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Here are some fantasy stories....

Fan Fics, Harmony's Best!

There is a NEW fanfiction layout section and if you were misguided back here, click HERE to return back to the NEW fanfiction layout!(this is best viewed with internet explorer)

Or you can always follow this OLD one...but the new one's a LOT easier and better... The new layout

...If you'd like to go home, but this is probably the best thing on my site

Poem Section!
Poems for the residents of Harmony...they're kinda sappy...yeah...

Stupid Hank, Smart Luis
*new* This is a very...interesting...hmmmm...retarded fanfic, i wrote it, go figure. if you liked no hank, or liked other stories of mine, you'd probably like this one. it's be me...go figure.

No hank!
by sucks. i know it does, at least i'm honest...e-mail me and tell me it sucks, i'd love that! Why isn't there any negative ppl on the net? just read this piece of crap and e-mail me, and tell me that it sucks! I'd appreciate it! It's new! [online love and the lives love invades are better...]

Online Love
*updated* Two people...fall in love over the net...who does Luis fall in love with? by me, chloë

The Lives Love Invades!
*updated*A fanfic about several couples! Read it, you'll like it...I can honestly say...this is one of mine that I can stand reading...haha

I heard it
Sheridan overhears something again...[by chloë *me*]

I do y'know?
Sheridan comes back from Paris with some news......[by chloë *me*]

If you Love me
This is by me...and it's just...well...if you've read my other fanfics...and you're looking for a may as well read this one...[by chloë *me*]

Twilight In Paris
This is by's based on the song that JEM sings, 'twilight in Paris''s not that great...go figure, I wrote's just like all my other crappy ones...anyway...yeah..listen to the song, though! you need REAL AUDIO

Don't you just love disney?
This is by's really a 'splash' haha. No it sucks...but hell, if you read the rest of my fanfics, you may as well read another stupid one.

Rants, Ranting and a little bit of Panting
My newest fanfic--It's y'know a continuation of that Luis mask probably sucks, but read it anyway and e-mail me, why not eh?

BELIEVING IN FATE This is a fanfic by-not me-it says on the story...WARNING...there's some swearing in there... haha, but don't say I didn't warn you!

Fly Away
Sheridan is about to go to Salem...Luis writes her a ME, Chloë NEW NEW NEW

dance is foreplay
This one's by me, it's about guess who, yep..Sheridan and Luis.

Sheridan has something to give me, chloë

Hurts too much
I really silly Sheridan and Luis story! It's up now! It's retarded, I have to warn you!

Happy Holidays

Sheridan and Luis, late at the book cafe, with their growing attraction...hmmmm *by me! I wrote one! First in a long time!*

Sheridan and Luis are married
By Katy Sheridan and Luis are married....what will happen?!

A Sheridan and Luis story by The talented writer, Katy! (all this time)
Sheridan and Luis...are doing something....they'll end up happy....I hope so at least....guess you'll have to read it!

Drowning her Sorrows (part one)
Sheridan gets drunk, guess who saves her?!

Driving Miss Sheridan (part2)
A continuation of the other one...above

The date. (part3)
ANOTHER continuation, this story is really good!!! BY katy, katy, katy!

Everybody Needs Somebody-By Cristina
About Sheridan and Cris! (part One)

Sibling Rivalry (part One) By Ivy
Sibling Rivalry, Sheridan, Luis, Theresa, uh, just READ IT!!!

kayla's sam and Ivy story!
Kayla's story about Sam and Ivy! *younger, like one big flashback...which is half of passions*

Sibling Rivalry (part 2)
Refer above! By very talented Ivy!

Sibling Rivalry (part 3)
Refer above!

Eric-Greta all I want is you by Sarah
Eric and Greta, All I want is you, so sweet, so sad, so happy!'s a good one, meaning I didn't write it *jokes to me* it's by an amazing writer named Sarah!

Eric-Greta all I want is you *part 2* by Sarah
Eric and Greta, All I want is you (part 2), so sweet, so sad, so happy!'s a good one, meaning I didn't write it *jokes to me* it's by an amazing writer named Sarah!

Sheridan and Luis are Honest to eachother...NEW NEW NEW

I'll be
NEEEW!!!Eric and Greta, story one, an added each week!

Soaps In Soaps
*UPDATED OCT.23*Sheridan, Luis, Bo, Hope, Greta EVERYONE!

Another Sheridan and Luis story...
Sheridan and Luis team up together and stuff, by me and I don't know what I wrote, I was sleepy, and Charity and Miguel will get in there later...

Our Song by Goria
A Sam and Ivy story by Gloria! *sigh* how sad it is!

Oh Halloween!
Harmony at the Halloween Dance! Oh what will boil up!

Sheridan and Luis are locked away by Hank who's getting mad.

Sheridan and Luis-the hurts
This is a a story by me...*completed*

A story about Sheridan and Luis
Starwars romance scenerio-by me and it's *COMPLETED*

3 words to break a heart, Sheridan and Luis

The Chance-Sheridan and Luis
By me's completed too!

Little Ones
Awe, young love, by me, Chloë, this was all done too!

Sheridan and Luis-Connections
By me again, this ones not completed, but read it anyway...

Charity and Miguel-vs KAY
By me, not completed, Charity, Miguel and the evil Kay...

Sandy Days-Sheridan and Luis
Chloë (aka me) wrote this one too! It's all done.

Car Rides!
It's been update but not DONE, so y'know...actually this is probably the most fiction of fiction on this page, I doubt it'd happen but read it anyway!

Car Rides..more of it!
More of the Car Ride, or what happens after 'em...

Sam and Ivy Story *
A story about Sam, Ivy and Grace. It's not done, but it's pretty confusing...for me writiing it anyway, I have yet to come up with who winds up with Sam

Sheridan and Luis go CAMPING!
*NEW* Camping, 2 couples, Beth, Sheridan, Luis and Hank, who ends up with who? *hint* Luis and Hank don't turn gay so y'know...

Fan Fics about all people in Harmony
This isn't mine either...You'll find stories by me there too!

Not mine, another Sheridan and Luis Fan fic stories site
Not mine...but it's awesome!

Theresa and Ethan site!
Great fan fics! Plus this site is also awesome!

(Not mine) a Luis and Sheridan romance thing...
This would be another site, it's awesome!

e-mail me some romance stories, I have started typing the ones I wrote. If you have Fan Fics e-mail them, or the links to me, because I'm way too lazy to type 'em all. I am typing 6 right now that should be added in the next few weeks! I have a lot of them I still need to type up so....*If you don't see updates, press reload, it'll be a surprise when you see more stories!*

The song you are listening to is, "It must have been Love". It's from Pretty Woman by the singer Roxette. I love this's so sweet. The lyrics are really nice...If only it wasn't just a Midi. This song also plays on *3 words to break her heart* The lyrics are here:

Lay a whisper on my pillow, leave the winter on the ground. I wake up lonely, there's air of silence in the bedroom and all around. Touch me now, I close my eyes and dream away.

It must have been love, but it's over now, it must've been good but I lost it somehow. It must have been love, but it's over now, from the momment we touched, 'till the time had run out.

Make believing we're together, that I'm sheltered, by your heart. But in and outside I've turned to wanter like a tear drop in your palm. And it's a hard winters day, I dream away.

It must have been love but it's over now, it was that I wanted, now I'm living without. It must have been love but it's over now, it's where the water flows, it's where the wind blows.

Counter added Oct.2nd/99

BeSt CoUpLeS
