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May 2, 2006 -

We have moved the 623rd web site to a different host to acquire more space for growth, and to accomodate some new features for the future.

The new site will be found at (click on)

When you get there please create a new 'bookmark' or 'favorite' for it so that you can return to it easily.

The old site will remain for a while but will not be updated.

Thanks - J. London, Webmaster

U. S. Air Force - 623rd AC&W Squadron

Okinawa and the Ryukyu Archipelago

"Typhoon Alley" "The Rock"

 This website is respectfully dedicated to the men and women who staffed and continue to staff the many military units associated with the air defense of Okinawa and the USA.

What's new for March 12, 2006: New pictures - Motobu 1950 by Dave Hammond. Also; a few songs are back, more soon - see 'Tunes' below.

December 2005 - Newsletter

 Feature this; A word of thanks - by Newt Heisley. 

Although our name suggests we are only the 623rd AC&W veterans, in reality we are veterans of many groups involved in the air defense of Okinawa. These include, the 624th & 851st AC&W Sq, Det.1 HQ 313 Air Divsion, 529th AC&W Gr & 2152 Comm Sq ( Okinawa air defense).

For information about joining the 623rd AC&W association, which includes reunion information, newsletters and ways to contact "old pals", just click on the E mail address below. No obligation, and we'd like to hear from you. Gary Friesen E-mail:

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The Detachments

miyako.bmp miyako.bmp Sq_Patch2.jpg yozadake.bmp
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Association Topics

Announcements. Before and After.
2004 Reunion pictures. 2004 Reunion pictures (II).
Archived Newsletters. Minutes - 2004.
Assn. ByLaws. Membership.
Patches. Taps.
History. Tunes.

The last known flag still existing that flew over any 623rd AC&W Detachment was this one from Yoza Dake in 1973.

That same flag shown here somewhat faded and frayed, waves proudly for a few moments in New Jersey, July 11, 2001 to have her photo taken.

What is missing from the photo is the sound she made snapping in the wind.

Member John Park has kindly preserved her and passed her on for all of us.

623rd bumper stickers
Contact Ray Walker to order -


Bob Roher's site - Camp Bishagawa. Camp Bishagawa by Gerald Ingraham.
Vietnam Veterans Memorial. Air Force Memorial Foundation.
Stunning photos of Okinawa by Robert Brenner. To be announced.

The address of this website is ''. Please use this address to call up the site and set it in your browser as a 'favorite.'

The entire content of this web site is protected by US copyright law. The individual pictures remain the property of the owner, and are also subject to copyright by the owner. If you wish to republish any of this web site, please contact the Webmaster at Permission to use is typically granted. Thanks - J London.

© 623rd AC&W Reunion Assn. 2004 - 2005 - All rights reserved.
John London - Webmaster.