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"Mad Secretaries and Englishmen"
Dharma and Greg's love life suffers when they spend more time helping other people rather than themselves.
Don't miss it! Tuesday @ 9PM!!
Visit ClickTV for your local listings.

Monday, February 24, 2025

Yup that's right, i'm back! Thought i'd drop in and start updating again.

I'm not sure why but Angelfire took down my sounds pages.. i'll try to have something up.. sometime. ThanX!

Join DASH and save CASH on CDs, movies, DVD players, books and more! gives you cash for surfing the Internet.  Click here to join! has a great interview with Jenna go HERE to read it.

Keeping the Faith out on Video!! GO RENT IT!!
Visit the Official Keeping the Faith site HERE.

iCast has some wonderful interviews with the cast of Keeping the Faith
and lots of great clips from the movie, so go visit iCast now!

Congrats to Jenna for winning the TV Guide award for the 2nd time!

4-17-00 Today I created a Jenna list on eGroups!
Click HERE to join!
and don't forget about the Jenna Elfman Club on Yahoo!
Click HERE to join that club!

Vote for the Coolest Actress HERE!

If you like this site please vote for it!!

Jenna Elfman Online is now a 2 star site!!

ThanX to everyone that voted for my site. Keep voting!!


Below is a link to Tweedls Place(my other web site)! Go check it out!

Do you want to know more about me? If so click HERE!

Oh and while you're at it go check out my auctions on eBay!

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This page was established on Sunday September 19th, 1999.

I'd like to thank the following people:
for helping me get a good graphics program,
Sarah for checking out my page everytime I did something new and
for putting up with me constantly bothering her about everything,
Bri, Becc, Stacey and Rey for their comments and friendship
and last but definitely not least I'd like to thank Jenna Elfman for being a great actress and a great person
and for giving me something to do with my time.

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Disclaimer: All images sounds and the such are property of their respective creators and no copyright infrigment is meant by the use of them. This web site is for entertainment purposes only!!
Unfortunately, I am not in any way, shape or form personally associated with Jenna Elfman or anyone in the cast/crew of Dharma & Greg!

© 1999, 2000 Tweedl Enterprises, Inc.

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