Version 0:3 - You Can Run, You Can Hide, But You Can't Escape My Love

:: Lil Miss Flickity ::



:: Currently ::

Day~ Wednesday
Time~ 6:20pm
Eatin~ Nowt
Drinking~ Nowt..
Hearing~ Liberty X
Watching~ Compootah screen ??
Speaking To~ KayKay
Typing To~ as above ^^
Texting~ No-one, credit-less =(
Wearing~ 'Wildcats' red top with cord-ties down the front and blue hipsters with splits down the bottom.
Make-up~ Black eyeliner, mascara, blue eyeshadow, lip gloss
Thinking~ Boiiz are freaks =D
Plugging~ S00zita
Last Words~ Never Trust A Man!

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[^] Sophie
[^] Kayleigh
[^] Sazzie
[^] Shannon
[^] Suzie
[^] Olga
[^] Charlotte
[^] Saz
[^] Milla
[^] Lora
[^] Bex
[^] Roz
[^] Isa
[^] Dani
[^] Alicia
[^] Sarah
[^] Gem
[^] Hayley
[^] Chrissie
[^] Claire

Wanna be linked?? We'll talk about it!

This weather's way too hot for my liking =/ I don't mind it being warm.. But not sweaty hot =( But I spose in a way, it's good, because I can go out =D
Yesterday, I went out with my friend, Kez. She knocked for me at 11am after I'd finally managed to drag myself out of bed... Yawn. Heh. Then we went to knock for Graham and his sister, Kerry. When we got there, Martin was there (these are all people in my year at school, btw.. Except Graham's sis, Kerry.. She's in year9) Then we filled up loadsa bottles with water and trotted off down to the field behind Kids Kingdom. For those of you that don't know ~ Kid's Kingdom is this massive like, kids play thing.. With slides, ball pits, nets.. etc. Kez suddenly remembered that she was meant to meet her boyfriend, Alex, so we went back to her house to meet him - When we got there, he wasn't there =X So we waited.. and waited.. and waited. Then finally, Kez phoned him and we arranged to meet him by kids kingdom at 2:30pm. When we got there, he wasn't there. Grr. So we walked off to try find Graham and the others, but coz there's so many fields, they were no-where to be seen. It was so hilarious coz I was walking around shouting out "Grahammmmm, Martinnnn" at the top of my lungs and I got some very weird looks =/
Eventually, we spotted them.. Then Kez admitted she'd known where they were the whole time =/ Hmph. We walked over to them and Martin soaked me with a bottle of water =O So I chased him and chucked a whole bottle over him. Heh. We then had a kick about with Graham's football =S I was goalie and Martin kicked it at me and it hit somewhere VERY personal and hurt meh, lmao. Then Graham and Kez decided we were gonna play Truth or Dare =/ Sad game, I know.. And I was very reluctant to play it, but they made me =| Plus, I felt like the odd one out!
At about 3:30pm we started walking home 'coz Martin had to be in at 4pm as he had to do something for his mum? I went back to Kez's house but as we were walking, it started hammering down with rain! Erk! And when I say hammering, I mean HAMMERING! There were puddles about 2 foot deep! My light blue jeans were now almost black as they were so water-logged. lol. So I dried off at Kez's. Then came thunder and lightning =/ Great finish to a hot day eh?!

Last night I went to watch Southend Utd play Tottenham Hotspur. That was fun. Especially as Neil and me started having a conversation like we always do ;-) Hmmm. Then I saw Chris Phillips. (The guy I mentioned in my previous blog) and he looked at me and went "Alright?!" and gave me a thumbs up =D
Obviously, we lost. Ha. We scored 1 goal, Tottenham scored 4 Ha.. And the Tottenham team were the under 19's, so it was kinda embarrasing losing to them! =/

Jaye wants me to go see Austin Powers with her later, but I don't wanna. Austin Power's has never appealed to me. Personally, I think it's a pile of *beep*. Ha. No offence to anyone who likes it, of course!

I just wanna plug this girl, because she IM'd me on MSN the other day and as I've got to know her, I've noticed she's a lovely girl and is really friendly. Her name's Julz. So go visit her mmkays?? =)

grinned @ 12:30pm [*]guestbook

Oh my. I haven't blogged in ages. Sorry folks. Been quite busy this past week, what with it being the summer holidays and all. This week has been quite a good start to my summer holidays I reckon. Tuesday when school finished, me and Carleeann went to see Scooby Doo and it was really, really hilarious. The weather's also been really hopeful this week. So hot and sunny. Today I went out with my friend, Liz, and I almost died from the heat. Ha. Yesterday I went to watch Southend Utd play against Charlton Athletic. Obviously, they lost though. On Tuesday they're playing Tottenham Hotspur so I'm definately going to see that! My parents bought my ticket for me the other day so it's all good =) Teddy Sherringham and Les Ferdinand are going to be playing. How cool is that? And the ticket was only £10! Haha!
I dyed the underneath of my hair red today. W00t w00! Can't really see it at the moment, though, as my hair is wet. Heh. I'll take pictures tomorrow if I can be bothered =)
Kate won Big Brother 3! I was totally expecting Jade to win. I don't know why, but I just was. It's mad. Jade's been all over the papers today.. Telling everyone of here lil' "romp" with PJ. Ha! Yet he denies it all? Hmmm.. Then again, I don't blame him. lol. Only messing!
I stayed up til' 12:30am last night, talking to Chris Phillips on the internet. (For those of you that don't know - He works at the Southend Utd club) He's a really top guy. He was so nice to me. He's really, really friendly. So sweet too. Bless him!
On 25th July, (Wednesday, I think?) It would've been mine and Luke's 1 year anniversary. Erk. I had a lucky escape there I reckon =)
I'm gonna plug Kayleigh because I'm talking to her on MSN right now and she's just uploaded my cam pic for me. So go give her some major loving and show her you care! Off you trot!
Did I tell you all that I'm going to a nail salon this week to get my nails properly done? I probably forgot to mention it. Well, my mum got them done this week and it looks really nice, so my dad said he'd treat me and pay for me to get them done as I got a good school report and good exam results =D Love you dad! Heh. And LOVE YOU MUM! Okay.. Ha.
I'm going to watch London's Burning now. So I shall bid you all my farewell and blow you all big kisses =)

was ill @ 9:25pm [*]guestbook

Noo layout. Like it? It's quite the same in comparison to the my Shakira one. But I've changed the images, font colours, scrollbars and writing. Please give me your comments in my guestbook. Thankoo =)

was ill @ 9:25pm [*]guestbook

B0nj0ur bitches =D Haven't blawged in a while. My bad =P Oh, how I'm <33'ing the summer, babeh! Haven't finished school yet, but I do on Tuesday at 12pm. Then I'm gawnna shop-shop-shoparoo down tha town. Heh. Here's tha plan from Monday and Tuesday - Monday we start school at normal time, 8:45am, then we miss first period and have an end of year assembly where Suzanne's is gonna be singing! Ha. That's something I'm definately not going to miss. I've already missed enough school this week. 3 days off 'cos I've had a flu kinda thang =( Anyway, back to skewlie =| Then after the assembly where Suzanne's made a complete fool of herself, we have maths and german (How fun!) then Food Tech. On Tuesday, we get into school, have first lesson, then have an extra long breaktime then go home at 12pm! =D Then school's out for the summer Wicked! 6 weeks of sun, fun, shopping and boiiz =) What more can a girl want, eh? On Tuesday afternoon, me and Carleeann are going to the cinema to see Scooby Doo =/ Ha. Call us sad, but to hell with it. You gotta live a little.
Enough about school - I wanna tell you all about the fun I had with my kinky lil' bitches on the phone the other night =) It all started when I asked Sophie for her mobile number so I could text her, then Roz rang Milla I think? I dunno how it started, but we all started phoning each other. Lol. Milla rang me and said "Rah.. Hello Tiger" then she phoned again and I said "Hello, you kinkeh biatch" lmao. Then Soph phoned me.. Omg, I <333 Soph's geordie accent! It r00lz! She asked me what I was doing.. Haha.. I was like "Talking to you on the phone and net" Duh! lol. Bless her =) She was so shy. Heh. I didn't get to hear Roz though =/ As she had null credit =( But I'll hear her soon I'm sure =)
I'm gawnna go now cos my download of Paint Shop Pro is almost done and it's gonna restart my 'pootah.
Ciao, luvvas!

was ill @ 2:45pm [*]guestbook

Who read that article in the paper yesterday about the lil' 10 year old girl, Jade Slack, that took 5 Ecstacy pills and died? It disgusted me. Thinking that some sicko gave an innocent 10 year old E's and took her life away from her. She had so much to live for. She was young and naive and the person that caused her death should be hung. It makes you think though, what is our country coming to? First it was Leah Betts that took a simple E at her 18th birthday party, within 2 hours she was dead. Now an innocent young girl, who had everything to live, got given 5 E's thinking they were painkillers, took them, then died. I can't imagine the anger and pain her parents are going through. Who else agrees with me that our country is turning into a sick enviroment? If you, then please do tell me. I'd like your opinions.
] I spoke to him last night, briefly. I asked him why he did it.. His reply was "Why what?" - DING DONG! Wake up and smell the coffee, dude. I then asked him why he cheated and he reckons he did it because it was "fun" and "he wanted to have as much fun as possible" Ha. Pathetic excuse. But then again, he's a boy. I expect nothing less =) I also asked him why he used to tell me loved me if he was using me. His answer was "It seemed like the right thing to say" What a sad, sad little boy. He lacks maturity, that's his problem. He needs to learn how to treat a girl. He needs to learn the meaning of the word trust and most of all, he needs to get a life, because he obviously didn't get one for Christmas =)
I'm off school today because I'm not well =( I gots a sore throat and a bad cold =( *Sob* But I got out of the music and drama assessments that I was menna be doing today at school. Heh. Only kidding. I seriously don't feel good =( Poor ickle Flickity ='(
Who do you think is going to win Big Brother? I want Alex or Kate to win it. Not Jade. She's just too manipulative for her own good. However, I did find it hilarious when Kate attempted to bleach her hair blonde for her and it went ginger. She's now a ginger minger like Tim nice but Dim. Heh =)

was ill @ 3:05pm [*]guestbook

You know when you think you can trust someone, then they completely throw it in your face? I hate that. Just like I hate him at the moment. But although I hate him, I love him. Weird huh? These mixed emotions really do suck. But that's life. Confused yet? Not as confused as I have been the last couple of days. But I'm not going to keep you all in the dark like he did to me.

Everyone knows that Alex and me were going out up until yesterday, when I ended it. Don't start thinking "Oh, she's well cruel. She dumped him" I had my reasons. Very good reasons they were too may I say. He cheated, he lied, he betrayed.. Need I go on? I doubt it. I'm not going to go into graphic detail as I don't want to bore you all. Let's just say, I'm never going to be naive and vulnerable again. I took him back, thinking he'd changed, I thought everything was peachy, until last night.. When he admitted it all. He's hurt me, emotionally. He's messed my head up. So go blame him, not me. Because basically, I don't care anymore.

stressed @ 1:25pm [*]guestbook

W00t w00! Shoppin' spree's ahoy, babeh! Gawd, how much have I freaKin' bought today? Well, my nan bought most of it =D Bless. Wanna know what I bought? Course yah do =P Welllll... I bawt, well, my nan bawt me.. A pair of blue skintight hipsters with splits at the bottom, a pair of black clumpy sandals with 2 sections at zee front - One where you put your big toe, and one where you put your other toes =) Uhhh.. Oh yah, 2 tops - One bright red one which says 'Wildcats 55' and it's kinda like, got these tie up bits on =) One at the top and 2 at the bottom! And the other top is a denim lil crop top thingy, kinda like a corset with a tie-up going down zee front =D Totally sexy.. Mmmhmm. oOo and a shoulder bag.. It's black and white and it's one of those one's that are "in" at zee moment. Tiz wicked =) oOo and finally, a thumb ring =) So yanno, I kinda shopped til I dropped =D
I was gonna go see '40 days and 40 nights' tonight but now I'm not =S But tomorrow I'm going to see Scoooby Dooooo =D Hahaha sad but who cares? =P
I was menna be seeing my lil honey bunny today but he couldn't come ='( He was a busy bee today =( So i'mma seeing him in 2 weeks time.. Argh ageeees away! =( Oh well, 6 weeks holidays soonie =) Then I'm year 10. Hmmm. =( Coursework will be flooding in. Nooo! ='(.
Anyways, I was sooo off with Alex on MSN earlier and felt really bad after so I made a page dedicated to him =) Click here to see it! It took me freaKin' ages to type out but he sure is worth it! =)
I'm a happy bunny so I'm gonna plug all my favourite peepz.....
Kayleigh, S00zita, Sophie, Lora, Sazzie, Claire, Bex, Roz, Charlotte, Natz and Milla. Sorry if I forgot anyone =/ Don't kill me!
Don't forget to watch the task in Big Brother tonight at 10pm! Cos apparently they'll have to "make a massive decision" according to Davina McCall =/ Ahh well.. We shall see eh!
Buh bye kids!

blawged @ 6:45pm [*]guestbook

Everyone go look at this page I made for my boyfriend, Alex =) I'll explain why I made it later. But I gorra go out now! I've linked the boyfriend page over on the left under the 'Content' bit =) Have a look. Alex if you're reading this, it's 100% true. Every word babe =)
Buh bye!

grinned @ 6:05pm [*]guestbook

Yo hoe's! How yeh be?? I'm rockin' cos i'm seeing my lil baby again tomorrow =D Oh hell yeah! I saw him last saturday too. I mentioned it didn't I? Well, I did, but I don't think I blogged about it.. Heh. Well, I won't keep you in suspense any longer =P He arrived here in his broom broom (car, heh) at about 1:15pm.. Then he came round mine for a bit so he could meet my dad and ish. Argh.. He's got bright green hair and I was panicking that my dad would say something embarrasing, but thankfully he didn't! So, then, we walked off down my road when he put his arm around me =) Then he stopped me on the corner of my road and kissed me. I was on cloud 9 =D He's such a good kisser. I'm in heaven when he puts his lips on mine, I swear it! Ok, I don't wanna give the little kids nightmares so I'll move on. We went down the town to book our cinema tickets, then just strolled around for about an hour or so... Talking, kissing, cuddling.. Yanno? All that soppy ish. =D
Then at 2:30 I think it was, we went into the cinema =) As we walked up the stairs, LUKE was sitting there! =X For those of you that don't know, he's my stupid ex that keeps asking me back out but won't get it thru his head that I'm over him. Haha, sad boy. He so badly turned up on purpose though, because I told him exactly what film we was going to see... Oh well, he was rubbing it in his own face really because me and Alex were licking each other's tonsils most of the time =D
Went into the film, sat there holding hands, talking, hugging, etc.. Then, well, if I'm honest, we saw about, uhm.. 30 minutes of the film. Hehe. =$. Well, it was the first time I'd seen him in 3 months! So yanno.. It was acceptable =)
Then after the film we went walkies again and uhm... Talked? HAHA yeah, righty! Well, Milla knows the story. Ahem =/. But she's gunna keep it a secret otherwise I shall severely punish her. Mwahaha!
At 6pm he went home ='( I missed him as soon as his car drove off! =( It was THAT bad! But the good thing is, I'm seeing him again tomorrow! =D He's coming down again. Wicked stuff! =D =D

Some of the other stuff that's happened in my oh-so-exciting life is.. Uhh... I got my maths and science SAT's results back! =S I won't say my maths result, but in my science I got level 5. Which is a pass mark because I'm in set 2 and the paper was a level 4-6 =) So i'mma happy bunny

What else? Oh yeah... Jaye is making me say that Gary is a minger that she still fancies cos he called her fat or something? I dunno. Young love, so sweet when it blossoms <333.

Who's watching Big Brother tonight? I definately am, because I sooo badly want Jade out! She's a 2 faced back stabbing bitch and she deserves what's coming to her! So.. VOTE OUT THE PIG!!!! Haha.

Speaking of big brother, this swanky bird is in the process of making me a big brother layout. How wicked is that gonna be? So i'm gonna big it up to her so go give my honey so major loving. Comprende? =D
Bye Bye Children! =P

blawged @ 7:00pm [*]guestbook

I finally got round to making myself a new guestbook! It's very boring and original at the moment.. But at least i've finally got one, eh? Considering getstring never decided to come back! So go sign it for me! Please? =D

grinned @ 6:05pm [*]guestbook

Well well well, long time no see, people! I haven't been online in absolutely ages, i got bored of the net to be honest.. My bad.
Anyway, loadsa stuff has happened.. Like, me and Alex are back together =) infact, he's gonna be HERE in 2 hours! He's coming down in his car =) Cool, huh? Hehe.. I can't wait. It's gonna rawk! I'll blog about that tonight..
Also, if some of you are wondering why my site is now called '' it's cos wasn't working.. the server was down. But this is only temporary because soon i'm gonna be hosted and will have a new layout and site altogether =D
Anyway, gorra go! I'm going to watch my sisters at swimming.. then i'm meeting up with alex
Have fun dudes!

grinned @ 8:45pm [*]guestbook

Yo yo yo! Well, I've had an extremely exciting day today. Want details? Sure thang, baybeeee!

Well, you all know that I was planning to meet Charlotte + S00zita today, right? Well... I did! =) it was so good, too! I'll tell you every last detail.. Mmkays?
Well, I got up at 10am, got dressed, etc.. Then at about 12pm my friend, Dani, knocked for me as I was walking her to work which is in town. I then got a phone call from a phonebox, in Southend, it was Charlotte, Suzie and Corinne (Suzie's friend). They told me they were in Southend, outside the train station waiting for me, so off I went to meet them.
As I got closer to the station, I was getting more and more nervous. I mean, I was about to meet 2 girls off the internet that I've known for about a year. Gawd.
As I got to the station, I couldn't see them anywhere. I walked around the actual train station, but they still weren't in sight.. Until I walked into it and saw 3 girls standing there playing around on the 'Business Card Making Machine' Haha. I knew it was them because Suzie started screaming "OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, IT'S FLICKKKK!" at the top of her lungs then I was jumped on by Charlotte, lol.
We all chatted for about 10 minutes.. Then Tom, Charlotte's boyfriend, arrived and we all went into Southend High Street.
We all paraded down to the seafront + went into Peter Pans Adventure Island (theme park). So then, me, suzie, charlotte, tommy and corinne, all went on the Log Flume (yeah, a massive water ride, for those of you that didn't know) and yeh, I got soaked because I was made to go at the front of the boat =( There was Tom and Charlotte at the back.. Corinne in the middle, Suzie in front of her and me at the front, front! So I looked like a drowned rat =(
But anyway.. Then we went into the Arcades for a bit. Then along the 'front.. Then Charlotte + Tom went back to Tom's for a couple of hours. So me, suzie and corinne went back to town. We all went into Macdonalds.. Me, Suzie and Corinne.. Ordered our stuff, then sat down. Haha it was hilarious what happened next. Well, there was this person working there that looked like a woman.. 'It' was called Tony.. But 'it' was infact a man! =O So Corinne started going "Errrr it's a transexual!" Then this.. person.. started giving her dirty looks so she started giving him mouth.. 'He' gave it back.. Then she asked him if he wanted to borrow her mascara, lmao. But he told her he already had his own =/ Then Corinne asked for the manager! Haha! So he came over and she started giving him gob, lmao.. Then he 'kindly' asked her to leave! =P So that was that, really..
Then Corinne bought these bright pink thongs that she was showing everyone she walked past.. =/
At 4:30pm we met up with Charlotte and Tom again.. Then we all went down the seafront back to Peter Pans.. And all went on this upside down rollercoaster! We got on.. Then I suddenly regretted it and wanted to get off.. But it was too lateeeee! ='( Coz it started going up.. Rising.. Higher... =( So Charlotte grabbed my hand and we didn't let go.. I'm sure by the end, I'd cut of the blood circulation to her hand.. Heh. Nevermind eh? It was a blast, anyways. =)
So.. We went to Boots and took some pix in a photo booth.. I scanned one of them in.. It's on LickUzGood message board, coz it wouldn't upload to my angelfire for some reason? Damn thang.
Then I walked them to the station and we all said our goodbyes! =( But Charlotte and S00zie are luvvly! Mmmhmm! Both babes!
Oh and here's a present for Charlotte - HELLA HELLA HELLA HELLA HELLA HELLA HELLA HELLA HELLA HELLA HELLA HELLA! hahahaha! Personal joke.. Aight?

grinned @ 8:45pm [*]guestbook

Aiggghtttt peeps? Whassssupp? Haha. Okay, that's my "wigga" impression for tha day!
Guessie whutt?? I iz meeting Suzie and Charlotte dis weekend! How kewl is that, huh huh huhhh? We'll be sure to get tons of photos done so we can broadcast 'em all over tha net. Haha.
I had a long talk with Alex, my ex, earlier. It was sweet. He says I'm one of his best friends, which cheered me up. I confided in him earlier with a lot of stuff, and he confided in me, too. I'm glad we're still friends. I lub himmm as a fwend, heh.
Bad Gurlzzzz is on in a bit. So I'm keeping this blog short and sweet. Flickiteh's off!
Tah Tahhh!

grinned @ 7:45pm [*]guestbook

I've just had an argument with my boyfriend over the phone. Well, it wasn't exactly an argument, but he was hardly talking, just because I told him I can't go round his house tomorrow night to help him "babysit". Hmmm. My sister wanted to talk to him, but he wouldn't hardly talk to her, so I told him there was no point in us continuing our phone conversation because he was in a fat old stress. So I said "bye" and hung up. I'll give him time to cool down. Maybe I'll phone him tomorrow, maybe I won't, who knows? More to the point - Who cares? Haha.
I went to see 'Not Another Teen Movie' at the cinema yesterday. It's "HELLA" good. They're well badly ripping off the film 'She's All That', though. Also, they remake scenes from films such as American Pie 1/2, Pretty In Pink and Cruel Intentions. But I give it a thumbs up, so go see it, people.
Gawd, CCF [CassCamFans] is a great place to be, at the moment. It's like, world war 3 on there. Some of the messages that people have been coming out with today are "hella" funny. Milla, S00zita and Sophie are da bomb! Da bomb I tell ya!
Basically, it all started off because Roz posted a picture of her in her new bikini [And a very nice bikini it is, too, may I add] then some jealous wannabes started cussing her.. Saying she was flat chested and that she was annorexic? Pah! So then "the queen" [Cassie] decided to get into competition with her, and posted her bikini picture up.. Then everyone was saying Cassie was prettier and totally being a bitch to Roz - So, Sophie, Milla + S00zita got involved, sticking up for Roz, now it's just blown out of proportion, really. Because, Stitch is saying Milla has a big nose [Soooo not true!], Kristabel is saying Sophie has horrible bewbies [Yet again, sooo not true!] and basically they're all just slagging each other off - But I must admit, it's funny to watch. Heh.
Oh yeh, I got a job today! How cool is that, people? =D
And where has my lil BOB, Lora, got to just lately? =( Come back Lora you sexy lil mofo! Yummmy
One last pointer - GERMANY DREW 1-1 AGAINST IRELAND, DAMMIT!. Sorry, I just wanted Ireland to win, because quite honestly, I'm sick of Germans at the moment. Ohh well!

grinned @ 8:45pm [*]guestbook

Well, well, well.. It's the whole Jubilee thang.. Party in the palace is on, it's good. Go watch it. It's on BBC1.. But not before you've read my blog!
Who watched the England V Sweden match yesterday morning? I can't believe they drew 1-1! They should've kicked their swedish asses! Haha.
Well, last night, I slept round my best friend, Jaye's house. It was fun.. We went into this chatroom at about 10pm and she was giving all these perverts her mobile number, asking them for phone sex (as a joke, obviously) and all these weirdo's were ringing her.. As soon as she picked up, she'd say "Hello, this is pussy parlor.. How may I help you?" Lmao! The thing that made me laugh the most is the fact that she got her electric toothbrush, put it on, and told this pervert that it was her "dildo", lol.. And they fell for it. Haha.. Saddo's! Then again, if they were gullable enough to phone her up and think she was a 19 year old blonde from the States, then they're likely to believe anything, riiiight?
Anyway.. Me and Suzie are gonna throw our panties at Tom Jones! Hell yeah. Also, I <333 Lee Ryan from Blue.. oOo yes I do-oo-oooo! I'm having his top half and Suzie's having his bottom half (yes, suzie, like it or lump it, mmkays?) haha.
I went out with my boyfriend earlier. We went to the Airshow for a bit. Then went to have a quick........ snog.. Heh.
Hum.. Anyway - I'm talking to Charlotte and Suzie on msn at the moment. Charlotte's telling me all about her boyfriend, Tom.. He's quite cuteee! Haha. And Suzie and me are discussing Tom Jones? Lmao. How fun!
oOo yeah.. Jaye <3'z Garry. [I was made to put it, okay?]

grinned @ 7:45pm [*]guestbook

I am so disappointed and upset. Well, you all know I was supposed to be going to Germany in September with the school for the other part of the exchange, right? Well, I didn't want to go, but I received an email from Yvonne this morning, and she's made it sound like so much fun. So now I want to go. Plus my best friend, Tracy has persuaded me to go.. So, I told my german teacher that I was gonna go - But now my dad won't let me go! ='( He says it's because he's worried about me, because I normally get homesick when I'm away from home without my parents and sisters for too long.. But I think I'd be okay, because the trip is only 7 days - Not 10. They've changed it incase people get homesick. I suppose I'll just have to keep trying to persuade him, huh?
I got my photo's developed. They're actually quite funny. They're of all of my school friends when we went to London, Canterbury and Rochester, over the last two weeks.. I'm currently in the process of scanning them in and uploading them - So watch this space because I'll soon have an 'Offline Mates' page up. =)
oOo did I tell anyone that I'm now with James? The boy in my form at school that I've fancied since year 7? Well, we've kinda been seeing each other for the last 2 years.. Not going out.. Just the odd kiss every now and again.. Heh. Not when either of us was taken though, obviously. Anyhow, there's a photo of him on the 'Offline Mates' page.. Awww =D oOo okay, that was weird.. Just as I was typing that, he texted me asking if he can come round. =P I don't know though, cos I've got karate at 7pm and my dad's in.. And I went out with him last night til gone 9pm, so I dunno. I want to, though.
By the way, make sure YOU have a fantastic time in Tenerife. We'll all miss you, no doubt about that. But we'll make sure we fill you in on all the gossip =)
Finally, 40 days and 40 nights has been released at the cinema! =D So I'm plodding off to see that tomorrow with my best friend! I've been waiting over 6 months for it to be released.. Heh. Only problem is - Carleeann asked me 5 months ago if I'd go see it with her, and I did promise her. But James also wants to go with me on Sunday.. But my best friend, Tracy, wants to go see it tomorrow. Argh. Lil Miss Popular.. Lol. I wish! =D
I got my geography exam result today.. Hum.. I won't say what it was - But let's just say, I'm definately glad I'm not taking that for my GCSE's next year. Haha.

grinned @ 7:45pm [*]guestbook

Sorry I haven't updated for such a long time. It's been a whole - 4 days?
Nothing really exciting has happened, to be honest. Except, on Friday, we [Everyone involved in the german exchange] went to London for the day. It was totally cool! We all had such a laugh. Especially on the coach, with the lads, it was hilarious. My friend's Sophie and Emma decided to start asking Lucas [one of the german guys] out for me.. Haha. I'll admit, he's quite fit, but I mean - He lives in Germany, I live in England - Not a good combination, don't you agree? I took a photo of some of the german's, and he was in it so I'll let you all see for yourself what he looks like. He's kinda grungy.. Wears skater pants and a baseball cap on back to front.. heh.. But yeah, I took loads of pictures of everyone. I even got one of James.. oOo =D So as soon as they're developed, they'll be on my site. Hell yeah!
In London, we went to Trafalgar Square - Omg, how many pigeons are there?! =O Like, 1 million! But it was so funny because me, James, Brett, Jamie, Jaye, Sophie, Kerry, Julie, Anton and Kirsty ran through them all, then there were like, all these pigeons flying around in circles, lol. We all ducked down on the floor incase one of them did it's business on us, haha.
On Tuesday, we all go to Rochester and Canterbury for the day.. That should be fun. I'll take some photos while we're there, too. I'll be sure to put them all on my site =D
oOo my gawd, you know I said I wanted blonde highlights? Well, I went out and bought the kit yesterday and mum did it for me last night. Hahaha.. It so didn't suit me. I looked like barbie gone wrong, really. I'm not being horrible to anyone who's blonde - But really, blonde so isn't my colour. Brunette is. So today, I went to a hairdressers and got my brunette back =D So now my hair's a browny/reddish type colour. It looks really nice. Much much better than blonde did. Lol.
I got my nails done yesterday. I think they look pukka.. Do you all agree?

Heh... New hair, new nails, new tan (well, fake).. What next? Breast implants? lmao. Perhaps not on second thoughts. Don't think my daddy dearest would be best impressed if his 14 year old daughter came home with a chest like Jordan, haha. Eww.. I perrish the thought..
I'm definately not going to Germany now. I don't want to. It's a pity, because I was really looking forward to going - But hey. Life's a bitch, eh? At least now I get £185 to spend on clothes! =D How spifftastic! =D
I now know that a certain someone knows I like them, and he says he likes me too, so it's all good! =D If only Gary from school knew that my best mate liked him.. *loud sigh* Boys - So dumb. They can't read the signals. Well, some of them anyway.

grinned @ 7:45pm [*]guestbook

Holy banannas! She's gone.. Yvonne, that is.. As in, gone! Back to Germany.. The land of Germans.. =/ Okay, let me explain a bit more....
The german dudes arrived here on monday at about 1:00pm when we were all in our german lesson doing a german exam, coincidental? But anyway, we went downstairs.. Outside.. And there were all these german peeps standing there.. I hadn't a clue which one was mine, though she had sent me one photo which was 6 months old =/ But I then spotted her. She was the shortest there.. I could hardly see her as she had all these tall people standing around her.. Haha.. Anyway, I went up to her.. said "hi" etc.. Then everyone that's part of the exchange went home.. But I had to wait til 1:45pm as my mum didn't finish work til then and she was picking us up cos she had this suitcase that was friggin' heavy and no way was i carrying that thing all the way to my house which is like, half an hour walk? So we went and sat in the quad (the er, outdoor bit of my school, in between the buildings kinda thang) and were surrounded by all my friends asking her all these questions! The poor cow was jus sitting there looking very confused, lol. So we decided to give her a tour of our school. By the time we'd done that - She'd already had about 10 boys from my year ask her out! Sheeshh.. She's there 5 minutes and already she's pulling all tha fit lads, jesus christ! But she said no to them all! =D
So, at 2pm.. My mum arrived, collected us, then we went down the seafront.. Then back to mine. Unpacked her stuff for her, then she gave us our presents and we gave her hers. At about 4pm, we had dinner, though she hardly ate much - But I just put it down to nerves, afterall, she was in a complete stranger's house, right? Or so I thought.
That night, about 5pm, we went to Sophie's house. Then me, soph, svenja (sophie's german partner) and yvonne ("my partner") went to knock for tracy (my best mate) and judith (tracy's german partner) then we saw laura (my good friend) so we all went to knock for james (another best mate of mine) and kathrin (his german partner).. So there were.. Uh.. 9 of us roaming the streets. Then Yvonne started crying! Said she missed her mum and dad. Perfectly understandable as it was her first time away from home without her parents. I hugged her, then she was talking to her german friends so me, soph and james thought that'd cheer her up - We couldn't have been more wrong!
She cried again 20 minutes later and said she wanted to go back to Germany?! In England for 2 hours and already she's complaining.. Holy banannas! I took her back to mine and asked my mum to talk to her. She did try but nothing seemed to work. She'd smile, then 5 minutes later, she'd be in tears again =/ At 8pm she said she wanted to go to bed as she'd had to get up at 4am the previous morning for her flight. I went upstairs to talk to her - Made her laugh for a while. Then she wanted to go to sleep, so I left her. Then the next morning, I got up at 6:30am cos I felt like total crap. Had stomach cramps, felt ill, neckache, headache.. Etc.. GREAT i thought, lol. So I was sitting with my head over the bog for 30minutes and after chucking up 4 times, went to get dressed for school. Then on the way to school, she started crying again =/ Carleeann tried to cheer her up by giving her a lollypop and buying her some sweets, but she refused to eat anything.. And she's "miraculously" lost the money which my dad had given her to spend in the shop on the way to school. Then when we got to school, she saw her german friends, then about 10 of them burst into tears! Greaaaat start to a 10 day holiday, eh? [Sarcasm alert, people] So anyway, the ENGLISH pupils went to lesson.. Left the german's with their teachers and we were told to go collect them from the cafeteria at 9:30am, so we did so, but mine and sophie's were being stubborn and said they wanted to stay with their german teacher! =X Grmph. I was now getting a tad stressed. Trust me to get a flippin' stubborn one!
So, to cheer them all up - Me, James, Soph, Carleeann, Tracy, Julie, Josh and loadsa other people, arranged to go bowling that night to cheer them all up and so they could meet up with zee germans.. So after school, we saw them in the quad, told them, the other's seemed pretty cool about it, but mine burst into tears and started waffling off in german to her teacher that she didn't wanna go bowling - She wanted to go home, blahdeeblah.. Stubborn lil mair! But I thought i ain't having this missy, we've arranged to go bowling so therefore we're going bowling, and if you don't like it, then you can stay at home on your jack jonor, sobbing your heart out. Ball was in her court. Then she shouted at me and my mate.. Cheek!!! There was us trying to be nice and she was being a total stubborn lil cow. =X. When we were on our way home, Carleeann and me were trying our very hardest to cheer her up, and it worked.. For about 5 minutes.. Cos as soon as Carleeann went home, she burst into tears again. I was now getting very aggitated! So we went back to mine, she went straight to my mum and said "I wanna phone my mum, I can't eat this english food. I want to go back to Germany" Er.. Mum then said "I've just cooked you your dinner though.. " and Yvonne said "I don't want it. I WANT TO GO BACK TO GERMANY!" Flippin' 'eck! So my mum had spent absolutely ages cooking this really nice NORMAL dinner for her and she said she didn't want it - She was now starting to take the pee just slightly, methinx. So my mum rang my german teacher.. While she was on the phone to her, telling her she didn't know what to do about Yvonne - Yvonne was sitting on the tears sobbing, refusing to do anything until she got her own way. GRR at her! Fair enough, she's homesick, but honestly, that's not really an excuse to be damn right rude to my parents, is it? They put themselves right out for her, treated her like utter royalty.. And she simply threw it in their faces ='( I hate people being out of order to my parents. I don't allow it. Especially when they're trying their very hardest to make her feel welcome, by spoiling her and stuff.
So anyway, my german teacher booked her a flight back to germany, alone the next morning at 8:45am. Humm..
So we all went out [Our lil group] to Macdonalds for a coupla hours. Then some of them had to go home, so me, yvonne, james and kathrin just sat down my road talking til gone 8pm.. lol. Then went home, packed her suitcase, blahdeeblah and she went to bed. Got up next morning.. She didn't had a shower, yet again.. Got dressed, made me lug her flippin' suitcase about, got to school, she went to her german chums.. Said g'bye to them all, gave me a letter appoligising for going home so early, telling me i'm very friendly and so is my family and so on, got in a taxi.. and went! So that was farewell to my german student.. =( So now I haven't got one over in england with me. But I don't want to go to Germany now, we're going over there in september, but I don't wanna go now.. Not after that little experience. My german teacher has said she'll get me a different person to stay with if I want, but no, she was damn right rude to my parents - Didn't even say thankyou for having her.. Turned all my mum's food down when she'd cooked it, then buggered off to macdonalds! Didn't wash, hardly talked, was bloody rude to my little sisters, left me with no german partner, etc.. Need I go on?
Well, everyone wanted me to blog about it. So I have. I bet you wish I hadn't now, don't you? Feels like I've just written a 5 page essay - lol.
Oh well, hope I provided some entertainment for you all cos it's sure been entertaining for me and my family.. I think not.

typed @ 9:13pm [*]guestbook

Oh my gosh, I've just come online, taken one look at my guestbook and realised how much people do care. About 7 people have left really sweet messages, saying Alex doesn't deserve me, etc.. They've really put a smile on my face. I didn't think anyone would take notice.. But they have. And they've really made me alot happier.. So I really wanna blow big kisses out to milla, kayleigh, isa, lora, chrissie, hayley and emzy.. Because you have all cheered me up, bigtime.. You all rule. I don't even know a couple of them, but they sure as hell proved they're kind, loving people. So thankyou guys.. Means alot to me..
milla gave me some of the best advice ever the other night and i really need to thank her for that and this is the only way I thought i could get my point across, by mentioning it in my blog.. So thankyou milla, you're a babe. Simon's sucha lucky sod to have you. And i'm so happy that you're luvvdup.. Unlike me.. Oh well, nevermind eh?! Plenty more fish in the sea, they say..
I won't be online very much for the next two weeks, sorry! ='( Yvonne arrives tomorrow and we're probably gonna be going out every night to people's houses.. People that are also part of the exchange. We've already got tomorrow night planned.. We're coming back to mine, unpacking her stuff, having dinner then going over to Sophie's house to play pool on her pool table.. Wootwoo! It'll be cool cos one of Yvonne's friends, Svenja, is staying with Sophie.. So we'll have fun all around, i think. I got sucha sweet email from Yvonne this morning.. I've not met her yet, but I can tell we're going to have a beautiful friendship. This is a quote from the email she sent me...

I think I have a nice present for you ! ;-) I´m sorry that it´s over with your boyfriend. If you want and it´s not to personaly than tell why it is over ? I´m very curious for your parents and your sisters.. I think I will like them very much. When you will phone me tomorrow it would be very nice of you ! I think we will be very good friends !

She's so sweet, isn't she? She told me via email that she's bought me, my parents, my sisters and my dog a present, lol. So i went out this morning and bought her something.. I won't say what, incase she reads this! Let's just say I'm sure she'll like it =D
oOo lookie, I got new picciesss! The first one is of me and my friend Laura.. I'm in the shades! Diggin' the shades, babeh! It was taken today! =D

And the second one is of me, jaye, sophie and laura, taken yesterday.. I'm at the back on the left =D

Toodle pip, for 2 weeks, dudes!

grinned @ 2:29pm [*]guestbook

I cannot believe boiz.. I'm so upset and shocked. I'm just sitting her balling my eyes out, literally.. I hate boiz, I don't think I'll ever trust one again. Confused? Look no further...

Hello I dunno how to say this but i've been thinking alot and i know you love me and i don't wanna hurt you even though i know i have but i don't want us to be together anymore i don't feel that it is working out. I'm really sorry but i would still like to be friends with you cos you are a great friend an i can talk to you about anything. you mean alot to me as a friend but i feel it isn't working out us two going out. there are a few reasons for this one is that you live so far away an it is real hard to see you. second is that you are to young an i'm sorry you will always have a special place in my heart but it just doesn't feel right me going out with someone of your age i'm sorry. please forgive me. Alex

nice way to dump someone you've been with for over a month, isn't it? nice excuses he had there, too.. But i'm not gonna be a bitch, I'm gonna be nice.. Or am I? I dunno. I'm just so muddled up and confused at the moment. I couldn't control myself earlier. But there's one thing for sure - I don't wanna break up with him, I wanna be friends at least. Coz even if he has hurt me - He truly is a great guy and I can tell him pretty much anything. And I didn't put that email he sent me on my blog to humiliate him, I put it up to show people how much I love him and am in hope that he'll see it? Anyway, earlier I asked him to come on msn, so he did. greaaat conversation we had - Feel the sarcasm, people. It consisted of the following -
alex - "hi, plz don't hate me"
me - "i don't hate you, but you told me you loved me!"
alex - "yeah but i had time to think and i think you're too young for us to do anything"
then it finished of with him saying "i think i'm gonna go now, bye"
LOVELLYYY ending to a relationship, eh?
But, really, I couldn't have got through it without you and you cos you're such darlings.. Also, with the really helpful advice from these three babes! cos they were all great.. Also, thankyou to clairey =D
Anyway, it's his loss, i guess... On a brighter note, Yvonne, my german exchange partner, is arriving on monday! I got another letter from her today.. She included a picture in it - Gawddd, she's so pretty! She has totally gorgeous fashion sense, too! And has her belly pierced.. Mmm yeah baby! but really, it should be so good on Monday.. She's staying with me for 10 days =D And in september, I go to her for 10 days! It's totally awesome - So sorry peepholes, I probably won't be online much in the next 10 days - Unless me and Yvonne come on, together.. But I dunno.
If i'm not on, i'll miss you all and send you all txts! =D
Oh my gaawwddd! Suzie made me this gorgeous new Shakira image! Lookie! --->

arghhh! isn't it GORGEOUS!? I swear I'm obsessed with shakira, well, she issss a babe, so yanno...

sobbed @ 9:29pm [*]guestbook

I jus took this, IRL girl test.. thingy.. look at my results!

Which TRL girl are you?

uh.. yah, i'm nothing like mariah carey, but whatever floats their boat, i guess!
humdeehumhum.. my new saying! =D anyway, i had a drama exam today.. and a german exam, how easy were they?? i mean, c'mon, even a 9 year old coulda done that! no offence to 9 year olds, of course.
IT'S MILLA'S BIRTHDAAYYY! aww, she got loadsa cool prezzies and i can guess what simon's gonna give her.. heh..
alex is coming down sunday, i can't wait! we're gonna go cinema, and he's coming to mine =) and hopefully we're gonna go on webcam.. ? so book us while yo can, lol.
oOo btw, my german exchange student is coming on monday, so i won't be online as much for the next 2 weeks, starting on the 20th.. ='( she might not even know how to operate a computer.. erk, better not say that, stuart might have a go at me and tell me what i can and can't write on my own website.. haha.
rock on, sunday!

turned you on @ 7:39pm [*]guestbook


Mmm isn't she just yummy-fied? and the fansign is gorjuss, too.. Gave me multiples. heh.
Made up with luke today, erk.. [My ex, for those of you that didn't know?] and he gave me a hug.. kinda wouldn't let go of me, but eventually did when i started to go blue in the face, haha..
Alex is still coming down Saturday, wootwoo! can hardly wait. gonna be sucha blast, i can tell.. Mmm.. Bring on the whipped cream and chocolate sauce, girlies! haha, yah..
Ah well, tis off to the land of revision i go.. humdeehumhum...

blogged @ 8:26pm [*]guestbook

Lots to blog about today! well, yesterday i had 2 science papers.. my 2 final SATs exams, woohoo.. ? nah, cos i got end of year exams next week and the week after, too. it sucks =(
I was so god damn emotional yesterday.. I jus felt like crying all damn day cos i missed alex so much. it's our 1 month anniversary next thursday, it's gone pretty quick i reckon. I felt so sorry for him last night, though, because we were talking on msn, like we usually do, but it was the first time we'd spoken since.. uh.. wednesday? but we were both pretty damn emotional cos we missed each other so flippin' much! but i had to go get changed for karate cos i was running late, so i said "brb" but when i came back, he'd gone, i knew automatically it was cos his p.c had probably crashed on him cos it's always happening to him.. so i emailed him explainin that i had to go to karate + all thru karate, my mind was on him.. i wasn't focussing on what i was doing atall. so when i got in, i checked my emails and yeh, i had a reply from alex saying that he had burst into tears when he'd seen i'd gone offline and that he'd punched his computer screen so hard that he thinks he's broken a knuckle! =( i love him so damn much. i don't think anyone quite understands how much i do actually care about him. not even my closest friends do. but when i came online tonight, he told me that he'd quit his job cos he wanted to be able to see me more! how sweet is that? he's such a babe, really. so he's promised me that he is definately coming to see me next weekend! WOOHOO! i can hardly wait, ma'aan! *Ahem*
The stuff that i did concentrate on at karate was flippin' funny! i was mitchell's partner, lmao. let me tell you a lil bit about dear ol' mitch.. he's about 4ft 9" and he weighs about as much as my lil finger, haha.. so you can imagine the look on his face when he was made to fight me, who's 5ft 10" hehe.. once we'd fought, we had to do these.. takedown things.. where i had to grab him by his belt and gee (suit) and sweep him then chuck him on the floor.. great fun =D so when i threw him, i was kinda.. dangling him from the air by his belt, lmao.. he let out this loud girlie type scream, it was hysterical! you had to be there to understand it really but man, it was funny at the time.. then my sensei (karate instructor) said he wanted to see me dangle him by his belt + when i showed him, he literally collapsed with laughter and told me to chuck mitch across the room =D so that's on my 'to-do' list for next time =D
i went to my aunt's today.. was quite good cos i hadn't seen her in a while. she's got this totally gorgeous cocker spanniel called Badger.. he's such a sweet dog. whenever you sit down, he runs to you and jumps all over you...heh. he's lovely! i almost kidnapped him. =D mwahaha..
My mum's just told me that my karate instructor rang up when i was out and told her he wants me to start going to the adult classes cos he says i'm "too good and too tall" to be in the brown belt class so he wants me to go into the higher ability classes, erk.. all these big people that are like, double my age =( apparently i class as a senior? cos i'm the oldest in the class? i dunno.. don't really care either, to be brutally honest..
i can't wait til next weekend when my babe comes down, it's gonna be so good, i can tell.. heh. i'll keep ya'll posted ;)
i was supposed to be going out with carleeann tomorrow, she promised me, but she's ditched me for luke, again =X. someone should tell her that friends are forever, boi'z aren't. =/ ah well..
i've made a button wall.. go lookie at that and tell me if you wanna be added.. kays?
oh yeah, one last thing.. i went to watch my sisters at their swimming lesson this morning, and erin got her 5 metres! how sweet! rhiannon almost got hers.. but she's gonna be getting it next week cos she'll be more confident next week we all think/know. but yeh, 5 metres, without any armbands at the age of 5 is pretty good! considering i was about 7 when i got mine =/ she's cleverer than me, argh..
don't you let them all get to you, just ignore them and don't delete your site god dammit!

blogged @ 8:26pm [*]guestbook

Oh.. my.. GOD! look at these buttons that this sexy lil mofo made me!!!

arghh! aren't they gorgeous?? thank you sooo much hunni!!

loved you @ 9:00pm [*]guestbook

I think i've totally screwed up my second maths exam =( the first paper was simple enough.. then we had some metal arithmatic (spelling) test.. then we had paper 2 this afternoon and it was really complicated.. the first few questions were easy but they got harder =( ahh well, nevermind.
on a brighter note.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHARLOTTE!!!! hehe.. hope you got loads of prezzies and stuff.. i bet tom got you a nice prezzie if you get me like.. mwahaha..
No exams tomorrow, wootwoo! but i gots p.e, erk =(
make me fansigns you sexy lil manbeast =P

spanked you @ 8:00pm [*]guestbook

I never thought i'd see the day where i say exams are easy! seriously though, i had two english exams today, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, and how simple were they? the second paper was macbeth and we all knew how much i was dreading that.. but, when i got into it, i kinda.. flew thru it.. =/ i did 3 and a 1/2 pages of writing so at the end i had cramp in my poor lil hand =( heh.. plus i'd done 5 and 1/2 pages on paper one.. don't think i've ever done so much work in my life! =O but i hope that you did alright, sweetie. I was thinking of you when i was scribbling all my stuffz down and anotating my macbeth sheets =P
anyhow, this sexy lil manbeast just told me i have a nice ass.. lol.. i told her my new portal pic was of my ass and she was like "OHHH IS IT OF YOUR ASS NAKED?? I WANNA SEEEEE!" haha, bless her, sorry to disappoint you though, darlin', but it's of my ass with skintight jeans on ^_^ diggin' the sexy skintight jeans, baby!
dumdum.. JAMES AND JOSH GOT JIGGY WID IT IN THE STOCK CUPBOARD!!! haha.. well, they didn't really, but i sure was teasing them about it in english today! =P see, we're all going on the german exchange in september, me, james and joshy.. and we kinda made this joke saying we were gonna have a threesome while we were there.. so, it kinda, uh.. stuck.. so, now i'm teasing them cos they had to go to the stock cupboard alone in last period.. heh.. i'mma kinky biatch =) threesomes all around!! pah, only kidding! my lil baby alex may be reading this and i don't want him getting the wrong end of the stick, do i now? he's the only one for me anyways =) speaking of alex, i'm talking to him on msn right now and i love ya lots!!oh btw. hey MIKE and hey roz haha personal joke but you can all call me greg =D!

love yaa!

spanked you @ 9:14pm [*]guestbook

Gawd I've been so busy today! I've been round my friend dani's making her a website and she's really impressed with it!! okay.. that's enough plugging.. haha. but seriously, she had multiples over it! it's not perfect, cos we all know i'm not exactly good at html, but it does her perfectly cos she loves it.. oops, there i go again.. heh. ah well!
erk, i've got SAT's all this week ='( i have an english shakespeare exam first period tomorrow.. ugh. it sucks, bigtime! ahh well, nevermind =)
ooh this sexy lil mofo made me a gorgeous fansign! it's on my fansign page so go lookie! esther also made me one but for some reason it won't upload ='( it's really sexy though! it says 'flickity' and it has all these kinky lil girls laying over the letters... yumyum!
who likes my new portal pic? i think it's very.. uh... kinky, haha. my faattt ass, haha.. =/
ahh yes, i love your babalons.. I want to kiss you quick.. your my bird... your a babe and your a kinkeh biatch.. heh..

typed @ 8:13pm [*]guestbook

Well everyone seems really impressed with my new layout so i'm a smitten kitten =) and now that i've figured out how to do layouts and make images, i'mma gonna be changing this thang quite a bit so watch this space! ^_~
Hum.. it's sunday and i'm bored. i'm having a doss day. i got up at 10.30am (lazy, i know, but who cares?) had a shower, then came online and was talking tto alex from 11.30 til.. after 2pm.. heh. then i had my dinner and went to watch the eastenders omnibus =) i'm being a layzee sod today. i've got shit loads of revision to do tomorrow ='( so i'm kinda, preparing myself.
oOoh yah, does anyone know how i can upload background music to my site.. ? i really wanna upload.. yep, you've guessed it, shakira cos it kinda fits in with my site, don'tcha think? heh... so if anyone knows how to do that then please email me or leave me a message in my guestbook =) thankyou chickadees! ^_^

gave you multiples @ 6:21pm [*]guestbook

Who likes my new layout? I did it all myself so I'm quite proud of it! =D

Bloody hell, how long's it been since i last blogged? like, way over a week! well i've been offline so that's probably why. but milla demanded i blog, so i am =)
blogging is becoming so boring though, i feel it's a chore to update my site.. erk. i really can't be bothered anymore, i would stop, but it wouldn't be fair on the people that come to my site daily to read my 'oh so famous' blogs.. haha..
anyway, what's been happening in my life over the last week then? well, i've had mocks.. mocks and more mocks.. all the fun things in life! =/ and me and carleeann aka the cucumber queen have been like, at each other's throats all dayum week! it's actually kinda funny cos we had like, this huge punch up in RE! haha.. a religious lesson, and we're fighting.. lmao! oh well, shit happens eh? well it all started when she started writing pathetic, childish little notes to sophie and she was trying to make me jealous.. haha, sad cow.. so then i told her to grow up then she started calling me brainless? err.. excuse moi, but who's the one that's in top set for german? yup.. moi.. and just because i'm in bottom set for maths, when i shouldn't be in the first place, i'm apparently thick? but she can't call me that cos sophie's in bottom set for maths and science so she's calling us both thick =) i then turned to her and said "i may not be all that good at maths, but at least i have friends and look half decent you fat stupid cow" she then shut up =D cos she can't exactly say much, can she? it's a well known fact, she's a size 16 and she's 14.. haha.. i'm a size 8 just like every other normal sized 14 year old =D
anyway, enough of that... thing.. what else has gone on? oOoh yes.. me and cassita are buddy ol' pals again =D so that's good.. and i'm kinda getting on with esther now, too.. so everything's just peachy! =D
i really am shitting myself cos all next week i have SAT's exams and then the week after, i have more exams! erk.. so i'm gonna revise revise revise and prove to that fat cow [carleeann] that i'm not thick.. ahem.
oh yeh, i'mma gonna plug suzie cos she was so sweet on msn last night, she told me she'd missed me.. aww bless her, she's such a sweetie ^_^ i'm also gonna plug sophie cos i haven't spoken to her for ageees and we're talking on msn right now cos i love her to small tiny lil pieces =D
oh ma'ann, alex and me are going to the cinema next weekend! woohoo.. back row seats in the dark.. getting jiggy wid it.. haha, ahem =| i don't wanna give you nightmares so i'll stop while i'm ahead, =)
wikkid, i got monday off, bank holiday and all, kewl! but then i go back tuesday and have a SAT's exam first period.. erk! wish me luck peepholes =) i'll need it accordin the FAT dog.
CARLEEANN MASTURBATES WITH CUCUMBERS thought i'd share that with everyone =D

blogggged @ 11:57pm [*]guestbook

Pah, sorry i didn't update for so long, i've been a big pre-occupied.. but anyhow.. i'm off school today cos i have a really bad toothache cos i got my braces tightened this morning...erk. i got new colour's on them too.. the england colours =D red, blue and white.. heh.. thought it'd be good cos it's the world cup soon ^_^
Carleeann's going to the cinema with Luke on sunday.. and she's gonna wear a skirt, HAHA, he'll be wanting to get into her knickers, and i bet he will succeed, too.
I burst into tears the other day because i miss alex so much, pah, sad or what? he was supposed to be getting paid yesterday but macdonalds told him he isn't gonna get paid for another 2 weeks and he told me that he was so pissed off with this that he almost punched thru a fence cos he wants to come see me.. =( i haven't seen him since april 6th! ='( i miss my lil baby.. =/ oh and cassie, he isn't a minger, aight?! i didn't ask for your opinion so go take a hike and do us all a favour.
erk, i have jack all to blog about so i'm off.
ta tahh!

missed her babe @ 1:55pm [*]guestbook

I just got some more fansigns =) I've added them to my fansign page so go check them out..
lora is so goddamn sexxeh! she made me a gorjus fansign! ^_^ so did kayleigh and milla, yay i'm so popular.. haha.
Oh yeah, Cassie and co are back, bringing more unhappiness to innocent people. We all know she lied about that whole 'lies' and 'stace' thang, right? well now she's making more stuff up.. ugh, honestly, when will that gal learn? and she called me, bex and roz ugly.. er, has that kid got any mirrors or did she crack them all? fair enough, in some of her pics, she's pretty, i can't argue with that, but in her latest ones, she just looks drugged up.. she's totally gonna ruin herself if she carries on with all this smack and stuff. oh well, her problem not mine =)
she's also getting that stupid dumb twat esther to call me fat.. haha!! fat? hrm.. yah, right. course! got any better insults, shweetiedarlings? cos that one's sooo old! i'm not fat and you know it. that's the oldest one in the book so i guess you should take your eyes off your computer screen for 5 mins and step out into the real world. wake up and smell the roses, hunni, kay?
How esther can call me fat is beyond me.. seeing as when she first met her "boyfriend" she said to me, and i quote, "i'm kinda fat too so i dunno if he'll like me" and now she's claiming that she was just "insecure" about herself, yeah course, any excuse innit! she called me ugly too, haha.. me ugly.. yeah, right, everyone go look at her "gorgeous" pix and prepare to puke up.. i warn you, you'll need a bucket handy. she looks like she's just been slapped in the face with an iron! and i'm not the only one that thinks that.
cassie called my blogs rubbish, too.. how can she call my blogs shit when in hers she's going on about MILK!!??? would someone PLEASE tell me?! H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E A-L-E-R-T!!
Anyway, i don't wanna give them the satisfaction of seeing they're mentioned in my "shit" blog so i'm going to talk about nice people =)
I gotta call from my lil baby this morning. he's so sweet! he's ringing me again tonight, woohoo! ^_^ he's got such a dayum sexxeh voice on the phone, i tell ya!
roz is currently working on a 'dido' layout so that'll be dead kewl when it's done =) we all know how much she lurves dido, heh..
i'm still working on the shakira layout, though i may leave it a while, i may not.. who knows??
everyone's gotta go see 'bend it like beckham' at the cinema! it's sooo kewl! and the coach in it is dead fit! hehe..
i've got nowt else to blog about so i'm jus gonna say that i love you, you, you, you, you, you and finally YOU coz you all rool!
rock on, chicas!

<3'd alex @ 5:50pm [*]guestbook

Oh maaan! i'm so luvvdup! alex is like, totally amazing in every way! i love him sooo much! he rocks my world! heh.. i spent like, 2 hours talking to him earlier =) he's invited me to a party next month.. it'll be good if i go.. if ya catch my drift like =) heh.. i'm such a kinky biatch! i'm alex's kinky biatch ^_^
ugh, carleeann's still up to her old tricks again! she really is beginning to get on my nerves! i think i've finally seen the light. i'm seeing a different side to her now.. she's being an evil, sly little wotsit! ugh @ her. she's like, totally got no friends.. except for like, 2? woopee do? let's all do cartwheels cos she has 2 whole friends! she doesn't even have a best friend.. and i do.. life's great! =)my "mate" kerry started telling me i had nothing earlier.. (yah, kerry's the 'chubby' buddha look-a-like one) so i kindly pointed out to her, wit the help of carl that i have a 17 year old boyfriend... a social life.. a figure which i'm proud of (slim, yah) and a best friend.. and from that list, what does she have? uhm.. let me think.. none =) ooh i do love being bitchy! it really highlights my day! ^_^
oh yeh, i forgot to mention in yesterday's blog that roz can wiggle her hips like shakira =D haha.. long story.. but i started making a new layout for this site, featuring shakira.. everything was going juuusssttt good, i made the images and the whole layout but angelfire decided to be a twat on me so i had to delete it all, erk!
oh i almost forgot, i am definately going to plug YOU cos you're a sexy lil manbeast! she calls me 'FlixyFooz' heh.. bless her. she made me such a sexaylicious fansign which i'm so going to upload when i get time! ^_^ watch this space, babette!
*yawns* what else is there to say? oh yes, i do have one complaint..
glad to get that out of my system!
addios, chicas!

was luvvdup @ 8:55pm [*]guestbook

Oh my gosh! mad stuffz gone down, i tell ya! well, where do i start?? from the beginning, perhaps? yah.. would be good! anyways, well, carleeann went out with luke the other day (i honestly don't know what her big obsession with him is) and it didn't bother me atall, i made it perfectly clear to her that i wasn't atall jealous. i mean, jealous of her? oh puh-lease! i'm more likely to be jealous of the queen mother.. uh.. she's dead, int she? sick joke there.. my bad! ANYWAY back to carleeann and luke, so yah, they went out and stuffz then later that night, she came on msn and her name was "we went up and down against each other and i cried, luke you're going to hard" er.. immaturity alert, methinx? haha.. oh yah, and his was even more funny!! it was "carleeann sucked my lollypop, then we played with a condom and now i call her god" lmao. i'd like to get a few things straight..
#1 - what lollypop, exactly?! his was non existant last time i looked.
#2 - i wonder if carleeann's dad knows that she was playing with condoms? cuz i'm hella sure he'd like to know! i mean, he grounds her for wearing make up.. sad? she's 14 for god sakes. so i'm sure he'd like to know that his precious lil daughter is playing with condoms with a 17yo lad.. *revenge*
#3 - carleeann, you can try as much as you like, i will say it once more ~ i am not jealous of you! get that through your thick skull, kay?
ooh the next bit's even better!! haha, i'm sure you'll all laugh at this! cuz i sure did..
carleeann is going to tell luke that i cheated on him! (when i didn't, he was the one that cheated on me countless times unless i'm mistaken? which i'm not coz the slimy git admitted it to me) so yanno, if she does that, she's dead. simple as.. ohh i do love being a bitch. it makes my day! ^_^
anyway, enough of that pair of lowlifes.. now onto the good stuff!
i'm sooo happy! guess who asked me out tonight? yah, you guessed it!... *ALEX*!!! those of you that know me will know i've been hitting on this lad for months now.. we met like, 3 times in the easter hols and next month, he's taking his driving test so when he gets his car, he'll be coming to see me like, all dee flippin' time! in the words of ali g... "WIKKID!! RESPEC' MAAAN!" haha.. okay that's jus plain sad so i'm gonna go now..
*mwah to ya'll, especially my lil baby!!*

<3'd alex @ 8:50pm [*]guestbook

Wow, i haven't blogged since wednesday! been too occupied.. heh.. sorry!
well, what's gone on? uhm.. well, roz, bex, sophie and me all think lies is fake.. there's jus so much proof! go to the lickusgood msn community and read the message boards.. roz has found so much proof which shows she is fake. it's blatently obvious really. ugh, all these fakes are popping up! first there was pbbunii.. then there was that lil misunderstanding with holly (sexonlegz2002) and now lies! who'll it be next?? it's freaky to know that the people you're good friends with could be fakes.. there really is no proof unless you've met them in real life or seen them on webcam.. hmm.. dodgy stuff i tell ya!
anyways, enough of my ranting, let's get on to the good stuff!
i went to watch southend utd play today, it was the last match of the season.. *sniffety sniff* but maaan, they played terribly! honestly, they played like a bunch of chimpanzee's from the local zoo! they lost 2-0 to shrewsbury *eww* but daryl flahavan got player of the season, woohoo! i voted for him.. he's like, the sexiest, cutest, most amazing lil goalkeeper that's ever set foot into that club.. heh.
and yah, now they haven't got another game until.. july!! =O but they're playing against west ham in june.. HOW kewl is that? they're also playing tottenham hotspur and wimbledon.. heh.. their own lil world cup thingy.. er, yeah, i'm confusing myself now so i'll shaddap!
oof! lookie at this sexaylicious fansign that i made bex! it's animated.. haha. i'm kinda proud of it cos we all know what my art skills are like! ~~~>

oh my gosh and also look at this other lil dolly that ashley made me!!

haha, looks like me *angelic look* lmao.. er yah! thankyou ashley baby! Mwah!

i'm lurving alex! assss usual?? hehe..

typed away @ 9:00pm [*]guestbook

Bleh.. I haven't updated this since.. er, monday?? so i thought it was about time i did =)
so, whutt's been happening in my life?? not much.. but i'll give ya the basics..
I sat my Shakespeare mock yesterday.. it wasn't that hard but it wasn't that easy, either. but nevermind!! t'was only a mock, afterall.

Hmm.. oh yeh!! ashley made me this gorgeous doll that's meant to be me.. hehe and if you look closely you'll see my name printed on the trousers!! yay!

ain't it gorgeeousss?? hehe. i'm hyper!
I gotta go do boring homework soon! i got like, 7 bits already and i only went back monday!! flipping 'eck!

Right, i'm off but i'm gonna pluggity plug You, You, You and last but NOT least, YOU cuzz you all rock my socks!!!

pluggity plugged @ 8:25pm [*]guestbook

First day back at skewl today.. it wasn't *that* bad but it wasn't *that* good.. Catch my drift?? I had english first thing... ugh.. first thing on a monday morning.. it sucks! and tomorrow i had a shakespeare mock exam.. erk! i know jack all about macbeth.. so i can see me failing that easily, *lol* but it's not all bad cuzz i got my test results back for my other mock that i took before the easter hols and i got 39 outta 50.. level 6.. so i was kinda chuffed, hehe!
Anyways, uhm, oh yeah! i'm gonna plug *this* lil minx cuzz she's simply irresistable.. (spelling?) so go check HER out right NOWWWW or you'll have me to deal with.. Mwahaha!!
Uhm.. Whutt else?? Oh yah.. there's a certain someone on the net who i'm good good fwends with but i feel we're drifting s-l-o-w-l-y apart cuzz she's met someone else now and they're getting on good.. =( if she's reading this, and she knows who she is.. (which she will) i wanna say come bacckkk to meee! i love you!! ='(
On a brighter note.. i got drama tomorrow, woohoo! i think i've got Mr Hatfield (the new sexaylicious teacher who everyone fancies..mwahaha!) i had him for drama once a couple of weeks ago and phwooarrr whutt a babe! all my mates like him though.. haha.. he's 27 though so it's kinda outta my league! 17's my limit.. (hey alex!) hehe..
oOoOh yesss! alex is booking his driving test tomorrow so he'll be taking it very soon indeed so he'll be able to come see me again verrryyy soon, hehe.. yay! i can't wait!! i really miss him ='( *sniffety sniff*
Erk, my hands are aching and i really should go do my english homework.. though i really don't wanna.. but hey, nothing better to do! i won't be online til about.. 6 tomorrow cos i got 'extra english lessons' after skewl.. greeaaattt fun! (yanno i'm being sarcastic, right??)
Addios Chico's and Chica's!!

typed away @ 9:17pm [*]guestbook

yo yo yo!
sorry i haven't blogged for a couple of days.. i've been kinda, er, distracted!
but yeah, it's back to boring ol' skewl tomorrow so it sucks! got mocks and stuff this week for the upcoming SATs! grr! (greaaaat fun!)
hmm, well yesterday i went 'job hunting' with carleeann cuzz she got the sack, let's all cry! lol.. so, we went practically all day going into every shop asking for jobs for her.. with no success, obviously. i mean, who's gonna hire a 14 year old girl to work full time?? cuzz a) she's got skewl.. b) it's illegal to extend a certain amount of hours at a certain age and c) they pay you peanuts when you're young!
honestly, she was going into places like 'pizza hut' and 'next' asking for jobs! PUH-LEASE! as if she's gonna get a job there!!
anyways.. sorry about my lil outburst! today me and carleeann went to see 'return to neverland' at the cinema, haha.. sounds sad for two 14 year old girls to be going to see a kiddies film but it was actually quite good!! PETER PAN FOREVER AND A DAY!!! lmao. i've officially gone mad. but i'm a kid at heart, i guess.
i'd lurve to stay and chat but i've gotta go hit the books and revise for my english mock ='(
ohhh i'm lurving alex *still*!! heyyy baby!!
and hey to everyone at my skewl, seeya tomorrow!
that's all folks!

hated skewl @ 8:13pm [*]guestbook

dude! ^_^
guessie who i met again today? yah, you got it! alex!!!. my beeyootiful mum decided to go to maldon again.. so, i gave him a call and said "do ya wanna meet up?" and he was like "yeah! that's totally so cool!" so, we did! my mum, nan and sistahz really like him.. but rhiannon seems to think he's her boyfriend! haha... dream on, sweetcakes! =) erin and rhiannon kept spying on us! all we were doing was talking + they kept going "oOoOoh... alex and her are cuddlingg.. oOoOoh" *grr* just wait untill they get to my age and meet a boy they like =) haha.. *revenge*
yay, i got some new fansigns!! so, go check them out! ^_^
cassie asked me if i wanna be hosted! =) bless her.. =)
oh maaaan.. i'm a part of sophie's portal! wootwoo! *how* sexaylicious! mwahaha...
it's back to boring ol' skewl on monday... *sniffety sniff...* i dunno why, but the holidays always seem to go *so* fast! =( yet skewl goes so s-l-o-w!
but in the next half term, alex is gonna come to see me in his broom broom! he's taking his driving test in a few weeks so it's all good! =) haha, that'll be so kewl if my mates see me in a really fit lads car cruising down southend seafront! ^_^
*lol* do excuse me, i'm extremely hyper today! haha..
tah tah! *mwah mwah*

was hyper @ 9:03pm [*]guestbook

Ah man, my mood changes every day! one day i'm happy.. the next i'm P'd off.. then i'm happy again! But today's my day for being happy.. well, i am tonight, anyways. I was so down all day today.. Coz of the whole alex thing.. but he came online tonight and we sorted it all out so everything's peachy now! =)
Oh my gosh! Roz made this totally awesome new site for me, sophie, kayleigh, charlotte and her! It's like, a joint blog site.. Where we all put our blogs on it! how kewl is that, eh??!
It's a right laugh in Cassie's guestbook! it's like a social event in there now, i've made friends with Kirsty + I met the 'Special Guest' in there who turned out to be a 28 year old.. erk! he's a freak, too! he called roz a possum! *lol* Probably needs stronger lenses in his glasses?? either that or he's got his walking stick rammed so far up his backside that it's coming outta his ears so he can't tell where he's looking, lol.. don't even ask where that came from cuzz i dunno myself!!
Anyways, it's back to Cassie's guestbook!

smiled @ 8:25pm [*]guestbook

i'm so P'd off.. we all know i'm in love with a lad called alex that i met yesterday.. and thought he felt the same, well, he said he did!
let me explain, i woke up this morning + my lovely mummy said she was taking me to Maldon to see him again, so i rang him + told him and he was like "yay, cool" then he came online and told me he had a driving lesson! grr! he also told me that my age is starting to bother him a bit.. but he still fancies me? god, i was gutted! but i still went to maldon + met his friend daniel who i've known for a coupla years, he's great.. got on really well. but when i hugged him, he banged his jaw on my shoulder =( lol.. I sent alex a looong email explaining my feelings for him, so maybe he'll come round? he says he still likes me though! though i dunno why he's being like this cuzz when we met yesterday, he was fine! we got on great, hugged, kissed, etc etc.. Oh, i dunno.. I've given up on boys altogether really! they're all users! but i wanna say a *HUGE* thankyou to Kayleigh + Sophie cuzz they helped me so much tonight.. i was really upset but they were so sweet to me and cheered me right up! they're great! love you!
anyway, on a brighter note.. Lora's website is up and running finally.. I finished making her layout yesterday, she was so happy, bless her! go give her some lurving! GOOOO!
Anyways, I gotta go now... dad wants 'pooter!

cried @ 9:30pm [*]guestbook

I'M SOOOO HAPPPYYYY! i met alex.. like i was planning to, but god, was i nervous or what?? YES! plan was, he catch the 8am bus and get here by about 9:30am.. cuzz i had to go watch southend utd play at 2pm.. so, turned out he got here at 11.25.. i was so nervous and had butterflies in my tummy! and at 11.15 i rang him to see where he was + he was just leaving rayleigh station.. and said he'd be 15mins.. man, was i nervous or what?? but i jus stood there, reading my magazine when his train pulled up + i saw a tall boy in a yellow coat coming towards me, i knew it was him cuzz he told me what he'd be wearing... he must've recognised me straight away cuzz he walked up to me, said "hiya" and threw his arms around me =) aww! then we went into town.. talked and stuff.. and he started chasing pigeons, lol.. i jus pretended i wasn't with him =)
we then popped into dixons to say hi to my mate dani.. then we jus went and sat on this bench, talked, hugged and stuff.. he started telling me all these stories like when he put a pair of tweezers in a socket and nearly blew the science lab up, *lol*
then at 12:30 we walked back to the train station + i had to say goodbye to him =( kinda upsetting cuzz the time i was with him, i felt really close to him. but hey. the good thing is, my mum knows how much i like him so she said either this week, or next half term, she'll take me to see him! how cool is that?? it'll save him some money.. cuzz he's always skint + the only reason he could come today is cuzz he got money out of his bank account which he's not supposed to touch.. bless him.
but he really is a lovely guy and even better looking in real life. i <333 him! =)
i <3 ya babe!

<3'd alex @ 8:00pm [*]guestbook

omg, *how* happy am i?? let me explain, those of you that know me quite well, would know that me and alex (this lad off the net) get on really well + like each other.. and have been planning to meet for like, ages! so, earlier, i get a text from him saying "hey hun, i can come to meet you tomorrow, i have enough money! i can't wait! love ya" that done it for me, i was on top of the world, screaming in joy, hugging everyone.. you may think it's sad but this boy is so sweet + means lots to me.. even if it is jus a net thing. so tomorrow, i'll finally get to meet him!! woohoo! i'll let you know how it went!!
*yawn* today i went out with carleeann and her parents to some market place... was quite kewl. then i went to hers, had dinner and etc..
oh my gosh, *look* at this cute blinkie that sophie made me! ~> isn't it just gorjus?? thankyou hunni! *mwah*
i'm *so* happy and excited about tomorrow that i'm gonna go off and make a fansign page =)
i'll let you know how it went with alex.. =)

<3'd alex @ 8:30pm [*]guestbook

wow, i jus took another test which i saw advertised on sophie's site and lookie what i got...

I'm so preppy!
Take the The "What Teen Label Do You Fit Into Most?" Quiz!
by antiperfect

haha, erm.. yes.
well, i've made up with cassie and nat.. phew! no more war's errupting, lol..
I'M SO ANNOYED THAT I DIDN'T GET TO MEET ALEX TODAY!! *sniffety sniff*...BUT i'm meeting him on wednesday! how kewl is that?? i cannot wait.. hehe

<3'd alex @ 10pm [*]guestbook

aww i jus looked at suzie's and found this kewl princess quiz thingy + look what i got... ~>

ain't it sweet?? just like meh =)

smiled @ 3:09pm [*]guestbook

wow, my hand's are KILLING now! I've jus done an online mates page so go check that out! it's also included in my 'content' section at the bottom of this site.. *yawn*
Anyways, I went to see Crossroads today with britney spears in.. i know you're probably all thinking 'oh my goddd she sucks!' but the film was actually really good + funny in places, too! i'd say she was better at acting then she is singing.. haha... naaa, she's okay, i think the reason people hate her so much is cuzz she's pretty and they're jealous of her. there's a couple of scenes in the film where you see her in a bikini and god, i envy her for having such a tanned body! but then again, she does live in america, i guess.
Yummmyy i got my easter eggs today! got some more to come.. on sunday, but i got my ones from my mum, dad, sistahz and nan today... =) *yumyum*
rahhh i jus signed cassie's guestbook with a looong message dissing nat, i said some things which i've been wanting to say for a long time!! haha..
awww, emzy and sophie made me a fansign!! this week sometime i'm gonna get round to making a 'fansign' page to show the world how much people lurve meee! lmao.. jokes!
yay! it's friday night.. i think i'm going out with steven tomorrow? not sure though.. i'll have to give him a ring! =)
ciao my sexaylicious fans!

typed @ 6:31pm [*]guestbook

this is gunna be an extremely quick blog cuzz bad girls is on in 5 minutes! + i can't miss it =) as much as i love you all.. haha.
i went to the park today with carleeann, luke + steven.. was kinda fun =)
argh, i jus took this macdonalds test thingy and i got a chesseburger!! yummy! lookie.. ~>

I took the McDonalds test, and guess what I got?

You can take the McDonalds Product Test by Matio64 here!

haha... mmhmm.. strange, but kewl!
love ya all!

watched bad gurls @ 9.00pm [*]guestbook

oh my gosh!! i have this totally drop down gorgeous pic of GARETH GATES! Emzy sent me it!! thankyou babes!! here it is!!

don't faint, gurlies! but, gosh, how nice does he look? don't you jus wanna munch him all up?? *yumyum* i sure wouldn't mind having a piece of him.. mmmm...
rhiannon (one of my lil sistahz) reckons he's her boyfriend and everytime his video comes on mtv, she goes "MY BOYFRIEND'S ON T.V!" aww... sorry darling, he's mine =) you want him? you gotta fight for him.. comprende? who's he more likely to go for? a 5 year old or 14 year old? *lol* nahhh.. she's great.. so is erin.. but erin's more into daniel webb, the other lad i'm obsessed with =/ *thinks to herself ~ why do my sistahz have the same taste as me god dammit??* not fair!!
anyways, roz and me are finally talking again.. yay! i don't care if cassie and nat hate me.. just, i really missed talking to roz.. she was someone i could confide in! i helped her find an image for her new layout earlier.. then i did some funkay writing on it so she's a smitten kitten =)
i went to rayleigh with my mum, nan and sistahz today.. twas good! bought myself some credit at long last! haha.. been texting martin tonight though.. =/ *lol*
ahh.. i'm gunna go now.. running outta things to sayyy... OH YES!! one thing to say!! ~> sylvia has asked if i wanna get hosted!! woohoo! shall i accept or not?

advantages of accepting to be hosted ~~>
1# - i get NO pop ups or banner ads..
2# - i'll have my own net family..

disadvantages of getting hosted ~~>
1# - i'll have to tell everyone my new site address
2# - i'll have to move my whole site
3# - i won't have my own url, instead of being (which i <333) it'll be something like =/

whutt should i do?? leave your comments and opinions in my guestbook!!

<3'd no-one @ 7.27pm [*]guestbook

i jus took this color test thingy, lookie @ my results! ~~>

i <33 my mum! she bought me two pairs of skintight jeans today.. one pair is like, navy blue stone washed.. y'know what i mean? the one's that are 'in' at the moment! and i also got this light blue, stonewashed ones which are baggy at the bottom and tight at the top! very very sexay! cost £30 a pair!! =/ so, i wanna say thank youuu mummy!! i <333 ya!
anyways, kayleigh got herself hosted! =) bless her.. she's wanted to be hosted for *SO* long! awww.. ah, i really haven't got much to say so i'm gonna go + continue talking to marky!

<3'd mark @ 8.30pm [*]guestbook

rah... did i scare ya? haha
anyways, i didn't do much today really.. went down town with madam (carleeann) again.. boring really!!
oh my gosh! i have met this totally awesome new lad!! he goes by the name of mmacken.. and he's *SOO* sweet! he stuck up for me in cassie's guestbook.. aww.. he's a love! *ahem*
i haven't got much to talk about.. err.. ah yes, i love the following peepholes... ~~>
sophie, kayleigh, suzie, mmacken, emzy, tony, sazzie, marty + alex! *lotsa peepholes*
*mwah mwah*
ps ~> i gots me a new cam shot!! lookie, it's up the top on this site! i even did the 3-d funkay writing by myself on paint shop pro.. YES i have paint shop pro! and animation shop =) woohoo!

<3'd peeps @ 8.51pm [*]guestbook

Hello ma lil diddley dumplings!
argh, don't you jus hate it when your 'friends' betray you? i'll explain.. i went out with carleeann today + she'd arranged for luke (yes, my ex) to meet up with us for an hour.. i didn't mind this as such, but as soon as we did meet up with him, they both ignored me! cheeky sods! i had to be back at 3.30 cuzz my dinner was ready at that time.. so, carleeann goes to luke "can i stay out with you when siobhan goes home?" and he said "yeah, sure.. " now, that annoyed me cuzz the previous day, i'd asked her if james (my best mate) could come out with us.. but she'd said "no, it's a girlie day.. blah blah blah.. " *GRR* then i got a phone call from my dear ol' daddy.. and he'd offered me a lift home + carleeann was going "oh, go on, get a lift" jus so she didn't have to walk me home! =/ how out of order? so, just to spite her.. i rang up and said "sure, i'll have a lift" so i did.. + left her standing there with luke.. and boy, did she look guilty! she looked a bit gobsmacked cuzz she'd asked if i was gonna ring her that night + i said no.. so i think she's kinda grasped that i'm in a strop with her. haha, she thought i was gonna grass her up to her dad for being out with luke (her dad doesn't like her being out with boys, which is fair enough, i guess) so she was panicking a bit which was good. so it's allllllllllll peachy! =)
haha.. i still have roz + lies and their lil 'clan' leaving nasty messages in my guestbook! they never will cease, will they? they really should act their ages rather than their shoe sizes.. agree? ooh before i forget, everyone go to kayleigh's site cuzz she has a gorgeous new layout! or in the words of my site.. a 'sexaylicious' new layout.. *lol*
Rock on!

<3'd kayleigh @ 5.20pm [*]guestbook

Rah... this is my first blog on my new site!! yay! i *REALLY* wanna say a big thankyou to sophie cuzz she helped me so much with this + i really appreciate it! thankyou babes!
anyways, today i went to watch southend united play.. they won 2-0 to scunthorpe (boo!) and were doing really really well until stephen clarke went and headbutted one of the scunthorpe players and got a RED card.. yes, sent off! =( he's one of our best players, seeing as he's on loan from WEST HAM!
anyways, i really <33 this new site! it's sexylicious! if you wanna do a link exchange, email me and we'll talk about it! upload my lil button to the left of this page, to your site! =) ah, tomorrow i'mma go out with carleeann.. i think! should be fun.. *lol*
i'm really glad i have this new site, i hope it shows cassie, roz + nat that i'm not scared of them! they're jus pathetic lil freaks with no social lives! haha. as everyone with brains would agree!
loadsa love.. i love you so much! you sexy lil bitch!

<3'd sophie @ 7:19pm [*]guestbook