My <333 My Lil Baby

I've made this page to show everyone how much I care about my gorgeous boyfriend, Alex =) Everyone always asks questions about us, so I'm gonna tell everyone about us on here =)

How We Were Introduced

Okay, you lot probably won't believe this, but me and Alex used to be enemies. We first met on Yahoo Messenger 3 years ago, when I was 12 and he was 15. I was kinda with one of his friends at that time, and he used to take the piss out of my age and we used to call each other every name under the sun. I don't know why he hated me, or why we didn't get on, so I blocked him in hope he'd never bother me again. That probably sounds really harsh. lol. I didn't hear from him again until I found out his email address and sent him an email asking to be friends. I added him to my MSN, then one night he came online and asked who I was. I told him, and at first he seemed kind of off towards me, but then we sorted out our differences and hit it off =) I was 13 at this time and he was 16. From then on, we were friends.


We continued chatting on MSN most nights of the week for about a year after that. As we got to know each other more, we started to grow closer. If I ever had a problem, I'd talk to him about it and he'd give me advice, and vice versa. Then one night he told me he was going to France for a holiday with his school and said some girls from his school were also going, he was going over Valentines Day. That's when I realised I had feelings for him, not just friendly feelings either. When he got back, I was a bit quiet towards him because I had mixed emotions. I didn't wanna tell him I fancied him incase I scared him off, so I was basically walking on eggshells. Then one day I sent him one of those stupid forward questionnaires you get sent to you on hotmail, and there were questions like "Do you fancy me?" "Would you ever go out with me?" and he answered "yes" on both =) Then he sent me some new pictures of him, and I told him he was gorgeous then he said I was too =O Then the flirting started. We started texting each other all the time, ending them with "Luv ya" then it progessed into "love you" then finally, "love you loads" =D.

Meeting Up

At this stage, we still hadn't met up in person. We'd talked about it on various occasions, but it hadn't happened. It was really frustrating because I really wanted to see him and he felt the same. I think? lol. Then finally, after loads of complications, we did meet. It was on April 1st 2002 in Southend. I remember feeling really nervous with all these questions running through my mind - 'What if he didn't like me?' 'What's he gonna be like?' 'What if his train is cancelled?' - Things like that. But I was just being paranoid as usual. At 11.10am I phoned him to see where he was and he said he was just leaving Rayleigh train station and that he'll be about 15mins. =O How nervous was I?? I had so many butterflies in my stomach it was unreal. I was finally meeting the boy I was in love with =) It was like a dream come true. I'd imagined this day so much and it was finally happening! At 11:25am, a train pulled up, then all these people flooded out of it. I knew which one he was because he told me what he'd be wearing previously. Then he walked up to me, god knows how he recognised me cos apparently I look completely different in pictures to how I do in real life! Threw his arms around me and said "hey, how are you?" Hehe. Then we went down Southend High Street for a while, talked, laughed etc.. Then we went and sat on a bench on the Cliffs for a bit. He put his arm around me =) Then I looked at him and we kissed.. Wooowww! It was nothing short of perfect. I never knew cloud 9 existed til that moment =) We kissed some more, chatted some more, hugged some more, blahblahblah.. Then we had to go =( I walked him to the station, gave him a kiss and a cuddle and said my goodbyes. I texted him after I'd left him saying "I love you" =)


The next day, my mum said she was gonna take me to see him again! I was so happy! I phoned him up and told him and he was like "Really? That's well cool! I'll see you later!!" but then he came on MSN and said he remembered he couldn't see me that day because he had a driving lesson =( Then he dropped the bombshell that my age bothered him and he wanted to just be good friends.. I thought we already were just friends? =/ But I was heartbroken that day, but still went to the place where he lives and met his mate, Dan, who I've known for ages too. That night I spoke to Alex on MSN and he appoligised and said he still really liked me and that he'd made a mistake. I was happy again =)

Meeting Again

We met again that Friday. Twice in one week, not bad, considering we'd been wanting to meet for ages then suddenly we met twice in one week! =D Wicked stuff. We met up, walked around for a bit holding hands, chatted, then we went off for a while on our own and kissed again =) Yummy. I went home at about 6pm thinking about how much I'd fallen for him.

Going Out, Breaking Up

Two days later, we were talking on MSN when I said I wish I was his girl, then he said "You will be" I replied with "When though?" and he said "Howz about now???" =D So from then on, we were officially girlfriend and boyfriend. I was over the moon. I could finally say he was my boyfriend =) We were together for over a month but on the 18th May, we broke up because of long distance and stuff, plus my age was starting to bother him again ='( We remained really good friends and still told each other everything. I didn't wanna be enemies with him again after all that had happened between us.

Back Together

On 23rd June, I asked him back out and he said yes =) That weekend he came down in his car, it was excellent! We went to the cinema, kissed loads and basically just made the most of each other while we could =) I'm still with him now and if he's reading this, I want him to know that I love him to pieces and that he means the world to me and I'd do ANYTHING for him.. I mean it.
Siobhan <333'z Alex forever and always =)