*****8 Over Par...dun dun the saga continues...8op will be touring the country as of April 2002...tour dates will be posted shortly******
****yes its true 8 Over Par has broken up and the members have all gone there seperate ways.......we want to thank all that have supported us through out the past 2 years.....its been so much fun playing for you guys, and trying to show you all a good time........who know maybe someday we can do it again just for kicks.........."what are the guys doin???" Mike Magyar and Joe Rolling have both been accepted to great colleges where they are focusing on there education.....Mike Bell has moved out to California to focus on his music career, dont be suprised if you hear great things from mike real soon......Steinwand is still attending William Patterson University, where he is also focusing on his education (music recording).......Reo and Bob have joined a new group where they are focusing once again on having fun and making memories w/ music, check out there new groupHidden In Plain view the both of them are also attending college to keep themselves busy............anyway thanks again guys......we'll see you around, and if you see us dont hesitate to stop and say hello.........hold on to your cd's and mass produce to your friends......and ya never know someday who knows we may just all have to get together and wing a show or something.....lata ****
8 Over Par: punk/pop/ska made by hicks for your listening pleasure.
We are going into the studio next week to lay down some tracks for our next release wich will be 5 song acoustic E.P……….yeah that's right, its not every day a ska band puts out an acoustic album……..we just want to have some fun and experiment with other types of music that we are into and love to play………Anyway we are still selling CDR's of our full length, if you don't have a copy yet come get one at a show or just order it through the mail………..new merch is in the process of being made (posters, stickers, and patches) we will let you know when everything is in………come check us out this weekend at The Palace to help save the Rain Forests……..personally im not all about the rain but I sure do dig the Forests………catch ya lata……8op For more info e-mail us
and Check out the official
8 Over Par web site
catch ya'll later, Rob
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