We Will Defy Your Authority - KMFDM lyrics (page 6 of 6)
from the single "A Drug Against Wall Street"


Occupy Wall Street, the world's on fire, smoke them out and hang them higher.
Anonymous here, Anonymous there, we are the people, we're everywhere.
March to the drum of the ultra-heavy beat, KMFDM is a drug against Wall Street.
Search and destroy the thieves and liars, the reign of terror has expired.
Take no prisoners, make no mistake, our children's future is at stake.
March to the drum of the ultra-heavy beat, KMFDM is a drug against Wall Street.
Twenty-first century Robin Hood, destroy what destroys us once and for good.
Occupy Wall Street, the world's on fire, smoke them out and hang them higher.
from the album "KUNST"


(KMFDM are blowing themselves to hell.)
Juke-Joint Jezebel, R.U.OK?, Help Us/Save Us/Take Us Away, Money, Power, Murder, Blame, Ooh La La, Not in My Name.
A Drug Against War, Attak/Reload, KMFDM, Kill Motherfucking Depeche Mode.
Son of a Gun, What Do You Know? KMFDM, Kill Motherfucking Depeche Mode.
Don't You Blow Your Top, Every Day's a Good Day, Spit Sperm, Back in the U.S.S.A.,
Itchy Bitchy, From Here on Out, Come On - Go Off, Dirty, Kraut.
Disobedience, Anarchy, Bullets, Bombs & Bigotry, Torture, Terror, Bitches, Boots, Never Say Never, thank you Brute!
Sex on the Flag, Ready to Blow, KMFDM, Kill Motherfucking Depeche Mode.
More & Faster, Rebels in Kontrol, KMFDM, Kill Motherfucking Depeche Mode.
German engineering, astounding ingenuity, twenty-nine years of conceptual continuity.
Vive la Mort, People of the Lie, No Meat No Man, D.I.Y, The Unrestrained Use of Excessive Force, WWIII, Move On, Adios.
A Drug Against War, Attak/Reload, KMFDM, Kill Motherfucking Depeche Mode.
Son of a Gun, What Do You Know? KMFDM, Kill Motherfucking Depeche Fucking Mode.


Ave Maria, Mother Mary shouting out her name, Ave Maria, bearing witness in the face of pain.
Honour slowly letting go, hearts thunder from the beatings, standing alone.
Deus ex faeces, ill-begotten holy mutant, downfall of a species, morituri te salutant.
Show me something to believe in, tell me one truth I don't know, give me something to hold on to, point me somewhere I can go.
Ave Maria, unforgiving in the age of shame, Ave Maria, watching as we're perishing in vain.
Where angels fear to tread, bloody hands, foolish men dare smite the dragon's head.
Deus ex faeces, ill-begotten holy mutant, downfall of a species, morituri te salutant.
Give me wisdom to live up to, tell me what I ought to know, reignite the fire inside me, be with me when I must go.


(If you've managed to flee from your home to escape the bombs and bullets and have made it to the safety of a neighbouring country,
you might think the worst of your ordeal was over, and then you must go back into the war zone.)
Strength in numbers, a force to be reckoned, follow no leader, second to none.
Swarms of locusts don't need to be beckoned; come, see, conquer, move on.
All cultures are built on inequality, oppression, injustice, give or take, backed by fallacious ideology, time to wake, make or break.
Quake, make the earth shake, shock, let the planet rock; rumble in the jungle, shake the foundation, rock the ruination.
Flowers of debauchery, mercenary seed, behold the deluge as the levees break.
A wretched transcendental stampede, nothing but scorched earth in its wake.
Born and raised in slavery and need, no future, hope, reality; insatiable want, intransigent greed, down and out, totality.
Quake, make the earth shake, shock, let the planet rock; rumble in the jungle, shake the foundation, rock the ruination.


There is no way out, I will not recover, I know; sown the wind, corroding from within, I'll beg til you forgive.
Black is all I see, fierce wrath goeth over me; I repent, but terror has no friends, my own worst enemy.
Hello, nice to meet you, get up close; salvation's enemy, gonna make you pray, embrace misery.
Mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all? Evil twin, a doll pricked full of pins, I'll beg til you forgive.


Nest of vipers, den of thieves, thugs and banksters pimping sleaze, crooks and liars, whores of greed, always looking for the next big thing.
Keep away from the fire unless you want to ignite, rise out of darkness into the light.
Fast and simple, lean and mean, ultra-heavy strict machine, no surrender, no retreat, let us give you what you need.
Ultra dirty, filthy clean, makes you harder, gives you speed; show no mercy, have no fear, the ultra-heavy beat is here.
Mutinous bastards on a treacherous sea, popes and pastors full of lurid deeds, whores and harlots spilling seed, pigs and fascists, the next big thing.
Crooks and liars, the whores of greed, always looking for the next big thing.
Thugs and banksters pimping sleaze, always looking for the next big thing.
Mutinous bastards on a treacherous sea, always looking for the next big thing.
You wretched masses and the shit you believe, always looking for the next big thing.
Keep away from the fire unless you want to ignite, rise out of darkness into the light.


(Three members of the feminist punk collective Pussy Riot face three years in jail each
for taking part in a punk rock prayer in which they called on the Virgin Mary to rid Russia of Vladimir Putin.)
Blood sister, comrade, we move as one, bound by a promise to never give up.
Honour, salvation will find its way, we are not sinners that need to be saved.
Break out, punk prayer, superhero anarchy; break out, we will defy your authority.
We are who we are, what we believe, you have not seen the last of me.
Pussy Riot, hear us roar, an army of tits down for the cause; mother, daughter, sister, unite, rise out of silence, stand up and fight.
Break out, stand up, unify, raise hell; break out, fight til the death for equality.
We are who we are, what we believe, locked up or free, not seen the last of me.
(I try to keep my faith alive, I cannot keep my hate inside.)
No religion or state of forced brutality, you have not seen the last of me.
Break out, we will defy your authority.
(It was a prayer directed at the Virgin Mary, but it was heard all around the world.)


Burnt out and hollow, always open up, swallow, in one and out the other, forever duck and cover.
Erase now, turn back the clock, put and end to neverending suck.
Pseudocide, slipping through the other side; pseudocide, MIA, that's okay.
Pseudocide, goodbye day, hello night; pseudocide, welcome to the afterlife.
Ride the rail, gagged and tethered, run out of town, tarred and feathered, time has come to shift the pace, putting on a dead man's face.
Erase oneself, reinvent the wheel, astride the guillotine, swilling gasoline.
Pseudocide, out of mind, out of sight; pseudocide, MIA, that's okay.
Wipe the plate, start over on a clean slate; pseudocide, welcome to the afterlife.
Countless bones in the closet, useless cog in a machine, shameless legacy of fuckups, nameless shadow of what could have been.
Erase now, turn back the clock, put and end to neverending suck.
Pseudocide, goodbye day, hello night; pseudocide, out of mind, out of sight.
Pseudocide, MIA, that's okay; pseudocide, welcome to the afterlife.


Let your animal out.
Fiercely in control, show your fangs, shake those bones; stripped bare, on the roam, hear you growl, make me moan.
Let me hear it, that sound you make, let me hear it.
Shock, awe, break taboo, jagged claw tearing through; primal scream, acquiesce, embrace your inner creature, let nature do the rest.
Let me hear it, that sound you make, let me hear it.
Turn it up loud, let your animal out, circle like a tiger, step out from the crowd, let your animal howl.
Back it up now, let your animal out, release your inner fever, unleash your whore til the screams keep coming and they beg for more.
Let your animal out.


I'm always following in your wake, I'm always cleaning up the mess you make.
I've got my weapons ready, here we go, it will be over before you know.
I'm right behind you in the dead of night, keeping an eye on everything you trade.
You put a tag on everything in sight, but you pay no attention to the mess you've made.
Hear me on this, I will bring you the end of your world,
It's a bedtime story they don't tell the rich, you are all on my watchlist and karma's a bitch.
Unseen hands are throwing the dice, systems crumbling beneath their weight.
Remember everything has got a price, and every soul has an interest rate.
Evaluate the sum of your lies, put on your business smile and corporationalise.
What you brought upon others has come back for you, you'll become what you used to despise.
Traffickers of lives and traders of fate, selling your dead lust across the sea,
And once you are free it is all too late, they once paid for you but now they pay for me.
Some blood has been shed, your greed has been fed, as have the imp on your back and the voices in your head.
Put your calls on hold and allow me this dance, reschedule your meetings and cancel your plans.
Always tainted, always scarred, sick of waiting, no holds barred, judgement fails and morals fade, cleaning up the mess you made.
Stay where you stand and get choked by that invisible hand, in this corporate hell that will only compel you to retcon supply and demand.
I'll bring you down on your knees, from the top of the world to despair.
I'm the solution, the treatment, and you're the disease; I'll be the end of your line, no doubt, watch out, beware.


I heart you, I heart you not.
Arrow through the middle, hit jackpot, tie me up in riddles, our lovers' knot.
Stalk like a jackal, out of sight, shrouded in shadow for fear of light.
My obsession is one you can trust, blind idol worship at first blush,
No limit to how far I'll go, you need to comprehend who's in control.
Soulmate, enemy, have it your way; I'm open-minded, choose your game.
Be afraid, don't know right from wrong, decide wisely but don't take too long.
Put you on a pedestal or bury you in lies, if there's no body there's been no crime.
Don't try to run, there's nowhere to hide, everything and all for you, my blood runs wild,
No limit to how far I'll go, you need to comprehend who's in control.
I heart you, I heart you not.

English translations

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