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WHAT HAVE PEOPLE SAID:   "Chilling"  "Creepy" "I'll kill them if they faked it"  "Convinient"
                                                    "I'm afraid to go into the woods alone now!" "Don't touch the stick"

      The DUDE WITCH PROJECT  began as a simple video with
unexpected events. After witnessing what they did, Randy Welch and
Jeff Brown went home and watched their tape. Watching in horror, they
sent out an e-mail to close friends to tell what happened. Since then
an investigation has begun to determine what it is they saw, who they saw,
and what was happening on that lone country road. This is not fiction.
The events depicted did happen. This is a documentary of the creepy
affairs of that fateful night.

UPDATE DWP II*** - What started off as a single occurance has
expanded into even more frightful events. Creepy events have again
struck down the Dude Witch Road. For all the information
on this second event . . .  CLICK HERE




          1800 |               Norfolk County in Existance
          198_ |               Randy Welch Lives moves to 1st Concession Road North Talbot
          2001 |               Aug 22 - Randy and Jeff film the Site

          2001/02 |           Throughout year investigators check out road
Aug 22nd 2002|            Large metal gate erected on road
Aug 24th 2002 |            Investigators travel down road for DWPII

MAP of area

AUGUST 22, Wednesday 2001
10:00 pm: Randy and Jeff begin filing of Tillsonburg
11? pm:    R&J head to 1st Concession Road North Talbot in show audience creepy place
11? pm     R&J discover approx 11 stickmen/voodoo/scarecrow like objects
                on ground, trees and bushes. Moments later, Jeff discovers Face -
                Randy drives away
11:?pm    R&J watch footage. Shortly there after they send out E-mail to close friends
                about creepy encounter

AUGUST 23, Thursday 2001
9:30 am    -Jeff and Jason Pankratz go down 1st Concession Road North Talbot in
                  morning to investigate previous night. Everything is gone. No stickmen,
                  no faces. Farmer does give them dirty look.

AUGUST 26th Sunday 2001
                -Investigation of the location by Brad, Rick, Randy and Jeff.
                 A samll stickman is found on the ground broken. Twine is found
                 on branch where stickman was. Area where people walked is noticed.
                  Nothing else out of the ordinary.
                -Begin filming DUDE WITCH PROJECT: a documentary film accompanying
                  orrigional footage take by R&J. Viewing of tapes, studying sticks,
                  and Internet research offically begin.

AUGUST 27th Monday 2001
                -Investigation continues for 2nd official day. Mr Patel and Mr Brown
                  conduct Internet research into Wiccan and Pagan Symbols and the
                 simularities between what was found at 1st Concession North Talbot Road.
                -Investigative team of Thorpe, Patel, and Brown went out to the Creep Site
                  and looked for anything more anomolous. Weird stick patterns and an unusual
                  number of black feathers found scattered on part of the forest floor. Weird.

OCTOBER 5th Friday 2001
                -Mr Thorpe informs that he has witnessed 4 youths dressed in black were seen
                   down DWP road
                -Welch, Patel, Thorpe and Brown discover that taping that occurred on
                  August 27th found 3 hovering lights on tape. WHAT ARE THEY?

OCTOBER 6th Saturday 2001
                -Welch, Patel, Thorpe and Brown head out to DWP road and investigate
                  previous nights findings - inconclusive

                -Visited DWP site again, nothing to report.

                                                                            DWP II
JULY   2002
                 -Mr Thorpe invites select few to the DWP Anniversary Party

AUGUST 22nd Thursday 2002
                -Mr Welch and Mr Thorpe discover a large gate has been erected -
                  driving down road will be difficult

AUGUST 24rd  Saturday 2002
     5-8pm   -DWP Anniversary commences w/Goldeneye playing and general
                    hanging out, BBQ feast
     8-10pm -Visit Pye home in Courtland Ont for fire and friends
 10pm-1 am- Begin watching 1) Blair Witch Project 2) Dude Witch Project -
                        as well as commencing the first of the interviews for DWP-A Begin




                It was a Wednesday night. Randy Welch and Jeff Brown were
alone with nothing to do. After watching several hours of a Star Trek
Borg-a-thonthey decided to tour the town of Tillsonburg and tape the oddities.
Their night passed weirdos, tough guys, cats and other things, things took a
darker turn when the pair went to an old Funeral home (now a Law Office)
which is supposedly haunted. They then proceeded to the Otter Valley
Playhouse, an old structure down Potters Road on the out skirts of Tillsonburg
- also supposedly haunted. After taping there, the two moved on to what would
be one of the most creepiest nights of their lives.

Going to a place where the two had taken others to be scared, this time their
roles were reversed. Going down 1st Concession North Talbot Road, they picked
up a Blair Witch-like stick figure. When they reached the end of the road, they
encountered approx. 9-11 stick figures on pillairs, trees, bushes, the ground. The
final coup-de-grace was a face seen in the bushes behind them. They quickly left
the area without hesitation. The next day everything was gone.

(Picture Curtesy Brad Thorpe)
      What was taped was what they saw. It was not a hoax. They do not know
what happened to them, what that was, why it happened, but it will be a night
they will never forget. It is still a big mystery.

What is and
was out there?        - 9-11 Stickmen (including a stick triangles)  - gone except 2
                               -1 face/mask                                               - gone
                               -several bottles/cans - old                            - still there
                                -1-2 condom wrappers                              - still there
                                -trampled grass and bushes                         -still there
                                - twine left from stickman                            - still on vine
                                - metal ring                                                 - still there

PICTURES of the INVESTIGATION (Courtesy of Ricky Patel).
Taken on Aug 26th 2001
Picture A) is Jeff taping Brad investigating the site
Picture B) is the two poles in which the first placed stickmen were seen
Picture C) is the tree in which the 'face' was seen.
Picture D) is the only remaining evidence of the stickmen. Notice the string still attached.
Picture E) is Brad and Ricky investigating what is in picture D)
Picture F) is the big stickman found at the beginning of the tape on the road
Picture G) is the little stickman found by Brad and Rick on Aug 26th
C) D) 

        Several people can be catagorized as investigators of this occurace
- anyone who wants to know what actually happened. But there are only 4 official investigators:
Jeff Brown, Randy Welch, Ricky Patel, and Brad Thorpe.
The investigation consists of examination of found artifacts, video footage, away missions to site,
Internet sources, Map consulting, general knowledge, and the film, Blair Witch.
Check out Mr Thorpes DWP site @

What is the connection between the DUDE WITCH PROJECT and the
BLAIR WITCH PROJECT other than an obviously witty name rip off?

Indication of a connection between the fateful night of August 22nd 2001
and the movie The Blair Witch Project became apparant as soon as Jeff Brown
picked up the first stickman. Similair in design to the ones found in the movie
BWP, and as more were found, the mimic of the stickman was obvious.
While watching the tape, one can see that the DWP stickmen had arms, legs,
a head, a body and a cross bar. However differences found between
BWP and DWP stickmen include the DWP stickmen appear to have short legs
and do not resemble the X like shape that is found in BWP. Also, some of the
BWP stickmen are jus people, not the 'crucified' image like the others. And
at the DWP site, a triangular stick shape was found, which is not seen in the movie.

As the film the Blair Witch Project entered our minds and took us to a new level
of fear, we began to fear more and look at things in a different way. Being out in
the woods has always been scary, but the film brought that fear to terryfiying levels.
Imagine yourselves in the characters positions. Now imagine it really happening.
Randy and Jeff did return that night, but their imaginations were running full
blast when seeing a terrifying cultural icon all around them.
For more information go to the official site at   or just do a search.

Speculations as to who set up the site, the stickmen, what the face etc have been running
high and a number of possible conclusions have arisen:

                THEORY #1: RANDY WELCH and JEFF BROWN
The first on everyone's mind when they hear about what they are about to
watch, and for some people after, is that the whole thing was staged, that
it was a hoax and a production produced by Jeff Brown and Randy Welch.
For this investigation to be honest and as objective as possible, this theory
can't be discounted. One may wonder what kind of investigation may be done
by the same people who are suspects in the case, Jeff Brown and Randy
Welch can only assure everyone that they had nothing to do with it.
Believe them or not.

                 THEORY #2: KIDS/FARMER
Because the road the DWP takes place on is surrounded by farmers fields,
it has been suggested that a farmer (highly unlikely) or some local kids put the
stickmen up to scare people from going down there. Whether it is some kids
going down there to drink or smoke up, or a couple out for intimate encounters
(the condoms), the evidence suggests that people have been back there. This
may be totally unrelated to the stickmen. This may also be discounted because
of the time and effort put into designing, building, and placing the stickmen around,
and then to take them down.

The BWP film was very popular and will become a classic in horror films,
so it is possible that some individuals decided to emulate it. Perhaps some
aspiring film students wanted to make a parody or a copy, or maybe
someone just built all of that for fun. However, that doesn't explain the
face, or the fact it was gone the next day.

                THEORY #4: WICCA/PAGANS
When people watch the tape, their first thoughts go to the supernatural.
And like the Blair Witch, when watching DWP the supernatural is also
condured up. The idea of witches brings speculation to Wiccan, Pagan
and other spiritual beliefs. A lot of research has gone into discovering if
the stickmen have any special meaning, if the night had any significance
to it at all.

Here's somethings that we found:
                THEORY 4 Evidence A)

At this site we found a symbol similair to the triangle stick creation.
The site suggests that the symbol is a Wicca "Protect 1 Child"
symbol. (a picture of the stick thing will be put up soon.

Another page had an explanation of the Blair Witch Symbol:
                THEORY 4 Evidence B)

"BLAIR WITCH: A five-pointed compound symbol with a center triangle pointing down.
The five lines resemble the microcosmic man with arms and legs outstretched inside a
circle (with a pentagram in the background)--a magic symbol or charm among medieval
alchemists and wizards. "

-When the term microcosm man came up in the above quote, we wren't sure what that was,
but in quick time we found out. Basically its the Leonardo Da Vinci symbol of a man
outstreched (pic coming soon). The quotation is too long, but you can find it at this site
                THEORY 4 Evidence C)


           -->   - Link may have problems
Here is the quote:
"In the foundation of Hermeticism, in hidden societies of craftsmen and scholarly men,
away from the eyes of the Church and its paranoia, the proto-science of alchemy
developed along with its occult philosophy and  cryptical symbolism. Graphical
and geometric symbolism became very important and the period of the Renaissance emerged.

The concept of the microcosmic world of Man as analogous to the macrocosm,
the greater universe of spirit and elemental matter became a part of  traditional western
occult teaching, as it had long been in eastern philosophies, As Above, So Below. The
pentagram, the 'Star of the Microcosm',  symbolized Man within the microcosm,
representing in analogy the Macrocosmic universe.

The upright pentagram bears some resemblance to the shape of man with his
legs and arms outstretched. In Tycho Brahe's Calendarium Naturale Magicum
Perpetuum (1582) occurs a pentagram with human body imposed and the
Hebrew for YHSVH associated with the elements. An illustration attributed
to Brae's  contemporary Agrippa (Henry Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim) is of similar
proportion and shows the five planets and the moon, at the center point, the genitalia.
Other illustrations of the period by Robert Fludd and Leonardo da Vinci show
geometric relationships of man to the universe.

Later, the pentagram came to be symbolic of the relationship of the head to the four limbs
and hence of the pure concentrated essence of anything (or the spirit) to the four
traditional elements of matter, earth, water,  air and fire - spirit is The Quintessence. "


--> Other research suggests there was nothing special about that night. No holidays,
no astrological formations etc. However each sect of Wicca (or other faith of some sort)
may have had. The investigation has relied heavily on Wicca because of the association
of the Blair Witch, and Wicca witch and earth like feelings. Wicca is NOT an evil belief,
and is infact very earth-like and good in nature. Here is a Binding Spell given to my
by a girl named Phelicia who practices Wicca:

                THEORY 4 Evidence D)

"CASTING A CIRCLE:  To cast a circle, clear an area of the floor, and wash your hands.
Starting at the North compass point move in a clockwise direction  with hands outstretched
at your sides, and circly the area three times. As you do this, imagine a blue-white light trailing
from behind you, forming the perimeter of the circle. This is the energy that will protect negativity
from altering and mmanipulating your desire, and also that will keep you grounded and centred
during the rite. Whenyou've completed three revolutions, shake your hands to "turn off" the energy.
The circle is cast. To close the circle after your finished, do the exact opposite of the rite you
just performed. Thank Spirit for its helpf and If you need to ground yourself afterwards
(if you still have too much built up energy), place your hands flat on the
ground and visualize the energy sinking back into the Earth. ~ Blessed Be ~"

--> Investigations did not turn up a positive show of where a circle may have been,
however it has rained since the 22nd it has rained and may have removed any evidence.
Wicca is still mysterious belief that is shared by few people. If anything this investigation has found,
is an increased interest in Wicca and other Pagan beliefs.

            THEORY #5: VOODOO

After the Dude Witch Project II occured, a new theory circulated. With the finding of
the sticky rags, and 'blood' on the rocks, it has been suggested that possible sacrifices
for the Voodoo religion are possible. Possibly practiced by migrant workers for tobacco
in the Oxford region, however most offshore labour is from Mexico, Trinidad and Jamaica
where Voodoo is not a dominant religion. But everything is still possible . . .

As SOON as we have the pictures of the site, the stickmen, and hoepfully the face, everyone will be
able to see what is on the video and the invstigation. What can YOU do? If you know anything
about the occurance, the area, the nature of the symbols, or even just your thoughts of what
happened, DWP investigations will read them and perhaps post them here for future refrence.

P.R.A.X.I.S. Industries
"Changing the way we look at the world"
A  P.R.A.X.I.S. Industries Production