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These are selected recipes from:


Favorites From Our Kitchen

Parsonage Queens, Indiana South District, Wesleyan Church


Cherry Pudding       Mildred Baker

1 c. sugar
1 large Tbsp. butter or margarine
½ c. water
2 tsp. baking powder

Mix ingredients as listed-add enough flour to make stiffer than for cake. Pour into a greased pan.

2 c. drained cherries
pinch salt
1 c. sugar
1 c. boiling water

Stir good and pour over batter and dot with butter. Bake 350°.

$100.00 Chocolate Cake     Ruth Jewell

1 c. sugar
4 Tbsp. cocoa
1 c. water
1 c. mayonnaise
2 c. sifted flour
2 tsp. baking soda
2 Tbsp. grape jelly
1 tsp. vanilla

Mix dry ingredients together; add to remaining ingredients which have been well blended. Beat until well blended.

Bake in layer pans 350°, about 30 minutes.

INFORMATION SURROUNDING THIS RECIPE: This recipe is the masterpiece of a famous chef in a leading hotel in New York City. It may be found daily on the menu. This recipe was reluctantly passed over to a persistent hotel guest for the sum of $100.00. It cannot be equaled by any chocolate cake.

1 lb. sifted conf. sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
½ c. shortening(part butter)
2 ozs. melted chocolate
1 egg beaten
juice fron 1 orange
1 tsp. lemon juice
1 c. chopped nits(opptional)

Cream shortening, add ½ sugar, then egg, chocolate and lemon juice. Beat until smooth, add other ½ sugar and vanilla.
Add only enough orange juice to make right consistency to spread. Add chopped nuts.

Chocolate Wafers     Elizabeth McIntyre

2 c. sugar(1 brown and 1 white)
1 c. shortening
1 c. cocoa less 2 T.
2 eggs
1 t. soda
1 t. vanilla

Enough flour to stiffen. Form into rolls and chill. Slice, arrange on lightly greased cookie sheet, sprinkle white sugar on each cookie. Bake in moderate oven about 10 minutes.

Cheddarburger Skillet     Maxine Livermore

1 lb. ground beef
1 med. onion chopped
1 can Campbell's cream of mush room soup
1 can Campbell's cheddar cheese soup
¼ cup water
2 cans(16 oz.) whole potatoes, cut up and drained

In skillet brown beef and cook onion till tender. Salt. Drain off fat. Stir in soups and water; add potatoes. Heat well. Garnish with tomatoe wedges and parsley if desired. Makes 6(1 cup) servings.

Spanish Style Tuna     Norma Jean Willis

¼ c. oil
1 c. instant rice
1 medium onion, thinly sliced
¼ c. chopped green peppers
1 tsp. salt
dash cayenne pepper
1 clove garlic
1 can(No. 2) tomatoes
½ c. tomatoe juice
1 c. water
2 4 oz.  cans sliced mushrooms, with liquid
1 can(7 oz.) chunk style tuna, drained and flaked

Heat oil in saucepan or large skillet, add rice and saute until golden. Add onions, green pepper, salt, cayenne, garlic, tomatoes, tomato juice, water and mushrooms. Cook, covered over low heat 35 or 40 minutes. Remove garlic, add tuna and heat.

Pea Salad      Linda Hudson

1 can peas(size 303)
½ c. celery
¼ c. onion
½ c. sweet pickles
3 hard-boiled eggs
½ c. salad dressing(or less)
1 T. sugar

Drain the water on the peas, but save some to mix with salad dressing. Dice celery, onion pickle and eggs and mix with the peas.
Mix salad dressing, sugar and a small amount of water drained from peas. Pour over other ingredients and mix well. Chill.

Broccoli Casserole     Bernice Carroll

2 eggs(beaten)
¼ lb. colby cheese
1 pkg. chopped broccoli
3 Tbsp. flour
1 stick butter
3/4 lb. cottage cheese

Thaw slightly. Melt butter; add flour to make paste. Mix all ingredients together.

Bake in a greased casserole dish uncovered, 350° for 45 minutes to an hour. Put grated cheese on top before baking.