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I Left My Heart On Blue Mountain

We Knew there was Something Special

About The Mountain of Blue..

The One We Looked at Together

On a Warm Summer Day , Just Me & You.

The Precious Look of Serenity

That I Beheld In Your  Beautiful Eyes...

Gave Some Peace to My Heart that was Breaking

For the Moment I would have to Say Goodbye.

Your  Words Softly spoke It was the First time

You have Ever felt so Close to God...

Your Words  were My Only Consolation

For a Decision that Would be so Hard.

My heart Silently cried

How Could I leave You ...


My Spirit Dead from the Thought

Of  a Life Without You.


To Live Out My days with the memory...


That I left My Heart on the Mountain of Blue.

Never doubt How much I Love You

From Infinity Into Beyond ...

Remember Me as You gaze at Blue Mountain

That way  You Can  Always carry On.

We Knew there was Something Special

About The Mountain of Blue

The One We Looked at Together

On a Warm Summer Day , Just Me & You.

 Please Never doubt I Shall  always Love You

From Infinity Into Beyond ...

Remember Me as You Gaze at the Mountain of Blue

 That  Our Memories Forever Live On.


For My Angel Tae

I Love You Infinity & Beyond



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