Becket and Canterbury

Canterbury Cathedral, with some good Becket links.

The Virtual Shrine of St. Thomas Becket.

If you care about the present Archbishop of Canterbury, he has a page here.  If you want a list of all the archbishops from Augustine to today, that's there too.

Hagiographies of saints can be found here.

The Constitutions of Clarendon, which caused so much trouble between Thomas and Henry.

An account of the conflict between the king and archbishop by twelfth-century historian William of Newburgh.

Edward Grim's account of the murder.

Gervase of Canterbury's version of the murder.

An excerpt from the end of an old novel about Becket.

And sort of related:


Pilgrims Passing To and Fro

Old French Literature

Hear parts of the Chanson de Roland read in the original.

The whole Song of Roland in English.

More French poetry, both old and new, can be found here (in "Collected French Verse").

The Old French Language Page.

A French site on the Normans, containing a couple of familiar pictures.
