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Welcome To the Church Of Broken Pieces

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The Church Of Broken Pieces was a vision by our founder Rev. Harold Eugene Alexander. He along with his wife in December 1982 established the church along with four adult members.

Under the direction and guidance of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, it was founded being an nondenominational church.


Believing in One Lord, One Faith, and One Baptism!

As the Lord was Broken for us we too are broken!

The Church of Broken Pieces was formulated on the idea that was enter the LORD's Ark of saftey on BROKEN PIECES. This idea is demonstrated in the twenty-seventh chapter of Acts, which tells of the shipwreck of the Apostle Paul, who was on his way to Rome.

It tells how out of nowhere, a storm arose but even though the storm raged and the ship broke up in the sea, the men aboard stil made it to safety. Some swam to shore, some hanging on boards, and some on the Broken Pieces of the ship. All crew members escaped safely to shore. [Acts 27:43-44]

Most of us need a reason to seek for thr safety of tehshore. We are usually in a storm, in danger and our ships are falling apart. In these circunstances, out God brings us to safety by some broken piece (no mater whom or what that piece may be.. John 6:44 it will help us make it ashore).

The shore is Jesus Christ [Ark of Safety]. Once we make it to shore, Christ shows us how He too was broken for us!

'Then the Lord Jesus gives us a choice, to be Broken or to be grinded'....[Matthew 21:44]

If we surrender and fall on our Lord, we shall be Broken so that we too may bring others safely to the shore. [Jesus]. But if we refuse to allow to change us (to be Broken) then in the end He will grind us to powder!


This is what The Church of Broken Pieces is about, teching people (like you and I) to surrender to the Master's will for our lives, then, and only then can we help others make it to the Safety of the Shore!


Whether you are a new born Again Believer, or a seasoned Saint, in the Lord we are instructed to assemble ourselves together with fellow believers on a regular basis!


Our Belief....................


Prayer is talking with God. Asking God for whatever you want! Prayer is also listening to what God might be answering you about! Prayer is talking to God about your enemies, and knowing He will fight your battles!

Prayer is communication wth the Almighty Creator of heaven and earth and everything in it.


God Can, And He Will!


Just remember God Almighty wants to do for you, you are His child and He loves you very much! Love Him, love your neighbor, and let Jesus teach you how to love yourself!


United we stand, divided we fall! A house divided cannot stand.


You can make it on Broken Pieces!


We are Non Denominational. We believe Jesus was not about the name of the church but if any church regardless of the denomination is lifting us Jesus, then they are our Brothers and Sisters!


The Church Of Broken Pieces

Pray with us at these two locations:

2127 West 72nd Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19138
(215) 224-9460
41 North Front Street
Minersville, PA 17954
(570) 544-9630

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