Ode To My Back Fusion:
What I wrote on
Sharon Branson
Two weeks ago at this very
same time,
I was waking myself up from
the anesthesia line,
"Oh Lord turn me over,
get me off of my back",
"Oh no" said the
nurse, "it's time there you lack".
"You must lie there
still for a little bit more,
I know that it hurts, and it
feels pretty sore.
You've been hacked on and
screwed, your dressing looks good.
Now here's more Dilaudid,
relax, Babe, you should".
Well back in my room I feel
better and turned,
A task very tough I will soon
have to learn.
My IV is running, that little
button I push.
It dulls my sharp pain, turns
my brain all to mush.
I'm up later on, thinking to
But Lord, what this garden
hose coming from me?
And YIKES, there's another
sticking out of my wound.
My backside is aching and all
tightly bound.
My nurses are lovely, the
students and aids.
They helped me quickly when
my nurse call I played.
Except for this one, I won't
mention by name.
She's reached in my book,
pure negative fame.
My adrenals and blood count
took a nice heave-ho.
I needed a transfusion,
oh where can it go?
The IV team placed it without
a picc line,
But it leaked under my skin,
in a matter of time.
Oh my the bruise, oh my the
But Nursey won't stop it, my
tears were in vain.
So back they all came and put
in the line.
Red blood infused safely after
some time.
After all this fussin' I was
ready to leave.
"Doc Prusick", I
said, "send me home please".
So home we did go and I'm
safely in Dean's care
I'm healing each day with
loving to spare.
We're camped in our loft with
computers and TV,
And music and soft chairs and
Torch lake to see.
My Vicodin's here, my shower
my bed.
Where usually my guests lay
down their sweet heads.
It's two weeks since hacking
and screwing my back.
My leg pain is gone I can
tell you that.
I love Dr. Prusick and I love
Dr. Dean,
The best in this world, how
lucky I've been.
My friends have been praying
I'd soon be well.
And I'm beginning to know
this back fusion went swell
Thanks for your patience and
spending your time.
In reading my little hospital
adventure rhyme.
Sharon Branson

visit Sharon's Site

created By Pam Gallo
