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Augustinian Saints

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The Traditional Augustinian Liturgical Calendar



2  January              St. Fulgentius, Bishop

3  January              Blessed Ugolino of Gualdo Cattaneo

4  January              Blessed Christine of the Holy Cross

16 January             Commemoration of deceased Parents, brothers, sisters and relatives of members of the Augustinian Family.

19 January             Blessed Veronica of Binasco

23 January             Blessed Josephine Mary

28 January             Blessed Anthony of Amandola



3  February            Blessed Stephen Bellesini

6  February            Blessed Angelo of Furci

7  February            Blessed Anselmo Polanco

10 February           St. William of Tuscany

13 February           Blessed Christine of Spoleto

15 February           Julia of Certaldo

16 February           Blessed Simon of Cascia

28 February           The reposal of the Body of St. Augustine at Pavia



5   March              Blessed Jerome of Recannti

14 March               Blessed James of Viterbo

19 March               Saint Joseph , Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary and protector of the Augustinian Family

22 March              Blessed Ugolinus of Cortona




5   April                 Blessed Juliana of Cornillon

6   April                 Blessed Catherine of Pallanza

8   April                 Blessed Clement of Sant’ Elpidio

9   April                 Reposal of the body of St. Monica

12 April                 Blessed Andrew of Monte Regale

17 April                 Blessed James of Cerqueto

20 April                 Blessed Simon of Todi

23 April                 Blessed Helen of Udine

24 April                 Conversion of Saint Augustine

26 April                 Our Mother of Good Counsel



4   May                 St. Monica, Widow, Mother of our Holy Father, Augustine

8   May                  Blessed Marie Catherine of St. Augustine

10 May                  Blessed Nicholas Albergati, O’Carm. Cardinal Protector

11 May                  Blessed Gregory of Celli

12 May                  The Martyrdom of St. John Stone

13 May                  Our Lady of Divine Help

14 May                  Blessed William Tirry

16 May                  Saint Possidius

18 May                  Blessed William of Toulouse

19 May                  Blessed Augustine Novellus of Tarano

21 May                  Blessed Magdalen of Como

22 May                  Saint Rita of Cascia

24 May                  Blessed Philip of Piacenza



1   June                 Our Lady of Grace

2   June                 Blessed Ferdinand of Ballesteros

7   June                 The Canonization of St. Nicholas of Tolentine

12 June                  Saint John (Facundus) of Sahagun

23 June                  Blessed Peter James of Pesaro

25 June                  St. Prosper of Aquitaine




3  July                   Blessed John  Bechetti

                             Blessed Peter Bechetti

21 July                 Blessed Benignus of Verona

                             Blessed Carus of Verona

24 July                 Blessed Anthony della Torre of Aquila

27 July                  Blessed Lucy Bufalari of Amelia



11  August             Blessed John of Rieti

14  August             Blessed Juliana of Busto Arsizio

17 August              Saint Clare of Montefalco

18 August              Saint Ezekiel Moreno

19 August             Blessed Peter Zunyiga of Seville

26 August             Sts. Liberatus, Boniface and Companions, martyrs

27 August              The Vigil of Our Holy Father, Saint Augustine

28 August              Solemnity of Our Holy Father Saint Augustine



1  September         Blessed Limbiana of Cyprus

3  September         Blessed Bartholomew Guitierrez & Companions, martyrs

4  September         Our Mother of Consolation

6  September        Blessed Angelo Conti of Foligno

10 September       Saint Nicholas of Tolentine

16 September        Blessed Evangelis of Verona

                             Blessed Peregrin of Verona

19 September        Blessed  Alfonso of Orozco

22 September        Saint Thomas of Villanova

28 September        Blessed John Chocobuco & companions, Martyrs of Japan



1   October            Blessed Angelo Scarpetti of Borgo San Sepulcro

5   October            Blessed Sante of  Cori

9   October            Blessed Anthony Patrizzi and the Blessed of Lecceto Monastery

11 October            Blessed Elias del Socorro Nieves

12 October            Blessed Christina of Aquila

Blessed Maria Teresa Fasce

13 October            Commemoration of the deceased Benefactors of the Augustinian Family.

16 October            St. Maxima & Companions, Martyrs

21 October            Blessed Gundisalve of Lagos

20 October            Saint Magadelen of Nagasaki

23 October            Blessed John  of Mantua

25 October            The Canonization of Saint John Stone

29 October            Blessed Peter of Gubbio

30 October            The imprinting of the symbols of the Passion on the heart of St. Clare of Montefalco



5   November        Feast of the Dedication of Augustinian Churches

6   November        Feast of Saints whose relics repose in Augustinian Churches

13 November         All Saints of the Augustinian Order

14 November         Commemoration of the Deceased of the Augustinian Family

27 November         Saint Gelasius

29 November         Blessed Frederick of Regensburg



11 December         Blessed Martin of Saint Nicholas and Blessed Melchior of Saint Augustine

16 December         The Canonized African Augustinian Martyrs

17 December         Blessed Cherubin Testa of Avigliana

31 December         St. Melania of Jerusalem


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