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The Spiritual is a reflection of the Physical,
Life is a reflection of Death,
...and the Unseen is but part of the Visible... 

The beautiful painting above was done by: Ms. Bev Doolittle.

"I have been falling from the rim of a great, high place,
somewhere back in time, for many more years than I have lived in this life. And through all those years, I have been falling toward you."

 If you've come this far, I guess you're 
interested in finding out a little about me.
I come from a family with two sisters, 
who also have "tomboy" nicknames - Joe and Sam. 
(You'd think Mom wanted boys or something!)

I was born "at home" when it not in vogue! We had a 
good ole country doctor who still made "house calls".
We shared a double house with my Grandparents
on my Mother’s side.  Except for my Grandmother,
all the adults in the house worked outside the home,
but they still ran a small hog farm. (Yep, Tommi was 
raised on a HOG FARM. *S*)  Up until about 5 years 
ago, we still butchered hogs on Thanksgiving Day, (this
originating from all the family being around on 
that day to help out!)

I come from very down-to-earth and wonderful people. 
My Mother, Uncle, and Grandparents were musicians in 
their own right. With a little help from family friends; 
I have some of the most wonderful memories of my childhood. 
I can remember many, many summer nights - falling asleep 
and being lulled by the sweet sounds of my folks playing on 
the back porch. Pap on harmonica, Gram on banjo, Uncle Pete 
on mandolin, my Mom on guitar, and friends filling in on 
the rest. You just can't replace memories like that!

I am half Native American on my Father's side. 
I grew up surrounded by cousins and a very large 
extended family. Lots of love all around.  I would
not change the childhood I had for anything. We never 
really had a lot in the way of material things; 
necessities were always there, luxuries were few, 

Before I married my Irishman, (the love of my life), 
I had been a secretary for 8 years and later,
for about ten years, I was a machinist and 
power train technician at Mack Trucks, Inc. 
When I had my daughter, I "retired" to raise her.
Now, I find I like this "net stuff", so maybe 
there's a career in all this for me! 

I live in Southcentral Pennsylvania in a small, 
religious type community, (sorta dull, but I manage
to liven things up around here! *S*). I garden, I preserve 
what I grow ("can"), I mow the lawn..Gee, I guess
you would call me the "Chief Cook and Bottle Washer" 
'round here! But I DO love staying at home, and I
have been fortunate enough to have been able to do that.
And for that, I thank my Creator every night.    

My neighbors are great, and I have horses and 
cows all around me. THAT makes me very happy, 
as I have a tremendous love for all four-legged 
as well as two-legged creatures; and I spoil them all.

My daughter, Katie, (who goes by "Coda" on the net!), 
is probably the most important, yet menacing facet of my life. 
(I lovingly refer to her as the "Spawn"! *S*)  As she is now
almost 19 years old, this is her third year working - her
first job (a few summers ago), was at a local Hardees, no less - and it taught her some real lessons in life.
(Do you remember YOUR first job? *S* If you are like most of us,
it was a real "eye-opener"!) Now, she is MUCH MORE FORTUNATE - she works at an ARBY'S..*a real step up the ladder here, folks!* She passed her driver's test a few years ago, and my hair is turning gray as I write this! Yeah, Motherhood has been a real trip so far! One I think I would have been somehow incomplete without. Soon, she will be heading off to college; my nest will be empty...*nuff said bout that~!* What else can I tell you about myself? I am a very outgoing woman and not afraid to talk to people. I think that is why I have so much fun on the net. Chatrooms are my downfall! (So what’s wrong with a little "socializing"? *WINK* Keeps you young! And we aren’t dead yet!) I have made many very close friendships on this net; long-lasting and important relationships. You will meet some of those very close people later if you go to their links. My partner in this website, Winterhawk, has become one of the driving forces in my life. Schooled in the ways of "medicine and spirituality", he teaches me the ways of my Father, directs me, calms me when I need it, and has opened a new direction in my life. He has taught me much in the time he has spent with us, and I will always be thankful to my Creator for bringing him into our lives.. To wind this up, I LOVE LIFE, and am full of spice, ginger, sass, and "moxie"! I would now like to leave you with some words that came to me the other day, "The highest form of worship is to 'be' what you 'are'. The Creator intended for you to love yourself. Your soul is to be a reflection of His love for you".

Original Copyrite by Daval.

The White Buffalo

In August of 1994, a female white buffalo was born on 
the Heider farm. Since then, more than 60,000 people from 
around the world have visited the farm, many believing 
an important Native American prophecy has been fulfilled. 
"The arrival of the white buffalo is like the second 
coming of Christ, says Floyd Hand, a Sioux medicine man 
from Pine Ridge, S.D., who was one of the first to make 
the pilgrimage. It "will bring about purity of mind, body and 
spirit, and unify all nations, black, red, yellow, and white."
According to legend, the birth of a female white buffalo 
was foretold more than a century ago by Native American 
spiritual leaders, which would signify a new era of global 
spirituality and racial harmony.
Please click on the picture above to explore this

"Looking for Indians"
by Cheryl Savageau, (Abenaki) 

My head filled with tv images
of cowboys, warbonnets and renegades,
I ask my father "what kind of Indian are we, 
anyway"? I want to hear Cheyenne, Apache, 
Sioux; words I know from television
but he says instead "Abenaki". I think he says 
"Abernathy" like the man in the comic strip
and I know that's not Indian. 

I follow behind him in the garden
trying to step in his exact footprints,
stretching my stride to his.
His back is brown in the sun and sweaty. 
My skin is brown too, today, deep in midsummer, 
but never as brown as his. 

I follow behind him like this from May to September
dropping seeds in the ground, watering the tender shoots, 
tasting the first tomatoes, plunging my arm, as he does, 
deep into the mounded earth beneath the purple-flowered 
plants to feel for potatoes big enough to eat. 

I sit inside the bean teepee and pick 
the smallest ones to munch on. He tests the corn 
for ripeness with a fingernail; its dried silk 
the color of my mother's hair.
We watch the winter squash grow hips. This is what 
we do together in summer, besides the fishing that 
fills our plates unfailingly when money is short. 

One night my father brings in a book. "See", he says, 
"Abenaki", and shows me the map "here and here and here"
he says, "all this is Abenaki country".
I remember asking him "what did they do, these 
grandparents" and my disappointment when he said 
no buffalo roamed the thick new england forest
they hunted deer in winter sometimes moose, but mostly
they were farmers and fishermen. 

I didn't want to talk about it.
Each night my father came home from the factory
to plant and gather, to cast the line out 
over the dark evening pond, with me, 
walking behind him, looking for Indians.

"After Listening to a Reading of Romantic Poems
 About Columbus: One More Thought"
by Cheryl Savageau, (Abenaki) 

His name
was my grandmother's
favorite curse word.

This beautiful woman is entitled "VANISHING WISDOM".
It was painted by Jason Hallmark.
I think the following poem represents her very well.

"Resolutely Seeking Wisdom"
Ceara Sullivan

Menopausal and mercurial
She is a wily veteran of the gender wars.
Several scalps, of varied hue, 
Hang from her silver belt.
The light brown balding one
Is an especial favorite:
She always smiles when she strokes it.

She loves New Years resolutions
And lingerie that matches.
Lately she has taken to weight lifting
And has a passion for fixing things.
She says its androgyny setting in:
Better than arthritis, she tells us,
And dons her purple cape,
Calling it her matriarchal mantle.

When she was young she yearned
To live on a hill, to know the secrets of beauty.
Sadly she learned how inclines ice up in winter,
In the spring mudslides 
Did not make her philosophical 
About slippery slopes.
While she lived there, no one could visit.

Now she tramps sure-footed,
Across the alluvial plain
And knows the secret of beauty:
Break all the mirrors and pretend.

If you like the poetry I have selected for this page, PLEASE
check out the links to the poems below. I wrote the first poem myself, but
the rest are poems that I have found, written by very talented people.
These writings are "adult oriented" in nature, but very "romantic".
A few of these poems, towards the end, have been written TO me.
I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I have enjoyed
receiving them. They hold a special place in "Tommi's Heart".
Click on them individually OR "take the tour" by
clicking on the first one and going from there. You won't be sorry!

For Someone Special Creation Story Terzanelle in Thunderweather
Flight of the Red-tailed Hawk Kisses Senses
Love Poem SweetThunder dreambuttonlink
Sweet Heart madonnabuttonlink Quiet Refuge
BallouButtonLink Thunderstorm Out of Shadows
frommyvincenzo for Paul For Tommi

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Or click on the "home" button to return to our Winter Wolf Clan page.

(All graphics on this page were designed especially FOR this page by Tommi9.
Please do not remove them without expressed written permission. Thank you!)

Email me at Tommi9
And please come back soon and visit me.
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