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Governor Printz Park

Just south of I-95 at the Route 420 exit

at 2nd and Taylor Avenues

Essington PA

This is the site of the first European seat of government in Pennsylvania. Located, along the Delaware River, the park is less than one mile from the Morton Homestead. Governor Printz's called "Printzhof" stood on the park site. It was a two story log structure which was quoted to be "the finest house in America between Virginia and Manhattan Island in the 1650's."

In the park is an outdoor exhibit of the history of New Sweden, a statue of Governor Printz, and a children's game where players move backwards and forwards depending on which square they land and what even occurrence occupies that square.

". . .But when the Finn talked of Governor Printz and how angry he was because no help came from Sweden to the new colony, she listened. She could just imagine the governor tramping up and down the river, looking for the ship, day after day, and shaking the earth with his great weight. Father said he weighted four hundred pounds! More than Gader and Bror put together!" page 23 Elin's Amerika

". . .After service the Governor and his family went back to the manor house. The others of the colony stayed and talked. The women opened baskets of food, and the families sat in groups to eat and visit before starting back home." page 47 Elin's Amerika

"The river seemed as big as the ocean to Elin, and she could see the line of shore on the other side that was West Jersey." page 59 Elin's Amerika



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