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Wedding Photos of the Royal House of Roumania

Wedding Photos of the Royal House of Roumania


Princess Elisabeth of Roumania (1894-1956) and King George II. of Greece (*1890-1947) - divorced

Thanks to Claudia!


King Michael I. of Roumania (*1921) and Princess Anne of Bourbon-Parma (*1923)

Thanks to Edith!


Princess Elena of Roumania (*1950) with her father King Michael I. at her first wedding with Robin Medforth-Mills - divorced in 1991

Thanks to Edith!

Princess Irina of Roumania (*1953) and John Kreuger (*1945)

Thanks to Edith!


Princess Marie of Roumania (*1964) and Kazymierz Mystkowski (*1958) - divorced in 2000

Thanks to Edith!


Engagement and wedding of Princess Margarita of Rumania (*1949) and Radu Duda (*1960)

Thanks to Edith!

Created September 16th 2000!

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