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 Fire Company in the 1940's


These Photos were given to the Company by Jason Hartz of Tamaqua Citizens Fire Co. and were scanned onto disk by Joe Seavers.   This is just some of the photo from the collection.  Talking to some of our older members, it is estimated that these photos were taken between 1945 and 1949.  Some of the clues is the flag on the front of the building has a "V" made out of  stars which could possibly be from the WWII celebration.  The second is the trucks pictures are the 1924 Fox, the Mack Ladder from the 1920's, the 1939 Fox, and the 1916 Fox Steamer.  More pictures will be added in the very near future. 


Left to Right.  1924 Fox, 1939 Fox, 1916 Fox Steamer

Mack Ladder Truck. Carried array of wooden ground ladders and had a Chemical tank and hose.



Picture in front of the Station.  Note the wooden doors and the Flag with the "V" on it.

1916 Fox in Front on the Lansford High School. (now Panther Valley Middle School)

1937 Fox Pumping the hydrant at Tunnel and Bertsch

Mack Ladder Truck (front) and the 1924 Fox passing St. Ann's Church.  Note the Porch on St. Ann's

1937 Fox

Side of the station