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The Golfing Dreamers


Following an encounter with a terminally ill child, who was enjoying his own dream come true, thanks to another charity, one of the Dreamers felt he would like to become involved in a similar project. As a result, in February 1991, Harry, Jeff and Gordon met to discuss the viability of holding an annual Charity Golf Day with a view to raising money to send to terminally ill children on their dream holiday.

Thus “The Dreamers” Was Born

From the outset it was a fundamental principle of the Dreamers that not a penny of the money raised would be deducted for expenses or overheads. Everyone can therefore be assured that any contribution made, or funds raised at the golf day, are spent entirely on making the children’s dreams come true. In order to identify them from the many other “dreams come true” charities in existence, the decision was made to change the name to;

The Golfing Dreamers

Which was felt, aptly, reflected the concept behind the fund raising. As a small independent charity they rely totally on donations from the Golf Day, friends, colleagues and organisations who recognise the benefits of working with people who have no overheads or expenses. Over the years the original principle has not changed and donors can be assured that every penny raised is spent on the children.

The Bandidos

The Bandidos are a golf society of construction professionals consisting of Architects, Contractors, Developers, Engineers, Surveyors, etc. who through golf, support children’s Charities. The challenges undertaken by the Bandidos include playing six rounds of golf during a 24hr period, playing 4 rounds of golf at 4 different courses within 12 hours and numerous night golf competitions. Since being formed in 1997 the Bandidos along with the help of many friends and supporters have donated over £156,000 to various charities including the Golfing Dreamers, Demelza House children’s Hospice, Parents of Murdered Children along with many others. Our main fund raising day is the Annual Golf day which has seen the Bandidos raise over £35,000 in one day.















Here are just a few of the children who have benefited during the year:

Cameron – is 8 years old has had a bowel transplant which has rejection problems is the longest surviving patient who has undergone this surgery. Fortunately he was well enough to travel to Butlins.

Rosie – is 8 years old and suffers from leukaemia and her mother Amber has been diagnosed with breast cancer. The year has been a never ending round of treatment for both of them. But we managed to organise a trip to Euro Disney.

Daniel – is 12 years old and suffers from downs syndrome, complicated by a heart condition and diabetes. His brother Steve 7 is a celiac and baby Jack has been diagnosed as diabetic. This year has, understandably been fairly traumatic for the family, but they enjoyed a wonderful time in Euro Disney.


The above are just a small selection of more than 175 children and families we have managed to help over the last 13 years. Couple this with the funding of several hospital Christmas parties, donations to two children’s Hospices to purchase specialist equipment, you can see just how far your donations can reach. With your continued support we can extend the help even further and realise even more children’s dreams.