The beautiful painting above is entitled "The Secret"
It was painted by Mr. Lee Bogle

"In My Dreams"

Drifting in and out of slumber - these dreams that rock me
gently, ever so tenderly - to console my tossing emotions My mind is free to imagine the "ultimate state of contentment" ...when HE is there...gently guiding my path to follow his There is no doubt, no regret for things past; Things back before he made me a whole woman again Now I'm sure... I'm free to go in his direction At last I cast old empty dreams aside He rocks my consciousness; he soothes my calloused heart until it becomes as a new, wonderfilled vessel for his love I go with him to happiness. The endless reward of sharing even so much as a look, a smile, a touch... becomes the fulfillment of our contentment within each other I start to awaken - I emerge from the nestled, protected world of his arms My senses stir to the nearness of him - my love, my very soul

I wrote the above poem
(seems like eons ago)
for "someone very special" to me

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