Hello, and welcome to Bonker's Hill Deer Farm on the web! You can really check us out in Mill Hall, Pennsylvania.
The top picture is a Mule Deer. Notice the color of his coat. Below is also a picture of a Western Mule Deer and a regular Michigan and Pennsylvania cross White Tail fawn.
The picture below is "Mia's" third fawn.
Spring fawns $400.00
Bred does are $1,000.00.
Unbred does are $600.00.
Bucks (antlerless) are $1000.00.
White fawns-After May 31st;(male & female) are $800.00.
**New Pics**
(These pics were added July 12, 2001)
If you are interested in purchasing one for your deer farm please contact me at: Bonker's Hill Deer Farm
Click on the mailbox link above.
This page created by Tricia. If you would like information on having a page created for you, please contact her at Eccentric8400@juno.com Or, click on the mailbox link above.