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Back by popular demand! (and a death threat from boppo!)

What is all this beautiful equipment you ask?

Well, this is where I stand. Yes, I play paintball, and no, I do not think myself to be a guerilla wanna-be, treating each paintball game like a battle in Vietnam. I do enjoy the game, it's the greatest game in the world. Yes, it hurts to get shot, but the pain wears off. I just think most of you people are retards because you act like our game is bad and should be outlawed. Like its going to create war-obsessed wild children who want to grab Uncle Doc's Uzi and shoot up their schools. If I could see any of you who are thinking that, I would punch you. Anyway...

I like my Tippmann. I use it more than my Spyder (probably because I cant put the Boomstick on the Shutter). There used to be a team, (dubbed "Anarchy". we played in Peckville.) but it sorta died when boppo had his leg removed and fed to the dog. (actually, it isnt't that bad, is it bob?) Were going to start it back up again. You can go to mastermind (and bad knee) bob's page through the link on the main page. Have fun.

Thats it kiddies, good night.

Paintball links

This is where I bought my Tippmann from
