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Recent Results Here are some recent show results! More to come! I used to have all the ones from the htis year on the old page, but I can't find them! Have fun!
*Stepping Stone Horse Show-9/16*
4 in our division
-1rst-Children's Hunter O/F
-1rst-Children's Hunter O/F
-2nd-Children's Hunter O/F
-1rst-Children's Hunter U/S
~We were Champion, so we got a saddle pad! YAY! :)~

*Briarwood Horse Show*
13 in our division.
-4th-Children's Hunter O/F(we had perfect trip! dumb judge...j/k!lol)
-6th-Children's Hunter U/S
~Not one of our better days, but all of my classes were in the dark and they cancelled the 3rd trip :(.~

*Briarwood Horse Show*
7 in our division
-1rst-Children's Hunter O/F
-1rst-Children's Hunter O/F
-1rst-Children's Hunter O/F
-1rst-Children's Hunter U/S
~We were Champion! YAY! :)~

*Woodedge Horse Show-11/10*
16 in our division
-1rst-Children's Hunter O/F
-6th-Children's Hunter O/F
-1rst-Children's Hunter O/F
-1rst-Children's Hunter U/S
~We were champion! YAY! :)~

*Our Farm Thanksgiving Show* 12 in our division
-3rd Children's Hunter O/F
-1rst Children's Hunter O/F.Ok, there's a story to go along with this. When we were walking in the ring before the hack, they announced the results. My number was 174. Someone else from our barn was 175. I had an awesome trip. For first place they said 174, Shaina Messenger. It was hard to hear the numbers, so I thought she had won it and I hadn't placed. Then later, my dad went to the office, and I found out I won. :)
No ribbons in my third trip, but after the first jump, a dirt clod hit Stoney in the head and he tripped and flipped out. I had to circle and that counted as a refusal :(.
-1rst Children's Hunter U/S

~We were champion! YAY! We're on a winning streak! hehe~
*Ashley Meadows-12/9*
6th-George Morris Medal-My pony was sycho in this class, but somehow we placed....
1rst-Children's Hunter O/F
1rst-Children's Hunter U/S-we won even though I was on the wrong diagonal :-O!
Not one of our better days. It might sound like I did fine, but besides the classes I won, I stunk up the ring LOL.
*Our Farm-*
5th-Children's Hunter O/F
5th-Children's Hunter O/F
5th-Children's Hunter O/F
3rd-Children's Hunter U/S
Not one of our better days..My second trip was really good, but the judge didn't like me :(

More to come soon..
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