What is the Susquehanna Beekeepers Association?
We are a group of people interested in promoting and learning about honey bees.
Who belongs?
Our members include commercial, sideline and hobby beekeepers, and interested people who are not beekeepers.
What do we do?
We meet several times each year to learn more about bees and beekeeping. We conduct an annual field day which is open to anyone interested in hands-on experience. We publish an educational newsletter. We have a teaching booth at the HarfordFair. Several members visit most of the schools in our area once each year to teach children about bees and beekeeping.
Other members speak to adult groups and some have been volunteers sent to foreign countries to help beekeepers.
What kinds of programs are offered at our meetings?
How to start beekeeping. Building and maintaining equipment. Spring, summer and fall procedures. Honey bee diseases and
medication. Pest control. Candle making. Beekeeping around the world. You are welcome to come!
If you have questions, or would like to come to our next meeting, please call any one of our officers.