back to kindergarten. or just die.

when you're online talking to people and you feel like cursing... don't censor sh*t you want to say. we know what the f*ck you mean. stop f***ing doing it you @$$holes. you fucking loser.

if you're ever contemplating why you were ever born, just remember that you are a result of your hairy naked father's orgasm.

people say crying is okay and you should let it all out. no you shouldn't and it's never okay. you fucking pussy.

if u ever have an epiphany about life, just remember, you were a mistake and your mom meant to have sex with that dog.

if your best friend breaks up with his girlfriend, don't move in and hook up with her. cuz afterwards your friend will challenge you to a fight, and if you pussy out, a gorilla will rape you.

people always giggle and snicker at people who are mentally retarded. i say don't do it, it's wrong and makes you less of a person. besides, they can't help it when they eat poopy.

Death is but a doorway, time is but a window, and the movie Van Wilder sucked my balls.

people always classify other people by their hair color (example: blondes are dumb) well, here's a new one, redheads are doormats.

don't name your kid dick or frank... self explanitory.

if you still havent had a boyfriend/girlfriend, or gotten any play by highschool, don't be surprised if someone walks up to you some day, calls you a ghastly mythological beast, and breaks your nose.

If you're a little person, and you have a dream of someday becoming an actress or singer, don't pursue it, nobody will ever seriously hire you.

if you're very very overweight, dont expect anybody to acknowledge you as a person...ever

if you're a girl and you've got some hefty legs, don't wear short skirts/shorts or tight pants, it just makes u look even more repulsive.

if you're a girl who has a very hairy back..
1. never wear a bathing suit
2. shave your back
3. stop living.

if you're an ugly girl, don't wear alot of makeup everybody knows you're ugly, and nothing will ever change that.

never throw anything at a retarded person, they'll get angry and start thrashing around and might severely hurt someone.

don't get mad when people don't follow traffic laws, they are the ones that make your food and take out your trash

if you're a white person, don't wear the clothing brand fubu, you'll look even more ridiculous than the black people who were meant to wear it.