Remind me again
Sharon Branson

It's muggy today, I hate it so
I wish it were days of
heavenly snow
My sinuses are running, that
lily I picked
Should have known better, it's
made me sick.

My head ache is pounding, my
back aches too
What's a complaining
hypochondriac to do.
Write poetry she said, without
a stop
Before this misery blows my

And Hubby is grouchy, not
feeling swell
His projects are bombed, not
going well
He drags around here all
grumpy and sad
Grrrrr, it makes me also feel
quite mad.

Miss Mary Engelbriet, our
Had a saying I loved and
through years have saved
"Snap Out of It" she
says, with mirthful glee
What good advice for Hubby and
We're blessed beyond blessed
each day of the week
We can't ask for more,
please pinch my cheek
And Forgive me Lord, for feeling so
Remind me again, You died on
the cross.
Thank you.

Sharon Branson

Page Created By
Pam Gallo
