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Mark's Bio

Welcome to Mark's Bio. Mark Cober was born back in February 12, 1982 A.D. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cober. He has a brother by the name of Robin. The latin term for Mark is Markus Coberus. Back in the early days, Mark had a troubled child hood. Although as he got older, things began to get better. He learned how to drive, he got a job at St. Francis Nursing Home in Cranberry PA, and his grades in school greatly improved.

Then he found Laura Probst, sister to Jeremy Probst. Laura and Mark dated for sometime. Laura never had a crush on stoner Brian "Brain Drain" Dietz. Things went downhill from there. Laura had enough and broke up with Mark, not once, but TWICE. Mark had a brief job washing dishes at Old Country Buffet, working along old comrades Jeremy Probst and Tito. Then after a brief stint at Ames, working as a stock boy, he returned to St. Francis. Soon afterward he graduated from High School in June of 2001.

Today, after a relationship that was rough on Mark, he continues to work full time at St. Francis. But things have changed greatly. St. Francis is not doing well financally, Laura Probst is no longer with Garret, and Brian Dietz has joined the circus. Who knows what the future may hold. He enjoys hunting deer with his father. He likes to eat deer jerkey and have meat on the table. He also has a go-cart which him and Robin cruise around in on his father's land.

The many faces of Mark

Mark in 7th Grade, looks like elmo!

Mark in 8th Grade, looks like Moe from the Three Stooges!

Mark in 9th Grade, ready for bowling!

Mark in 10th Grade, real sick hill billy.

Mark in 11th Grade, thoughts of Amanda.

Mark as a senior, ready to date Amanda!

Mark as he appeared summer 2002

Legally blond........and yellow, and green!

Mark in Super Saiyen level 3

Mark in 2018!

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