Movie Quotes

These are quotes from some of my favorite movies! Note that some of them are from deleted scenes! More to be added soon! Enjoy!

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Draco: Why are you wearing glasses?
Harry as Goyle: um...reading
Draco: reading?
Harry as Goyle: uh huh
Draco: I didn't know you could read

Why couldn't it be follow the butterflies? -Ron


I am surrounded by cow terds -The Warden

Anybody see anything wrong with my face? huh? I think I'm kinda purty don't you? -Mr. Sir

Pendanski: D-I-G, whats that spell?
*Zero whacks him over the head with the shovel*
Zero: Dig.

Stanley: Buh bye Camp Green...*crashes truck into a hole*

Stanley: Here try this *hands Zero an onion*
Zero: What is it?
Stanley: Its a hot fudge sundae, just eat it.

Mr. Sir: Get me a wrench!
Pendanski: I'm getting it you sideburned Neanderthal! I ain't here to be a mechanic!
*Mr. Sir throws something at Pendanski, which hits him*
Pendanski: ah! Don't you throw nothin at me!

X-Ray: Every kid in the world dreams about digging a great big hole to China right?
Squid: What about Chinese kids?

Zig Zag: While you boys are digging holes, I'm sitting on the beach, a babe on each side.
Magnet: Lemme guess, your aunt & your grandma?

Stanley: See that lil heart? see that? with the letters in it? right there...KB, thats what it is
Zig Zag: yeah, yeah thats Keith Barringer
Armpit: man, who is that?
Zig Zag: he was in my math class


I heart you- Jerry to his girlfriend

Nice tush, Rochester!- Doug

Chad: I have this dream that I don't tell many people about, and that's to own a seadoo...and I'm gonna get one too cuz I plan to make a buttload of money with this
Doug: a buttload? how much is a buttload?
Chad: $1,000...I based it on the fact that one time I fit $5 up my butt, and well not to brag or nothin, but I think that I could fit way more up there...way more, easy!

Bob: the name of the band could either make you or break you
Chad: how bout Matchbox 20?
Jerry: no, there's already a Matchbox 20
Chad: Matchbox 30!

That idea is stupid, if there's gonna be 5 guys it should be 5Gether!- Chad

I really don't think it was right for him to joke about the Darth Vader costumes like that. It's offensive to all the families of the people who have been killed by Darth Vader- Chad

When I grow up, I'm gonna be the baddest skateboard champion ever!...and if that don't work, I'll become a youth pastor- guy at the skate park

yeah I'm a rebel, man! like that dude in the Matrix, yo!- Mickey

QT: dude, we're gonna get so many chicks and I'm totally ready for them, check this out
*starts talking to his hand*
QT imitating a girl: oh QT, you're the best looking member of 2Gether
QT: sh, don't speak
*starts making out with his hand*

Chad: I guess now QT is kinda like Michael and the rest of us are like Jermaine and Tito, but ya know I had this theory that Jermaine was way more important to the Jackson Five than Michael. I mean cause who invented the moonwalk...Jermaine!...who sang Thriller?...Jermaine! I mean who even married Lisa Marie Presley, it was Jermaine!

Bob: Chad, do you like your brother?
Chad: sometimes
Bob: NO! wait, see that's not gonna fly with the press ok? you always like your brother ok?...Doug do you like your brother?
Doug: I love him
Bob: Chad, is that true what you told me before, that sometimes you like Doug, but not always?
Chad: umm...pretty much yeah
Bob: NO, NO, NO!
Chad: what?
Bob: well it's an interview
Chad: I thought it was you asking me as yourself, like Chad do you like your brother? and I'm like sometimes...
Bob: Seriously Chad, it's very important for me to know, is it true? do you always like your brother?
Chad: I don't always, always
Bob: NO! NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!

*During a spelling bee, this really skinny lady walks up for her turn*
Moderator: the word is bulimic
Contestant:...very funny *walks off*

Chad: everyone's talking about QT's problems, but I was up on that stage trapped in that fat guy suit literally suffocating to death. And when I was rolling around I was still, still trying to contribute to the group by making as many laser noises as humanly possible

I can't be perfect every time out, I'm not Ozzy Osbourne!- Doug

Pig at the drive thru window: Can I take your order?
Mickey: ya what's up lemme have a cheeseburger and a medium fry
Pig: would you care for apple pie?
Mickey: No! man did I ask for an apple pie? No!
Pig: our specialty is grilled onions on the burger
Mickey: no onions on the burger!
Mickey: lemme break it down for ya, a cheeseburger, medium fry, no onions on the cheeseburger!
Pig: fried onions...
Mickey: don't make me get off this bike!
Pig: green onions...
Mickey: I'm gettin off the bike, gettin off the bike! That's it I'm killin you!
*starts to punch the pig*
Mickey: I hate pigs! No onions on the hamburger!

Hee haw, hee haw, moo!- Doug, while playing with the donkey & cow toys at the store

*said with a very surprised/excited look on this face* These things go in water?- Chad, referring to the Seadoo

13 Ghosts

What are you doing? What did I just say? Did I just say that there's a petting zoo downstairs? Noooo, there are ghosts downstairs, Arthur- Dennis
^yeah only 1 quote from that movie

Ace Ventura: When Natura Calls

There's still one more thing I must do before I go- Ace
*we see him watching a slinky go down this huuuuuge flight of stairs*
Isn't this incredible? It's gonna be some kind of a record! *singing* Everyone loves a slinky, ya gotta get a slinky, slinky, slinky, GO SLINKY GO!

There's someone on the wing...some...thing!- Ace

*Ace singing* oh you pretty chitty bang bang, chitty chitty bang bang we love you & our pretty chitty bang bang, chitty chitty bang bang loves us too, high ho, everywhere we go on chitty chitty we depend, bang bang chitty chitty bang bang, our fine four fendered friend, bang bang chitty chitty bang bang, our fine four fendered, chitty bang bang, chitty chitty bang bang, chitty bang bang, yeah!...CHITTY!

Greenwall: Perhaps we should slow down just a teensy weensy bit
Ace: Nonsense, poopy pants

Like a glove!- Ace

Spank you Greenwall, spank you very much!- Ace

Ace Ventura, pet detective, and you must be the Monopoly guy...hey, thanks for the free parking- Ace

I'm not touching it, no spank you- Ace, talking about the bat

Greenwall: Bumbawaachuna
Ace: Hey there, nice to see ya, Bumble Bee tuna

Excuse me, your balls are showing- Ace

Greenwall: but to the natives, Shakaka *chief & son kneel*
Ace: Shakaka *they kneel*...Shakaka *again, they kneel*...Shaaaacusin *chief starts to kneel* ah...*trying to trick them into kneeling* shish ka bob....shawshank redemption....chicaaaaaago! *the chief kneels* you're outta there!

Fe, Fi, Fo, Fum, I smell...the fingerprints of scum!- Ace

Spank you, helpy helper- Ace

TAKE THAT *throws medallion* YOU WINGED SPAWN OF SATAN!- Ace in the bat cave

DIE DEVIL BIRD!- again, Ace in the bat cave

Guano bowls...collect the whole set!- Ace

I have an incredibly high threshold for pain *a dart hits him* holy monkey!- Ace

That's what you slipped in, that's what was on your shoe and that explains the abrasion on your palm!...DAMN I'M GOOD!- Ace

The rest of the movies have their own page:

Bring It On
10 Things I Hate About You
Miss Congeniality
Finding Nemo
Dude, Where's My Car?