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Lightning Crashes...performed by LIVE

This is a Castlevanina Symphony of the Night fan fic. However,

what follows is in no way related to the series. Thanx to P-

chan for the inspiration, and to the guy at the flea market for

the cd.

Lightning crashes, a new mother cries...

Her placenta falls to the floor...

A horrible storm raged in the dark night sky. Brilliant

flashes of lightning streaked downward from the heavens, gleaming

radiantly. A small weather-worn old house stood at the edge

of town, vigilantly keeping the weather out. It was time-worn

and aged, but well cared for. Each board and nail seemed to

be proudly holding together. Inside in the corner of the house,

the woman clutched her fists in pain. Her swollen stomach

heaving heavily as she grabbed at the bedsheets. She writhed

and moaned with each contraction, bringing her child closer

and closer to this world. People around her were speaking,

encouraging her but she didn't want to hear them.

The angel opens her eyes...

The confusion sets in...

In some other world in the heavens, the beautiful one looked

into the lake. The fairies and slyphs darted away as she ran

her white slender fingers against the water. A vision began

to form. The old house, the mother's pain, all became so clear

to her. She gazed at the woman on the bed, her beautiful blue

eyes bright with interest. The time had come once more for the

chosen one to be found. She knelt on the soft grass, warm

in the sun, and put her fingertips up to her perfect lips.

Gently kissing them, she reached down toward the water, to the

mother in childbirth, shattering the imagein the water.Outside the house,

behind the cloak of night and the storm, a single silver star

fell from the heavens. No one noticed it descening. Sitting up, held tightly in her husband's arms, the woman pushed one more time, and with a rush of blood

and gasping moan the next generation was born.

Before the doctor can even close the door...

The priest hurried in the birthing room and gently took

the child from it's mothers arms. He cradled it tightly.

The mother looked on in fear. Examining the child, the priest

found what he was looking for, that star shaped mark of the special

child. He looked toward the window and the dark sky, wishing

he had seen the star fall. With old, withering fingertips, he

traced ancient markings on the forehead of the babe, and turned

around to face the mother and father, with his face pale and

worn. She knew his words before they were spoken as only a mother could.

He placed the child back with her and looked into the father's

eyes. "He shall be the next in the line." The mother broke

down and sobbed, holding her child tightly. The father could

do nothing to console her. His son was named Richter Belmont.

Lightning crashes, a old mother dies...

Her intentions fall to the floor...

Many miles away, the storm exploded in it's bright flashes

over a run-down castle. The old ivy leaves that had once

magnificently circled the high towers in pride now drooped, brown

and molding. They fluttered as the winds blew fiercely. Inside

the old castle, the woman screamed in pain. The candlelight

flickered and played tricks with her eyes as the fever raged

in side of her. Her hands were bound tightly at her sides, the

ropes straining hard against her mad throws of pain. The

midwife urged her to push, but she could not hear her. Lost

in her own world of misery and agony, she could do nothing but

whimper and moan.

The angel closes her eyes...

The confusion that was hers...

In a realm of darkness and tears, the beautiful one walked

over to the altar. Imps and devils hurried out of her way.

She brushed the dark hair away from her face and looked into

a shimmering silver mirror that was framed in the finest and

rest metals. Gazing into it's infinite depths, she viewed

the distressed mother in her feverish stupor. Other than the

midwife, the room was empty. There wasn't anyone there to care.

A small tear began to well up in her eye. It was time for it once

again. Smiling sweetly to herself, she reached up and touched

the tear with her fingertip. The moisture collected there,

wet and shiny in the darkness. With care, she reached out for

the sweaty, fatigued mother and touched the image on the glass. The mirror

cracked into a thousand pieces. In the dark night a crack of

thunder shot from the heavens, shaking the castle. One final

breath came forth from the mother as her body finally succumbed

to the pain and fever. Her final scream shoved the child crying

into the world.

Belongs now to the baby down the hall...

The midwife took the child from it's dead mother's arms

and wrapped it tightly in a blanket. The large room now seemed

too quiet, now that her cries had stopped. There wasn't anyone

here to pity her, to sympathize with her. Alone and sick,

the mother died without even knowing her child. With great care,

she placed the child in the plain, simple wooden cradle

that his mother had so carefully carved for him. Turning back

to her, the midwife pulled the bloodstained sheet over the

mother's head. The storm had ceased it's endless barrage

outside. Walking back to the cradle, she was startled by the

sight of a man, dressed completely in black standing before

her. Knowing who he was, she simply stepped aside, letting

him approach the cradle. Deep inside she knew that he would come for the child. The man regarded the child with little interest. He paused for a moment before picking the him up. The darkness enveloped them both and they were gone.

Oh I feel it now comin' back again...

Like a Rollin' thunder chasing the wind...

Twenty-four years later, Richter stood on the hilltop,

clutching the whip at his side. This is what he had been born to do. Trained for years, his fate lie in the old castle that stood before him. A light rain had begun as he started down the dusty road leading to it's entrance. His soft brown hair

flowed out behind him as the wind picked up. Off in the distance

a stray wolf howled, his voice echoing eerily in the moonlight.

Richter's boots reverberated off the stone walls of the castle,

quietly announcing his arrival. Glancing up at one of the

windows, he saw a tall, thin man with the whitest hair standing

there, watching him. Richter blinked and then the figure

he was gone. Reaching the portcullis he watched as it opened before him. Walking in, he greeted his destiny with enthuasim.

Forces pullin' from the center of the Earth again...

I can feel it...

Sitting upon a velvet chair, Alucard sighed to himself.

He reached forward and took a sip from his wine glass. The

crimson liquid touched his lips, staining them a bright red

color that he would never physically have. Growing bored, he rose from his chair and began to pace the room, his long cloak following him silently like a shadow.

He looked over to the fireplace mantle and glared at the portrait

of his father there. His sire, the man who taught him everything

and nothing. Always watching, never caring. A quiet dripping

on the window brought him out of his thoughts. The rain had

started. Alucard walked to the window and opened it to let

the cold air into the musty room. He knew that the Belmont

would be here now. Looking down he watched Richter walk across

the drawbridge. It was time for it to begin.

Silently moving down the spiral staircase Alucard gazed at the door as Richter opened it. For the first and last time ever, he was to look upon the face of what should be his mortal enemy.

Richter pushed the door open and entered the musty hallway of the ruined castle. A sudden movment at the top of the stairs caught his attention. Hand on his whip, he walked forward into the dim light there and faced his family’s eternal enemy.


Lightning crashes a new mother cries...

This moment she's been waiting for...

Years later, the storm that raged every hundred years

flared up across the countryside once again. It's winds whirled

and spun through the empty streets, knocking off loose shingles

and scraps from the gutters. At the end of the street, in a

brightly lit house, a young woman smiled though her pain. She

sat up, with her back against her husband's chest. He bent

down and gently kissed her cheek. The doctor prompted her to

push one more time. Closing her eyes she summoned all her

strength and welcomed her child into the world. Warm and safe,

the doctor placed the infant in her arms.

The angel opens her eyes...

Pale blue colored iris, presents the circle...

And puts the glory out to hide, hide...

Plucking a flower from the edge of the river bank, the

beautiful angel stood up, her white gown flowing in the breeze.

She stretched and flared out her feathery, gossamer wings.

Looking down into the water, she could see nothing reflected

there, only darkness. She had touched so many in her long

lifetime and was now ready for a rest. She stood there on the

edge of the river for a moment, waiting. It was not long before

she caught sight of her sister walking down the road. Clothed

in the blackest black the succbus arched out her leathery wings

high into the air. She greeted her sister with a kiss on the lips. They

sat near the water and talked of things long since forgotten

for quite sometime. The sun had just begun to set when they

got up to leave. The succbus started off first down the path,

then paused and waited for her sister. The angel lingered for

a moment near the glimmering water. Whispering to herself,

she tossed the flower into the water and joined her sister.

Together, hand in hand they started in their journey. The water

rippled out for a few seconds then clamed. On the shining

surface was the image of a dimly-lit room, and a woman.

12/07/98 by Lady Setsuna

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lyrics copyright...1994 edward kowalcyzk