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elcome to our Cub Pack Family...Where Character Counts and The Adventure Begins! Cub Scouting is for parents as well as boys! This Handbook was designed to answer some questions you may have about scouting and our Pack. If you have any further questions, please Contact Us.


As a parent, you want your son to grow up to be a person of worth, who is self-reliant, dependable, and caring individual. Scouting has these same goals in mind for him. Since 1910, we have been weaving lifetime values into fun and educational activities designed to assist parents in strengthening character, good citizenship and physical fitness in youth.

Scouting IS family the same time Cub Scout age boys do not join Scouting just to get their character built. Boys join Cub Scouting because IT IS FUN!


Statistics show that over the long term, boys and young men who have experienced Scouting's programs are more likely to have success in school, career and family, as well as stronger ethics and better relationships with others. For example:

Boys with five or more years in Scouting (98%) are more likely to graduate from high school than those who never were Scouts (83%).
Former Scouts (40%) are also more likely to be college graduates than non-Scouts (16%).
Thirty-three percent of men who were Scouts for five years or more have household incomes of $50,000 or more, compared to 17% of non-Scouts (source: 1995 Harris and Associates study).


Scouting Is Family Oriented

Activities are intended for the whole family. You work together with your son on his advancements. Many skills he will learn are family oriented.

The Cub Scout Den

Your son is a member of a Cub Scout Den. The Den meets weekly. The Den is led by a Den Leader. Den Meetings have games, crafts, songs, ceremonies, and lots of fun.

The Cub Scout Pack

Your son's Den is a member of a Cub Scout Pack. A Pack meets once per month -- all Cub Scout families attend. The Pack Meeting is led by the Cubmaster. The Pack Meeting is the highlight of the month's den meetings and activities. Pack Meetings have games, songs, skits, stunts, ceremonies, and presentations of badges that boys earned during the month.

The Pack Committee

The Pack is run by a Committee of volunteer parents. The Pack Committee is made up of all Den Leaders, the Cubmaster, and parents. The Committee plans Den and Pack Meetings. The Committee selects Leaders, performs record keeping, manages finances, finds meeting places, orders badges, maintains pack equipment, helps train and recognize leaders.


Advancements challenge a boy to work on skills that match his ability and interest level. The boy is not expected to be perfect, but DO HIS BEST. Boys will be exposed and motivated to try out a lot of different activities.

The responsibility for a boy's advancement in Cub Scouting lies with the family and not the Pack. Some advancement requirements are done at den meetings, but most are completed at home with family.


All boys (regardless of age beginning with second graders) earn the Bobcat Badge first, by learning the Cub Scout Promise, Law of the Pack, handshake, salute, sign, motto, and meaning of WEBELOS. After receiving the Bobcat Badge, the boys work on requirements based on their grade level. TO FIND OUT MORE ABOUT THE BOBCAT TRIAL, CLICK HERE.


A Cub Scout, who has completed first grade, works on twelve achievements to earn the Wolf Badge. After he earns his Wolf Badge, a boy may work on Electives in different interest areas to earn Arrow Points. See what our Wolves are up to.


A Cub Scout, who has completed second grade, works to complete twelve of twenty-four achievements to earn the Bear Badge. After he earns his Bear Badge, a boy may work on Electives in different interest areas to earn Arrow Points. Find out what our Bears are doing.


When a Cub Scout has completed the rhird grade, he joins a Webelos Den. The boy works on requirements for the Webelos Badge, twenty activity badges, and the Arrow of Light Award. The Arrow of Light Award is the highest award in Cub Scouting! Webelos is a two year program -- upon entering sixth grade, the boy graduates to Boy Scouts. Click here for more information about our Webelos.

Sports and Academics Program

Belt Loops, Pins, and Patches are awarded for trying our many different sports and academic subjects. CLICK ON THE IMAGE ABOVE TO FIND OUT MORE ABOUT THE SPORTS AND ACADEMICS PROGRAM.


Tiger Cubs is for first grade boys and an adult partner. Adult partners are usually parents or family members, but can be any adult. What is important is that the boy participates with a caring, loving adult. Many activities are designed to involve the whole family and benefit the whole family.

The Tiger Cub Den is part of a Cub Scout Pack. The den meets twice monthly and in addition, attends the monthly Cub Scout Pack Meeting.

Objectives of Tiger Cubs BSA

With your boy, have fun and learn new things.
Involve other family members in many of the activities.
Teach your boy many of the ideals of Boy Scouting: reverence for God, love of country, love of family and others, and personal development.

Through Tiger Cubs BSA, you and your boy will learn about the Scouting program.

Tiger Cub Motto

The motto of Tiger Cubs BSA is SEARCH, DISCOVER, SHARE.

The Tiger Cub program is full of excitement and fun. But underlying all of the fun and action are the goals of building self-esteem, confidence, and a stronger family unit.

Tiger Cub Promise

"I promise to love God, my family, and my country and to learn about the world."

Your boy is old enough to understand a promise and the responsibilities it carries. But he needs your help and support when he feels he is unable or doesn't want to live up to it. Check out what our Tigers are up to. OR...Find out more about the Tiger Program


Cub Scout Pack #37 is part of the Cradle of Liberty Council, Conestoga District. It is currently 14 boys strong with three trained leaders. The boys meet in small groups called a Den of no more than six boys. Each Den has an adult leader.

Our youngest cubs are Tigers. Tiger Cubs are first graders. Tiger Cubs form a team with an adult partner. Unlike other Cub Scouts, Tiger Cubs wear an orange uniform, have fewer den meetings, and parents share den leadership. Each meeting is based on the Tiger Cub Motto along with a Big Idea from the Tiger Cub Family Activity Book. Tiger Cubs do not have advancements, but get iron-on paws and beads for participation.

The Wolf Cubs are second graders. Third graders belong to the Bear Den. And...4th and 5th graders advance to Webelos. 6th graders and older, or Webelos after obtaining the "Arrow of Light" award will join the Boy Scouts. The Boy Scouts are organized into troops and patrols.


Den Meetings: Tiger Cubs Den Meetings meet bi-weekly on Wednesday nights at 6:30 in the Scout Cabin. Wolf Cubs meet every Friday night at 6:45 p.m. in the Scout Cabin. Bear Cubs meet every Monday at 6:30 p.m. in the Scout Cabin. Webelos meet every Thursday at 6:30 p.m. At least two adults are required to be present at the Wolf, Bear, and Webelos Den Meetings. The "second adult" will help the boys with the gathering activity while the Leader collects dues and checks books. You will also help during the remainder of the meeting with whatever needs to be done (see Den Meetings below for more information).

Pack Meetings: Pack Meetings are monthly meetings were all the Dens in the Pack gather together. They are usually held the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m. in the Scout Cabin. The whole family is expected to attend the Pack Meeting. The schedule for the 2000-2001 Scouting Year is as follows: September 19, October 27 (Halloween Party), November 22, December 22 (Christmas Caroling and Party>, January 16 (Inspection and Cake Bake Auction), February 20 (Pinewood Derby at Tinicum School), March 21, April 18, May 23 (Space Derby).

Special Events: There are many special events throughout the year: Halloween Party, Thanksgiving Food Drive, Christmas Caroling and Party, Pinewood Derby, Space Derby, and Blue and Gold Graduation Banquet. The Pack also travels to see different shows such as the Monster Truck Jam, the 76ers, and Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus. And, of course, our fun-filled summer camping!

Committee Meetings: Leaders of Pack #37 discuss organizational matters, future events, and exchange ideas. The monthly meeting is usually held on the first Saturday of the month at 10 a.m. in the Scout Cabin. The calendar for the 2000-2001 Scouting Year is October 7, November 4, December 2, January 13, February 3, March 10, April 7, May 12.


Den Meetings are once a week (twice a month for Tigers). Boys should wear their uniform and bring their handbook (see Uniform and Handbook below). During the meeting, they must follow the Den Code of Conduct (see below).

Den Meetings typically have five parts which are as follows:

Gathering Period
Opening Ceremony
Games or Other Fun Things to Do
Closing Ceremony

Den Code of Conduct

At the first Den Meeting, a list of rules (i.e., Respect Others) will be made by the whole den. When a conduct code is broken, an attempt will be made to remedy the situtation, however, if the problem presists, the parent will be called and asked to pick up their son.


Uniform: Cub Scouts (excluding Tigers) purchase their own uniform including Cradle of Liberty Council Patch, Den Number, and Pack Number. Wolf and Bear Cubs use the blue Cub Scout uniform. Webelos can wear the blue uniform or the tan Boys Scout uniform. Uniforms can be bought at the Scout Shop (22nd and Winter Streets in Philadelphia). The uniform consists of Blue/Tan Shirt - long or short sleeve, Blue/Olive Pants/Shorts, Neckerchief, Cub Scout Slide, Hat, Belt, and (optional) Socks. CLICK ON THE IMAGE ABOVE FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT UNIFORMS.

Handbook: Shortly after registering for Cub Scouts, you will receive your handbook. Parents should read the handbook from cover to cover.

DUES (Excluding Tiger Cubs)

$2 is collected at every Den Meeting, $1 goes to the Pack (to purchase advancements) and $1 is for Den arts and crafts. Whether your son attends a particular meeting or not, he is still responsible for his dues that week. Please know, if you can not afford the $2 that week, your son is still encouraged to attend.

Any extracurricular activities such as camping, Monster Truck Show, Circus, camping, etc. are not covered by the dues. This is your "out-of-pocket" expense. However, please see Fundraising to see how your son can help pay for these activities.


Several times during the year, we promote fundraising activities. This is a great way to support the Pack and your son's scouting activities. From each fund raiser, a portion of the monies earned goes into an account for your son. This money can be used to fund your son's scouting activities. Look for current fundraising efforts in the Newsletter.


Parent and son work together to build a gravity-powered miniature race car from a special kit. The Derby is usually run at the February Pack Meeting. CLICK ON THE IMAGE ABOVE TO FIND OUT MORE ABOUT THE PINEWOOD DERBY or CHECK OUT OUR PACK RULES.

This is our graduation ceremony. Our banquet is usually held in early June. Check out our last Blue & Gold.

Food drive held each year to benefit local charities. This is part of a nation-wide program of the Boy Scouts of America to help feed the hungry. The Drive is held in November (before Thanksgiving).

A magazine for boys and adults. Boys' Life has interesting features on Scouting, sports, hobbies, magic, science, and history. There are also jokes, comics, and short stories. Special subscription rate for all Cubs and Scouts of $9 per year. CLICK ON THE IMAGE ABOVE TO FIND OUT MORE ABOUT BOYS' LIFE MAGAZINE.


Scouting operates through volunteer leadership. Volunteer leaders are an example of Scouting's principle of service to others. Naturally, parents are the primary source of leaders in the Scouting Program. You volunteer not only to serve Scouting, but also to serve your son and his friends, and to have the chance to be a positive influence on the youth in your community.

What does it take to be a volunteer? A long, rich background of Scouting is NOT required! What is needed is a desire to work with and help young people, a willingness to make time in your weekly schedule, and the rest is easy! Lots of resources and training are available and many people will support your efforts.

What Do You Receive In Return?

Being a leader is fun, challenging, and rewarding. Leaders find that their experiences help them to become better parents. The following are some of the many dividends that will enrich your life as you dedicate your time, talent, and enthusiasm to Scouting:

Fun and fellowship with other families, sharing your pride in the boys' accomplishments.
The privilege of helping to enrich and strengthen families.
A chance to help boys learn good citizenship and to help shape them into men who have strength of character and are sensitive to the needs of others.
The opportunity to help make a difference in the lives of boys as they grow strong in mind and body.
A code to live by which will set a worthwhile example for both boys and adults.
The satisfaction of being a member of a worldwide movement, and pride in being publicly identified as a part of this organization--wearing the Scouting uniform is a visible means of showing you believe in and stand up for the ideals and objectives of the Boy Scouts of America.

Updated: January 19, 2001