My Frozen

The sun
shines brightly on my frozen lake.
The snow, a
light cover it makes.
cloudless sky is blue and soft.
And my
thoughts are freely aloft.
I love this
place we chose to be.
In our
twilight years, He and Me.
family's close, friends are near.
We stay here throughout
the whole year.
We share
our spot with Cedars and Pine.
And rocks,
the creek, my gardens sublime.
The animals
come out at night to play.
Four deer
last night near the creek did lay.
We enjoy
the seasons, especially spring.
The winter
is cold, deep chills it brings.
is beautiful when God paints the scene.
With reds, gold's,
and oranges, replacing the green.
warms the lake to a brilliant blue.
turquoise, like no other, a beautiful hue.
Here come
the grand's to play in the boat.
And water
toys that keep all afloat.
Evenings we
gather around the campfire.
marshmallows, the stars we admire.
God knows
best where to put each one.
glitter and gleam, tiny midnight suns.
But for
now, there before me, my frozen lake.
What a
serene picture for me it makes.
I love the
color that seems to shine through.
turquoise God made, like His eyes of blue.
I guess
we'll live here forever and a day.
We'll do
some work but mostly we'll play.
And when
God calls us on the very last day.
We'll thank
Him for such a beautiful place to stay.

Graphic Is an
Photograph of
Branson's Lake
